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4 years ago
Topic: Effect of Exercise on Arterial Pressure and Vascular Resistance
1.   Exercise will cause MAP to
2.   Exercise will cause systemic vascular resistance to
3.   Exercise will cause CO to
Materials and Methods
1. Dependent Variable
2.. Independent Variable
  3. Controlled Variables
4. Identify one variable that was not controlled in this study (not dependent or independent variables; hint: think about possible
differences between subjects).
5. SVR was calculated using values for BP, CO, and HR. What instrument was used to measure each of the following?
1. Blood pressure
2. Stroke volume
3. Heart rate
Table 2: Effect of Exercise on Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure (SBP, SDP), Heart Rate (HR) and Stroke Volume
1. Resting and exercising systolic BP -
a. What was the average resting systolic BP?
b. What was the average exercising systolic BP?
c. The range of normal resting systolic BP for the subjects in this experiment is 115-125 mmHg. Did systolic BP increase, decrease, or not change with exercise?

2. Resting and exercising diastolic BP -
a. What was the average resting diastolic BP?
b. What was the average exercising diastolic BP?
c. The range of normal resting diastolic BP for these patients was 75-85 mmHg. Did diastolic BP increase, decrease, or not change with
3. Resting and Exercising MAP -
a. What was the average resting MAP?
b. What was the average exercising MAP?
c. The range of normal resting MAP for the subjects in this experiment is 88-98 mmHg. Did MAP increase, decrease, or not change with exercise?

4. Resting and Exercising CO -
a. What was the average resting CO?
b. What was the average exercising CO?
c. The range of resting CO for the subjects in this experiment is 4.55-5.55 L/min. Did CO increase, decrease, or not change with exercise?
5. Resting and Exercising SVR -
a. What was the average resting SVR?
b. What was the average exercising SVR?
c. The range of resting SVR for the subjects in this experiment is 10.2-12.03 mmHg per min/L. Did SVR increase, decrease, or not change with
1.   Explain what caused the observed changes in systolic BP and MAP with exercise.
2.   Compare the resting and exercising systemic vascular resistance values and discuss what causes the observed change with exercise.
3.   3.  Explain how the change in MAP and SVR affected blood flow and why this is important.
4.   4. Restate your predictions that were correct and give data from your experiment that support them. Restate your predictions that were not correct and correct them with supporting data from your experiment.
6.   Application
7.   1. Calcium channel blockers, a type of anti-hypertensive drug, block the entry of calcium into smooth muscle which causes smooth muscle to relax. Explain how this decreases blood pressure.
8.   Explain why cutting an arterial vessel will cause a greater loss of blood over the same amount of time than cutting a venous vessel.
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