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mickey16 mickey16
Posts: 40
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11 years ago
What is the cross product of the cross product of the dot product of the vectors a = <3,4,5> and b = <5, 6, 7>?

What does it geometrically mean?
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11 years ago
you cannot find the cross product of the dot product of two vectors.
The dot product of two vectors results in a scalar, and the cross product is an operation formed on two vectors, so you need two VECTORS as inputs.
Your question does not make sense.
11 years ago
Lets say you have two vector a and b.  Take the dot product

a . b = s where s  = scalar.  Now the cross product of a scalar with a vector is undefined - cross products are only defined among vectors.  So I don't understand the question.  Perhaps you phrased it incorrectly?
11 years ago
Well, when you do the dot product of two vectors, you get a scalar, and when you do the cross product of two vectors, you get a vector back.  In your case though, it's not possible, since you can't do a cross product of scalars because that's not defined.
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