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rixa85 rixa85
Posts: 115
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12 years ago
1) evolution can only work on genetic traits.

2) most successful populations have ways of maintaining their genetic variation.

3) the wings of birds and wings of bats are homologous structures.

4)the wings of flies and wings of birds are analogous strucutres.

5) The hardy wienberg principle applies to nearly all natural population.

6) mutation is accounted for in Hardy weingberg equilibrium

7) stabilizing selection is most likely to occur in populations that are well adapted to their environment.

8) selection of the dark form of the peperred moth in industrial regions is an example of directional selection.

9) medical intervention is likely to have a negative effect on the human gene pool.

**10 points for giving explanations and stating source**
-thanks for helping

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12 years ago
I'll do my best.

1) evolution can only work on genetic traits.

I'd say this is TRUE, because I'm interpreting "genetic traits" to be the opposite of "acquired traits".  Evolution is, after all, a change in allele frequencies, and what are alleles but variations of genes?

2) most successful populations have ways of maintaining their genetic variation.

Again, I'm going to say TRUE.  Genetic variation is typically essential to success, because it prevents species from putting all of their eggs into one genetic basket.  If a hardship befalls a population with no genetic variation, it will either kill every member of the population, or none of them.  However, if a hardship befalls a population that DOES exhibit variation, some members (the best adapted) are likely to survive and propagate their better adapted genes.

3) the wings of birds and wings of bats are homologous structures.

FALSE.  Homologous structures share physical similarities that are most likely the result of shared ancestry.  Although birds and bats have a very distant vertebrate ancestor, that ancestor did not have wings.  Birds and bats evolved wings separately, and the wings took on similar shape in response to similar environmental pressures.  Bird and bat wings are therefore an example of analogy, not homology.

4)the wings of flies and wings of birds are analogous strucutres.

TRUE.  Analogous structures are structures that bear a superficial similarity in appearance or function, but which descend from a different ancestry.  This is an example of convergent evolution - similar structures evolve in response to similar environmental pressures.

5) The hardy wienberg principle applies to nearly all natural population.

FALSE.  The Hardy-Weinberg principle is meant to model populations that are in genetic equilibrium.  If a population is in genetic equilibrium, no evolution is occurring.  However, the conditions of genetic equilbrium (very large population, no genetic drift, no gene flow, no mutations, and no natural selection) are not all met by any given population.  Therefore, the H-W principle may apply to a particular TRAIT within a population, but almost never applies to a population as a whole.

6) mutation is accounted for in Hardy weingberg equilibrium

As I pointed out in the previous answer, this statement is FALSE.  Mutations are the first step toward evolutionary change, and the H-W principle does not allow for evolution.

7) stabilizing selection is most likely to occur in populations that are well adapted to their environment.

This is kind of a tricky question, but I'll say TRUE.  I say that because stabilizing selection selects for the "average", and against the "extremes".  In other words, if the "average" characteristic of a population is well-adapted, then that characteristic will be selected for.

8) selection of the dark form of the peperred moth in industrial regions is an example of directional selection.

This is TRUE.  Directional selection occurs when one extreme is selected over the other.  In the case of the peppered moth, dark moths were selected for and light moths were selected against.

9) medical intervention is likely to have a negative effect on the human gene pool.

This is a judgement call question, and it's difficult to answer without resorting to any kind of agenda.  For example, if you think that medicine is allowing people with genetic defects to survive much longer than they normally would have, and often to reproduce, then the answer is TRUE.  However, if you feel that, even with all of our medical advances, we will never be able to truly conquer these genetic conditions, and if you feel that they would persist in the human population with our without our intervention, then the answer is FALSE.  Really, it's a bad question, particuarly if your teacher expects a certain answer from you.

I hope that helps.  Good luck!
12 years ago
1) true...becuz mutation are used when referring to things like non disjunction in chromosomes and other genetic defects.

2) true...the only way a population can be said to be successful is if it can produce offspring who can also have babies that way there genes remain within the gene pool.

3)true...becuz the wings are structurally similar.

4) false...becuz they are also structurally similar so they should be homologous.

5)false... it applies only to stable populations.

6) false.... a hard-Weinberg equilibrium should include no mutations.

7)true...it is when the intermediate types are favored and have a higher fitness than either of the two extremes.

8) true... becuz only one extreme was favored and the intermediate and other extreme were favored against.

9)true.... becuz drastic changes in the human Gene pool may not have some happy results.
12 years ago

trust me on these answers!!! did this for a long time!!!!
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