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lesab1 lesab1
Posts: 13
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11 years ago
From what I know, the dot product results in a new magnitude of a new vector, resulted from the "dot" of two vectors. Cross product results in a new vector with direction and magnitude resulted from the "cross" of two vectors.

What I do not understand is why does the dot product produce a magnitude of a new vector but not a direction of that respective vector. If dot product does that, then how does that compare to cross product, where cross results in a magnitude AND direction.

Can someone clarify this?
Also, if dot results in magnitude, and cross results in magnitude and direction, then what is the point of doing dot product if cross product can do the same and also produce a direction? Or is this the wrong idea about dot and cross products?
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Posts: 16
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
The dot product gives a result that is a scalar (a number.)
The cross product gives a result that is a vector.

They are completely different operations that have no fundamental connection to each other.
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