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7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, bio_man
Refer to Scenario 3.1. Tony was breathing heavily but still able to walk to the finish line. Why?
A) Tony was breathing heavily because he was trying to get enough oxygen to his tissues to start producing ATP again in large amounts. He was still able to walk because, even though he lacked oxygen at the end of his electron transport chain, he was still producing a small amount of ATP via glycolysis.
B) Tony was breathing heavily because he needed to release the heat generated through metabolism. Because he was overheated, he had to walk.
C) Tony was breathing heavily because he was trying to get enough oxygen to his tissues to start producing ATP again. He was able to walk because he still had enough oxygen getting to his brain to keep him conscious.
D) Even though he had used all of his energy, he was able to produce a small amount of ATP via gluconeogenesis. However, the effort to do so caused him to breathe heavily.
E) None of the answers is correct.
Principles of Human Physiology

Principles of Human Physiology

Edition: 5th
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