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Jermain_ Jermain_
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Posts: 6410
10 years ago
When considering Kohlberg’s work on moral development in addition to Gilligan’s work, which of the following is true?
A) Gilligan’s work on moral reasoning emphasized justice and equality whereas Kohlberg’s did not.
B) Kohlberg’s original research had an equal amount of males and females as participants, therefore his theory applies to all individuals.
C) Kohlberg’s research concludes that moral reasoning differs between the sexes, with women attaining a higher level than men.
D) Kohlberg’s work in moral reasoning emphasized compassion, caring, and concern for others.
E) Gilligan’s research demonstrates that males and females do not differ in the complexity of their moral reasoning.
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9 years ago
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Jermain_ Author
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9 years ago
8 years ago
Just double-checked, it's correct.
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