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Actomik Actomik
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6 years ago
Describe the optimal diet for a male elite athlete.
Nutrition: A Functional Approach, Canadian Edition

Nutrition: A Functional Approach, Canadian Edition

Edition: 3rd
Read 42 times
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6 years ago
The energy intake might range from 2500-7500 kcal (10 460-31 380 kJ) per day, depending upon the type, intensity and duration of the activity. Ideally, the carbohydrate component would comprise at least 60% of the total energy, and depending upon the sport, should provide from 5 to 10 grams of carbohydrate per kg body weight per day. Fat should be approximately 15% to 25% of total energy, and be predominately monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Protein for endurance activities should be 1.4 to 1.6 grams per kg body weight; for strength activities it can be slightly lower (1.0-1.7 g/kg). It is important to have enough fluids to maintain body weight and replenish any weight lost during an athletic event. Two litres of water a day to maintain health and activity are recommended, and athletes might need up to 10 litres a day if exercising in a hot environment. The athlete might need slightly more thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin, and should meet the AI for calcium and the RDA for iron.
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