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bobaholic bobaholic
Posts: 29
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11 years ago
any pros/cons of big universities?
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8 Replies

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11 years ago
well i know of a few cons because i've had experiences with both big and small colleges. A university usually contains a large amount of students that can actually range more than 50+ students in one core class. whereas a smaller college will have 21 maximum.
Pro: if you are into this type of thing, its easier to meet people, and get a good amount of friends from a university.
another con: teachers are not all about helping the student, they have too much on their plate, so no one will easily pay attention and focus on the needs of one student.

well this is why I attended a private college... i kind of need the softer amount of pressure
11 years ago
pros is that you can get a 4 year degree instead of a 2 year degree, and a con is being in a class with a bunch of students in an auditorium, so you cant really get close to the teacer
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10 years ago
Rutgers University is near me, and several of my friends attend school there. Some cons they have told me about include traffic (they have to take buses to different campuses for some of their courses and sometimes are late for class due to traffic), not getting the attention they need from advisors or professors, and feeling more like just another face.
If you are reading this, you are awesome, and I wish you a happy and prosperous day!
10 years ago
I like to be in a medium size school where you can at least recognize some of the faces of passerbys. It makes the school a lot more homey.
10 years ago
Doesn't matter, just as long as they are reputable. Personally, however, I'd pick a smaller one because you get to interact with your professors more on a one-on-one basis. It's important to create that bond because it assists in learning and you feel there's someone out there that genuinely cares how well you do. In larger schools, you don't get that sort luxury.
10 years ago
Just depends I prefer a smaller college. I went to a bigger college and transferred back to a smaller one next semester. Actually it wasn't that much bigger enrollment wise I think 20,000 vs 16000 undergrads. However how the class size was it  seemed like it should have been way more. The smaller college lets us pay $25 a semester fee as part of our tuition to rent all the hardcover books we need for enrolled classes. Its really a question of do they have their stuff together or not.
10 years ago
I love going to a small college. I get to know my professors. It is so nice to be able to walk across campus and a professor will stop and say hi and know my name. I feel that it is easier to work with professors at a smaller school. I had many finals on one day. I was able to get one of my finals moved after talking to my professor. I feel like you might not have advantages like that at a big school.
10 years ago
I like to be in a medium size school where you can at least recognize some of the faces of passerbys. It makes the school a lot more homey.

woord, medium size schools feel just right not to big where you can get lost but not to small that everyone knows your business. plus classes tend to be more interesting with less people.
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