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salaacarterr salaacarterr
Posts: 9
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10 years ago
1. In which experiment was the hormone glucagon used?
* I have attached a picture for question 1

2. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) has a significant role in calcium homeostasis in humans. A rise in PTH levels stimulates all the following except
a)the breakdown of bones and teeth to release calcium into the blood

b) the increase in absorption of calcium from the intestines to raise calcium levels

c)the increase in absorption of calcium ions by kidney nephrons

d)the deposition of calcium into bones and teeth making them strong and healthy

3. The effect of epinephrine (adrenaline) is similar to stimulation of the

a) sensory-somatic nervous system

b)sympathetic nervous system

c)parasympathetic nervous system

d)central nervous system
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Staff Member
10 years ago
1. In which experiment was the hormone glucagon used?
* I have attached a picture for question 1


2. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) has a significant role in calcium homeostasis in humans. A rise in PTH levels stimulates all the following except
a)the breakdown of bones and teeth to release calcium into the blood

b) the increase in absorption of calcium from the intestines to raise calcium levels

c)the increase in absorption of calcium ions by kidney nephrons

d)the deposition of calcium into bones and teeth making them strong and healthy

Parathyroid hormone is released in response to low extracellular concentrations of free calcium. When calcium concentrations fall below the normal range, there is a steep increase in secretion of parathyroid hormone. Low levels of the hormone are secreted even when blood calcium levels are high. The figure to the right depicts parathyroid hormone release from cells cultured in vitro in differing concentrations of calcium.

3. The effect of epinephrine (adrenaline) is similar to stimulation of the

a) sensory-somatic nervous system

b)sympathetic nervous system

c)parasympathetic nervous system

d)central nervous system

Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago Edited: 10 years ago, Bermystudent
Thanks so much your explanation for the second questions helped me out a lot!!!
For anyone else reading this the answer for 2. is D if you have any trouble understanding Padre's kind response.
Staff Member
10 years ago
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
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