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sammarko sammarko
9 years ago
1. How did the addition of aldosterone affect urine volume (compared with baseline)? Can the reabsorption of solutes influence water reabsorption in the nephron? Explain.

2. How did the addition of ADH affect urine volume (compared with baseline)? Why did the addition of ADH also affect the concentration of potassium in urine (compared with baseline)?

3. What is the principal determinant for the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex?

4. How did the addition of both aldosterone and ADH affect urine volume (compared with baseline)?

5. What is the principal determinant for the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland? Does ADH favor the formation of dilute or concentrated urine? Explain why.

6. Which hormone (aldosterone or ADH) has the greater effect on urine volume? Why?

7. If ADH is not available, can the urine concentration still vary? Explain your answer?

8. Consider this situation: you want to reabsorb sodium ions but you do not want to increase the volume of the blood by reabsorbing large amounts of water from the filtrate. Assuming that aldosterone and ADH are both present, how would you adjust the hormones to accomplis the task?
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Valued Member
9 years ago
Review Sheet Results
1. How did the addition of aldosterone affect urine volume (compared with baseline)? Can the reabsorption of solutes
influence water reabsorption in the nephron? Explain. How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
My prediction was correct
2. How did the addition of ADH affect urine volume (compared with baseline)? How well did the results compare with your
prediction? Why did the addition of ADH also affect the concentration of potassium in urine (compared with baseline)?
Your answer:
Addition of ADH significantly increases the urine concentration and the potassium concentration while significantly
decreases the urine volume.
3. What is the principal determinant for the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex?
Your answer:
Aldosterone release is stimulated by production of angiotensin II which is under control of the body’s renin-angiotensin
4. How did the addition of both aldosterone and ADH affect urine volume (compared with baseline)? How well did the
results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
It decreased drastically from baseline of 201.00 to 12.67
5. What is the principal determinant for the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland? Does ADH favor the
formation of dilute or concentrated urine? Explain why.
Your answer:
Decreased blood pressure and the need to reabsorb sodium
6. Which hormone (aldosterone or ADH) has the greater effect on urine volume? Why?
Your answer:
ADH. Antidiuretic Hormone (or ADH) is responsible for secreting (controlling) the water content to urea and salts in the
Think of ADH as a "save water" signal to your kidneys. It is therefore produced in times of water shortage, but not when
there is plenty of water in the blood.
So, when there is a shortage of water the pituitary gland increases the production of ADH, and when there is a large
concentration of water, ADH production is lowered
7. If ADH is not available, can the urine concentration still vary? Explain your answer.
Your answer:
If ADH is not available, other factors may vary like permiability of reabsorbing tissues and the amout of solutes ( osmolarity )
of the tubules themselves.
8. Consider this situation: you want to reabsorb sodium ions but you do not want to increase the volume of the blood by
reabsorbing large amounts of water from the filtrate. Assuming that aldosterone and ADH are both present, how would you
adjust the hormones to accomplish the task?
Your answer:
Increase aldosterone / decrease ADH
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