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livestrong136 livestrong136
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12 years ago
1. Energy output. The Gibb’s free energy value for glucose is -2870kJ/mol or -686kcal/mol. If the one molecule of ATP releases 30.5 kJ/mol or 7.3 kcal/mol, calculate the theoretical efficiency (showing your work) for cellular respiration and for anaerobic respiration.

2.Explain why ethanol can be used as fuel.
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9 years ago
1. Energy output. The Gibb’s free energy value for glucose is -2870kJ/mol or -686kcal/mol. If the one molecule of ATP releases 30.5 kJ/mol or 7.3 kcal/mol, calculate the theoretical efficiency (showing your work) for cellular respiration and for anaerobic respiration.

Every text book has slightly different numbers for the number of ATP molecules produced by the complete metabolism of a single glucose molecule. Suppose, that your text says you can produce 38 ATP per glucose. Now, each of those ATP represents 30.5 kJ of energy that was "trapped" during metabolism. So multiply 30.5 kJ by the number of ATP produced to calculate the amount of energy that was trapped in the form of ATP.

Now, by dividing that value by 2870 kJ, you can calculate the efficiency of aerobic respiration.

For anaerobic respiration, you know that you form a net of only 2 ATP molecules. Multiplying 2 X 30.5 again will calculate the energy conserved in anaerobic respiration. Dividing that by 2870 kJ will give you the efficiency of that process.

Hope this helps.
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