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Transgenic Rat Transgenic Rat
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7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, Transgenic Rat
Can someone please show me a simply diagram showing the effects of ras pathway. All the google diagrams suck. Half the diagrams are leaving out huge gaps like showing PI3 Kinase, but no akt!!? Some don't show myc...then some don't show what myc activates. Some show fos/jun ap1 being activated just by ras raf mek/erk which is wrong. Some are too detalied in other areas.

It's SOOO confusing because no one has bothered to put up a simple map. You have to piece a bunch of crap together. Anyone have a map that isn't SUPER detailed, but just basic and shows all the proteins? Scientists need to learn how to communicate. It seems they want to make things more difficult just to make themselves feel superior.

How do you get to FOS/JUN? Is it differnet pathway to fos then to jun? Each step in different diagrams shows a different route when I google it.. What does FOS/JUN activate? Does it activate MDM2? Where does ETS fit in? What about ELK1

Activation of myc = ras raf merk erk? Correct? What specific genes does myc activate?

What does AKT activate/Inhibit? Bad?

He're a pathway map

It show erk only activiating Elk1. I thought it activates FOS? What the hell?
Read 216 times
4 Replies
7 years ago
It's SOOO confusing because no one has bothered to put up a simple map. You have to piece a bunch of crap together. Anyone have a map that isn't SUPER detailed, but just basic and shows all the proteins? Scientists need to learn how to communicate. It seems they want to make things more difficult just to make themselves feel superior.

Sounds to me like you're becoming a scientist soon, why not teach them how it's done by piecing a completed one together and uploading it into our gallery Smiling Face with Open Mouth Face with Stuck-out Tongue

I believe it goes like, once RAS is activated: RAS Rightwards Arrow RAF Rightwards Arrow MEK-P* Rightwards Arrow MAPkinase-P* Rightwards Arrow Which then enters the nucleus

7 years ago
I think this animation may help, aside from her annoying voice:

Transgenic R. Author
7 years ago
Thank you, Great video! but does ERK actually directly activate a fos/jun ap1 complex? Or was that just a simplification to get across the big picture?

I actually found an excellent diagram.

I have some questions about his diagram.

In the middle of the diagram,
If you look at Ras--Raf---MEK---Mapk(I'm guessing ERK under another name)....Right below MEK It goes to---->3 Different possibilities. 1)MEKK 2)MAPK 3)MKK

I think MAPK is just another name for ERK, but what are MEKK and MKK?

MKK activates jun kinase called JNK which then phosphorylates JUN activating, correct?
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7 years ago
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