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Shoruke Shoruke
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6 years ago
Do animals without bones (like eels, which are cartilaginous fish) have bone marrow? If not, how do they produce red blood cells?
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6 years ago
I don't think so. Red bone marrow isn't the only site where red blood cells are produced and in bony fish and cartilaginous fish that don't have bones like sharks and rays, the main places where red blood cells are made are in the spleen and in the front section of the kidneys.
6 years ago
Chondrichthyes, like sharks, do not have bone marrow, red blood cells are produced in the spleen and the epigonal organ (special tissue around the gonads, which is also thought to play a role in the immune system). They are also produced in the Leydig's organ, which is only found in certain cartilaginous fishes. The subclass Holocephali, which is a very specialized group, lacks both the Leydig's and epigonal organs.
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