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Tgrabez7 Tgrabez7
Posts: 93
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2 years ago
Elaborate on one of the following instructional approaches. Make sure to state strengths and limitations. 
a.Differentiated instruction
Developing the Curriculum

Developing the Curriculum

Edition: 9th
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2 years ago
When teachers differentiate instruction, they might give some students an entirely different reading (to better match their reading level and ability), give the entire class the option to choose from among several texts (so each student can pick the one that interests them most), or give the class several options for completing a related assignment (for example, the students might be allowed to write a traditional essay, draw an illustrated essay in comic-style form, create a slideshow “essay” with text and images, or deliver an oral presentation).

Alternatively, when teachers scaffold instruction, they typically break up a learning experience, concept, or skill into discrete parts, and then give students the assistance they need to learn each part. For example, teachers may give students an excerpt of a longer text to read, engage them in a discussion of the excerpt to improve their understanding of its purpose and teach them the vocabulary they need to comprehend the text before assigning them the full reading.
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