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ILoveBIO30 ILoveBIO30
Posts: 87
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7 years ago
1. In a paternity suit, DNA fingerprinting is a test to assist in determining who is the father. If you identify bands that the mother and child have in common, then any bands remaining in the child's DNA fingerprint must be found in the father's DNA fingerprint. Using the information above, determine who is the father of a child.

2. What does  Process Y  represent?

a. Fertilization
b. Oogenesis
c. Spermatogenesis
d. Gastrulation

3. This diagram of a cellular structure shows

a. two homologous tetrads
b. two sister chromatids
c. one tetrad of chromatids
d. one crossed-over pair of chromosomes

4. Which of the following events occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis

a. separation of chromatids
b. DNA replication
c. synapsis
d. separation of DNA into two cells
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7 years ago
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4 years ago
3 years ago
Thank you for the wonderful information. It was interesting to analyze these data.
3 years ago Edited: 3 years ago, Jacob Hilton
It's not the first time I've heard of what can be done in a paternity lawsuit, a DNA fingerprint is a test to help determine who the father is. Where have you heard about it? Not so long ago I used a website that helped me write a study essay. On this website, in search of the right material, I found an essay on the subject of student exploration: DNA fingerprint analysis. It is a very interesting topic, which is related to the lines on our fingers. After all, each fingerprint is unique and it is truly delightful.
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