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Ronyn Ronyn
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7 years ago
Elitist views of interest groups emphasize that
A) the leaders of powerful interest groups tend to think they are superior to the average citizen and thus they demand special privileges from government not accorded the rest of society in order to maintain themselves as a privileged elite.
B) because there are so many groups, their effect on policy is insignificant.
C) a system of interlocking directorates reinforces the power of the few dominant groups.
D) groups are essentially equal in their power and thus cancel each others' influence on policymakers.
E) group competition weakens the ability of any one group to dominate.
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7 years ago
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Ronyn Author
7 years ago
I really wasn't expecting anyone to answer because I found this question to hard.

Thanks for not only providing the answer, but also putting me on the right path to move forward
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