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Joyeau Joyeau
Posts: 1158
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6 years ago
Behaviorist theories share a number of common underlying assumptions. Describe three assumptions that behaviorists make and the implication of each one for classroom practice.
Your Introduction to Education: Explorations in Teaching

Your Introduction to Education: Explorations in Teaching

Edition: 3rd
Read 333 times
2 Replies
Also using: Follari - Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education: History, Theories, and Approaches to Learning, 3rd Edition

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6 years ago
Assumptions underlying behaviorism are these (the student's response should describe at least three of them):
   • People's behaviors are the result of their experiences with the environment.
   • Learning involves a change in behavior.
   • Learning can be described in terms of stimulus-response relationships.
   • Learning is more likely to occur when there is contiguity between two stimuli and/or responses.
   • Many species, including humans, learn in similar ways.
 Each assumption should be accompanied by an appropriate implication.
Joyeau Author
6 years ago
Thank you for the answer, REALLY helped
Also using: Follari - Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education: History, Theories, and Approaches to Learning, 3rd Edition
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