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leslieandrus leslieandrus
Posts: 17
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11 years ago
The question says:
For each equation in Exercises 10-18: a.Identify the slope and the vertical intercept of the graph. b.Draw the graph. c. Write increasing function, decreasing function, or constant function to describe the graph.

10) y=x+15
11) y= -2x+7
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11 years ago
Good question:

If you have a function y = ax + b   like you do here then a is the slope, and b is where the graph crosses the y-axis.

So the slope will always be the number standing in front of the x.

in 10) its 1
in 11) its -2

The vertical intercept is always the number after the x.

in 10) its 15
in 11) its 7

To draw the graph you "try" two different x-values (example x = 2 and x = 4)

You`ll get a value which is the y-value for each of them.

Plot these two (x = 2, y = answer) and (x = 4, y = answer)

And draw a line between them. You have now plotted a linear graph.

c) Increasing functions is where the slope (the number in front of the x) is positive. (The slope increases to the right)

Decreasing functions is where the slope (the number in front of the x) is negative. (The slope decreases to the right)

Constant functions is where the slope is = 1.
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