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iScience iScience
Posts: 78
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10 years ago
they say carbonation intensifies the effect of certain drugs.

is it that the carbonation is just speeding up some reaction responsible for the drug's effect or the absorption into the body (if it's one of these two, which one is it? or is it both?) ?

or.. is it that the carbonation actually increases the total effect that the drug would have had without the carbonation?
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Staff Member
10 years ago
they say carbonation intensifies the effect of certain drugs.

I've never heard of this claim before, do you mind sharing a resource? Sort of interesting
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
iScience Author
10 years ago
no references, but there are several medications that say 'do not consume with alcohol' on the bottle. i thought that's because of the carbonation in the alcohol we were trying to avoid taking the drug with. Is it actually the alcohol itself we're not supposed to be taking it with?
Staff Member
10 years ago
Not the carbon in the alcohol, but the alcohol itself that should be avoided for obvious reasons. Good question by they way.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
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