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10 years ago
11) The sperm chromosome maps are more likely to be DeP than DEP. Explain. (Thumbnail #1)

Hint - Again the location of the alleles on the chromosome is important. The farther apart, and the greater the distance from the centromere, then the higher the cross-over rate.

12) A Drosophila with white eye colour was crossed with a Drosophila with apricot eye colour:  50% of the offspring had apricot eye colour and 50% had honey eye colour. The genotypes of the parents were E4E4 and
(Thumbnail #2)
A) E1E4
B) E2E4
C) E2E3
D) E2E2

Hint - Wild type:  E1E1,  E1E2,  E1E3,  E1E4
Apricot:     E2E2,  E2E3,  E2E4
Honey:      E3E3,  E3E4
White:       E4E4

see (sr) Genetics 7

 > means dominant over

13) Thumbnail #3 | A cross of a wild-type fly carrying the allele for white and a wild-type fly carrying the alleles for apricot produces offspring with the ratio of

A) 1 wild type: 1 apricot: 1 honey: 1 white
B) 9 wild type: 3 apricot: 3 honey: 1 white
C) 2 wild type: 1 apricot: 1 honey: 0 white
D) 3 wild type: 1 apricot: 0 honey: 0 white

Hint for Question 13
Wild type:  E1E1,  E1E2,  E1E3,  E1E4
Apricot:     E2E2,  E2E3,  E2E4
Honey:      E3E3,  E3E4
White:       E4E4

see (sr) Genetics 7

14) Consider the following hypothetical case: in some birds, a dominant gene is lethal. When a homozygous dominant gene is lethal, a heterozygous condition results in short and crooked wings, and a bird that is homozygous reccessive is normal in wing structure.

What is the phenotype ratio if two heterozygous short and crooked-wing birds were crossed?

A) 1: 2 : 1
B) 3: 1
C) 1: 1
D) 2: 1

Hint for Question 14
WW, homozygous dominant is lethal resulting in dead birds. Ww represents short and crooked wings, and ww  is the genotype of normal birds. (THUMBNAIL #4)

15) Another example of lethality occurs when homozygous recessive is lethal. If nn is lethal in an organism, how many of a population of 120 have the lethal genotype when two heterozygous individuals are crossed?

A) 25
B) none
C) 30
D) 65

Hint for Question 15
nn (lethal) appears in the lower right box in the Punnett square.

INFO - This is to be remembered when combined with other traits. For example to have blue eyes (1/4) and be a girl, the probability is 1/4  X  1/2 = ___. (Fundamental Counting Principle)

16) Sex determination in humans is a chance event. A family consisted of nine boys, including two sets of twin boys. Each pair of twins made a pitcher-catcher combination on a baseball team. The family would like to have a daughter. What is the chance that their tenth child will be a girl ? (THUMBNAIL #5)

A) 25%
B) 50%
C) (1/2)10
D) 10%

17) What chance would a family have of getting three boys in a row?

A) 3/4
B) 1/2
C) 1/8
D) 1/4

Hint for Question 17
Any one of these children will not have any impact on the sex of either of the other two. They are independent events.

18) Hypophosphatemia is an X-linked dominant disorder that causes a type of rickets. Which statement about people with this disorder is likely true?

A) Affected males produce all affected daughters and no affected sons.
B) Affected heterozygous females transmit the trait to all their sons.
C) Affected heterozygous females transmit the trait to all their daughters.
D) Affected males produce all affected sons and no affected daughters.

Hint for Question 18
Complete a Punnett square for each alternative to see which is a true statement.

Logic word is ______ ?
Correct: dominant inheritance, not recessive. This changes everything in the Punnett squares.

19) The colour of eyes in fruit flies is determined by a gene on the X chromosome with two alleles.

    XR = red eyes;         Xr = white eyes

Cross a red eye male to a white eye female. Show the genotypes and phenotypes, including the sex, of the parents and offspring.

21) Two different genes control the expression of coat colour in an organism. The allele B produces a black coat colour and the allele G produces a gray-striped coat. The gene B influences the expression of gene G. The gray-stripped coat pattern appears only when gene B is homozygous recessive. An albino (coat colour lacking) occurs when both genes are homozygous

A pure-breeding black coated organism was mated with an albino organism; all offspring had black coats.

The genotypes of the parents of these F1 offspring could be

A) bbGG  x  BBgg
B) BbGG  x  bbgg
C) Bbgg  x  bbGG
D) BBGG  x  bbgg

Hint for Question 21
Form parents of the different types of parents.
What might a black be ______ ?
What might the genotype of a gray be _____ ?
What is the genotype of an albino _____ ?

22) Two different genes control the expression of coat colour in an organism. The allele B produces a black coat colour and the allele G produces a gray-stripped coat. The gene B influences the expression of gene G. The gray-stripped coat pattern appears only when gene B is homozygous recessive. An albino (coat colour lacking) occurs when both genes are homozygous

A pure-breeding black coated organism was mated with an albino organism; all offspring had black coats.

Organisms of the F1 generation are suspected of being heterozygous for both genes. A test cross of albino organisms with the heterozygous organisms should produce a phenotypic ratio in the offspring of

A) 3 : 1
B) 1 : 0
C) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1
D) 2 : 1 : 1

Hint for Question 22
     BG   Bg     bG    bg    
bg BbGg Bbgg bbGg bbgg
    colour? colour?colour? colour?
Proceed carefully.

23) Numerical Response

What is the probability of albino offspring being produced from the test cross in the previous question?

(Record your answer as a value from 0 to 1, rounded to two decimal places.)

Hint for Question 23
Did you position a 0 before the decimal?

27) If two Labrador retrievers with the genotype BbEe were to be crossed, what phenotypic ratio would be expected in their offspring?  (THUMBNAIL #6)

Answer:     _____:   _____:   ______   
                  Black    Brown    Golden

30) The answer that provides correct information about the genotypes for individuals I-1, II-1, and II-4 is (THUMBNAIL 7)

A) I-1 is IAi; II-1 is IAIA or IAi or IAIB or IBi; II-4 is IAi

B) I-1 is IAIA; II-1 is IAIA or IAi or IBIB or IBi ; II-4 is ii

C) I-1 is IAi; II-1 is IAIA or IAi; II-4 is ii

D) I-1 is IAIA; II-1 is IAIA or IAi; II-4 is IAi

31) Assume that individual II-4 has blood type A. The probability of individuals II-2 and III-3 having type O blood, respectively, is (Thumbnail 8)

A) II-2 is 0.00  and  III-3 is  0.00
B) II-2 is 0.00  and  III-3 is  0.25
C) II-2 is 0.25  and  III-3 is  0.25
D) II-2 is 0.25  and  III-3 is  0.00

32) THUMBNAIL 9 | Which of the above parents could have a baby with blood type O?
A) Parents 1 and 2
B) Parents 1 and 4
C) Parents 2 and 4
D) Parents 2 and 3

Hint for Question 32
See (sr) Genetics 8.
What are the possible genotypes, try all of them.

33) THUMBNAIL 10 | The predicted phenotypic ratio for the children of parents 3 is

A) 1/2 type A and 1/2 type B
B) 1/4 type A, 1/4 type B, 1/4 type AB, and 1/4 type O
C) 1/2 type AB and 1/2 type O
D) 1/4 type A, 1/2 type O, and 1/4 type B

Hint for Question 33
a punnett square will help
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10 years ago Edited: 6 years ago, bio_man
10 years ago
bio_man or Padre, could you pls help out with these question? thnx
9 years ago
need these exact questions to!! Frowning Face
9 years ago
does anyone have the answers to these questions???
n Need these questions!! Anyone know them??
9 years ago
All these questions havee been answered in previous fourms.
zoeksyrianos Author
9 years ago
All these questions havee been answered in previous fourms.

What are the answers? Mind posting them? Frowning Face
8 years ago
can someone please post the link of the previous forums with answers. Please and thank you! Slight Smile
8 years ago
Can someone help! i need to solve the same questions!
Help would be appreciated! Slight Smile
8 years ago
need help. Anyone have the link?
8 years ago
need help. Anyone have the link?

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8 years ago
need help. Anyone have the link?

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#13 thumbnail #3 is bothering me could anyone please answer this one it would be greatly appreciated
6 years ago

That's a good start
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