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lovesong lovesong
Posts: 4186
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8 years ago
A 28-year-old male has been stabbed in the chest with a hunting knife. As you perform your primary survey, you see that air is escaping from the wound. What is the reason for this?
A) When the mechanics of breathing are disrupted, a negative pressure cannot be created to pull air through the normal air passages and air is sucked through the wound.
B) Chest integrity has caused disruption of the mechanics of breathing over pressuring the plural space, taking the air flow through the wound.
C) The disruption of chest integrity has caused bronchoconstriction to increase, which makes the only pathway for the air through the wound.
D) With the addition of a second passage, the positive pressure in the chest balances with the atmospheric pressure to create a fail segment that allows for air to be sucked through the wound.
Emergency Care

Emergency Care

Edition: 12th
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8 years ago
lovesong Author
8 years ago
That worked! Thanks Slight Smile
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