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Memphic Memphic
Posts: 728
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6 years ago
Another oil refiner is offering to trade you 10,150 Bbls of Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude oil for 10,000 Bbls of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil.  Assuming you currently have 10,000 Bbls of WTI crude, what should you do?
A) Sell 10,000 Bbls WTI crude on the market and use the proceeds to purchase and refine ANS crude.
B) Do nothing, refine the 10,000 Bbls of WTI crude.
C) Trade the 10,000 Bbls WTI crude with the other refiner and refine the 10,150 Bbls of ANS crude.
D) Trade the 10,000 Bbls WTI crude with the other refiner and then sell the 10,150 Bbls of ANS crude.
Corporate Finance: The Core

Corporate Finance: The Core

Edition: 4th
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6 years ago
Explanation:  A) Sell 10,000 Bbls WTI crude for 10,000 × $73.06 = $730,600
Buy $730,600/$71.75 = 10,182.5 Bbls of ANS, which is higher than 10,150 Bbls ANS
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