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BuggerFormic BuggerFormic
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11 years ago
When solving a linear equation in one variable, the objective is to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. What does that mean? Give an example.
When solving a linear equation in one variable, the objective is to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. What does that mean?
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11 years ago
for example
get both of the x-terms on one side by subtracting 4x on each side

11 years ago
So you want to get the variable your solving for by itself
11 years ago
2x = 4  divide by 2 on both sides so that 2/2 = 1 so you have x = 2
11 years ago
you want to get X by itself.

so if the equation is..
2x+4=8 you want to first subtract 4 from each side, leaving 2x alone..

this makes 2x=4

next you want to get x by itself (isolating the variable) so you are going to divide by 2 on each side.. giving you

hope that helps!
11 years ago
Isolate y to solve for it
11 years ago
Basically, Solve for Y

 +4     +4

2x should be in fraction form though which would be y=2/1x + 4

2/1= Slope

4= Y-intercept
Proper formart of a linear equation is y=mx+b

m= Slope

b= y-intercept

Its easier to get a single variable on the left instead of right.

Hope this helped. ( we reviewed this in math today )
11 years ago
I think I know what you're saying ... but here's an example:
Say you have the equation: 5x + 5 = 10.
Take away 5 from each side to get 5x = 5. Divide by five and your answer is x = 1, and you've isolated it .... I think.
11 years ago
Well Ok......
It means if you have an eq lik.......
4x+4=2x+8............ it means you got to put all the variables (x's) to one side ( left )

So its like 4x-2x = 8-4
....................Easy------->   =)
11 years ago
ex. solve equation 3x - 8 = 7

3x - 8 is an expression

3x - 8 with the EQUAL sign to a # gives us an equation

3x - 8 = 7 is an equation with one varible, which is x
to isolate the variable, x, we must add 8 to both side of the equation.

3x - 8 + 8 = 7 + 8     Because this is an equation everything we do on one side we must do to the side of the equal sign for balancing

3x = 15 We still have to get rid of the 3 in front of the x, 3 writen next to the x means that it is multiplying x, so to undo a multiplication we divide both side by 3

3x/3 = 15/3 ---> x=5
We just isolated, solved, for x.

3x - 8 = 7 <<----- This equation is aking you what number, x, multiply 3 and minus 8 equals 7
And x = 5 is our answer

The number 5 multiply 3 minus 8 equals 7.
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