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Which of the following are included on the Student Resource Website?
Which of the following are included on the Student Resource Website?
Which of the following are included on the Student Resource Website?
A) Tutorials on writing research reports in APA style
B) Numerous resources for each chapter
C) An interactive study guide/lab manual
D) All of the above
Referencing Help   Cremeux   246   3   stylez   9 years ago
The Student Resource Website (Multiple Choice Question)
The Student Resource Website (Multiple Choice Question)
The Student Resource Website
A) is thoroughly integrated with the content of the textbook.
B) is available to students who purchase a separate subscription.
C) can replace the text for those students who want to avoid the cost of the text.
D) includes access to several advanced level textbooks.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   229   3   stylez   9 years ago
The best way to learn anything is
The best way to learn anything is
The best way to learn anything is
A) through the process of active learning.
B) by reading the material carefully.
C) by listening carefully to your instructor's lectures.
D) through the process of passive learning.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   238   3   stylez   9 years ago
Ethical principles for research were developed to help guide
Ethical principles for research were developed to help guide
Ethical principles for research were developed to help guide
A) research participants.
B) government oversight committees.
C) instructors of research methods courses.
D) researchers.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   291   3   stylez   9 years ago
The authors of your textbook maintain that ethical guidelines for research
The authors of your textbook maintain that ethical guidelines for research
The authors of your textbook maintain that ethical guidelines for research
A) must be learned by every student of science.
B) are only a matter of common sense.
C) need not be studied.
D) do not apply to psychology.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   281   3   stylez   9 years ago
The ethics of science and scientific research
The ethics of science and scientific research
The ethics of science and scientific research
A) are not mentioned in this text.
B) are immensely important.
C) are not understood by most scientists.
D) are relatively unimportant in psychology.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   224   3   stylez   9 years ago
The primary evidence for pseudoscience is usually
The primary evidence for pseudoscience is usually
The primary evidence for pseudoscience is usually
A) experimental research.
B) high constraint.
C) presented in scientific journals.
D) anecdotal.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   175   3   stylez   9 years ago
The most common practitioners of pseudoscience are
The most common practitioners of pseudoscience are
The most common practitioners of pseudoscience are
A) drug companies.
B) research assistants.
C) television advertisers.
D) All of the above
Referencing Help   Cremeux   176   3   stylez   9 years ago
Why were so many professionals fooled into believing that facilitated communication with people who
Why were so many professionals fooled into believing that facilitated communication with people who
Why were so many professionals fooled into believing that facilitated communication with people who had autism was possible?
A) Most were simply following the principles of communication established by early psychologists.
B) They failed to be skeptical and entertain other interpretations of the findings.
C) They were fooled by people who was masters at deception.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   203   3   stylez   9 years ago
In facilitated communication, (Multiple Choice Question)
In facilitated communication, (Multiple Choice Question)
In facilitated communication,
A) teachers help young children to learn the basics of English grammar.
B) individuals called facilitators help deaf individuals to speak more clearly.
C) specialists working with autistic individuals try to help those individuals to express feelings and ideas.
D) psychologists interpret the underlying meaning of statements made by p
Referencing Help   Cremeux   255   3   stylez   9 years ago
Recovered memory therapy is an example of
Recovered memory therapy is an example of
Recovered memory therapy is an example of
A) breaking down barriers to effective therapeutic change.
B) a treatment that was based on pseudoscientific principles.
C) a technique that is now widely accepted by psychologists.
D) a program that helped millions of psychologically disordered individuals.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   287   3   stylez   9 years ago
________ uses unscientific methods, theories, assumptions, and conclusions that pretend to be scient
________ uses unscientific methods, theories, assumptions, and conclusions that pretend to be scient
________ uses unscientific methods, theories, assumptions, and conclusions that pretend to be scientific.
A) Humanism
B) Pseudoscience
C) Deuteronomy
D) Pragmatism
Referencing Help   Cremeux   334   3   stylez   9 years ago
Although psychology had its roots in the natural sciences, it is often considered to be
Although psychology had its roots in the natural sciences, it is often considered to be
Although psychology had its roots in the natural sciences, it is often considered to be
A) one of the seven hub sciences.
B) a branch of physics.
C) a pseudoscience.
D) a physical science.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   196   3   stylez   9 years ago
Most psychologists represent ________ psychology, which integrates many schools, such as behaviorism
Most psychologists represent ________ psychology, which integrates many schools, such as behaviorism
Most psychologists represent ________ psychology, which integrates many schools, such as behaviorism or Gestalt psychology.
A) integrated
B) mainstream
C) combined
D) selected
Referencing Help   Cremeux   316   3   stylez   9 years ago
________ precipitated a shift in psychology from an academic discipline to a largely applied field.A
________ precipitated a shift in psychology from an academic discipline to a largely applied field.A
________ precipitated a shift in psychology from an academic discipline to a largely applied field.
A) Sigmund Freud
B) University Solidarity
C) Charles Darwin
D) World War II
Referencing Help   Cremeux   291   3   stylez   9 years ago
Which of the following is NOT an example of an effort to integrate ideas from different schools and
Which of the following is NOT an example of an effort to integrate ideas from different schools and
Which of the following is NOT an example of an effort to integrate ideas from different schools and disciplines?
A) behavioral medicine
B) behavioral neuroscience
C) didactic science
D) health psychology
Referencing Help   Cremeux   184   3   stylez   9 years ago
The dominant clinical model of psychotherapy in the 1930s and 1940s was
The dominant clinical model of psychotherapy in the 1930s and 1940s was
The dominant clinical model of psychotherapy in the 1930s and 1940s was
A) rational emotive therapy.
B) psychoanalysis.
C) behaviorism.
D) cognitive therapy.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   200   3   stylez   9 years ago
The ground breaking work of Kenneth and Mamie Clark heavily influenced the
The ground breaking work of Kenneth and Mamie Clark heavily influenced the
The ground breaking work of Kenneth and Mamie Clark heavily influenced the
A) developmental theories of Piaget.
B) early behavioral treatments of depression.
C) development of functionalism in the United States.
D) Supreme Court decision ending racial segregation in public schools.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   310   3   stylez   9 years ago
In addition to women, what group experienced heavy discrimination in the early 20th century in psych
In addition to women, what group experienced heavy discrimination in the early 20th century in psych
In addition to women, what group experienced heavy discrimination in the early 20th century in psychology graduate schools?
A) African Americans
B) Chinese
C) Mexicans
D) None of the above
Referencing Help   Cremeux   244   3   stylez   9 years ago
Edward B. Tichener was the mentor for the first female to earn a Ph.D. degree in psychology. Neverth
Edward B. Tichener was the mentor for the first female to earn a Ph.D. degree in psychology. Neverth
Edward B. Tichener was the mentor for the first female to earn a Ph.D. degree in psychology. Nevertheless, he
A) refused to offer her a job after graduation.
B) disagreed with the position of the university to grant her the degree.
C) never allowed her to attend his weekly research meetings.
D) refused to allow her to teach.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   180   3   stylez   9 years ago
In the early twentieth century, women
In the early twentieth century, women
In the early twentieth century, women
A) were generally well accepted as professionals in psychology.
B) entered graduate schools in great numbers.
C) were discriminated against by university graduate programs.
D) earned nearly 35% of the advanced degrees in psychology
Referencing Help   Cremeux   210   3   stylez   9 years ago
In the early 20th century, a group of people generally barred from higher education were
In the early 20th century, a group of people generally barred from higher education were
In the early 20th century, a group of people generally barred from higher education were
A) Caucasians.
B) Protestants.
C) women.
D) the wealthy.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   237   3   stylez   9 years ago
The field that studies perception, learning, and memory is
The field that studies perception, learning, and memory is
The field that studies perception, learning, and memory is
A) behaviorism.
B) humanistic psychology.
C) psychoanalysis.
D) cognitive psychology.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   235   3   stylez   9 years ago
The "school" of psychology that emphasized holistic experience was
The "school" of psychology that emphasized holistic experience was
The "school" of psychology that emphasized holistic experience was
A) functionalism.
B) structuralism.
C) Gestalt psychology.
D) humanistic psychology.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   290   3   stylez   9 years ago
Cognitive psychology (Multiple Choice Question)
Cognitive psychology (Multiple Choice Question)
Cognitive psychology
A) now routinely addresses applied issues.
B) has no history as an academic discipline.
C) focuses on academic research with no possible applied value.
D) grew out of nineteenth century humanism.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   232   3   stylez   9 years ago
A major concept in Humanistic Psychology is
A major concept in Humanistic Psychology is
A major concept in Humanistic Psychology is
A) social stratification.
B) self-actualization.
C) the unconscious mind.
D) learning.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   221   3   stylez   9 years ago
Humanistic psychology (Multiple Choice Question)
Humanistic psychology (Multiple Choice Question)
Humanistic psychology
A) was never influential.
B) grew out of behaviorism.
C) never developed into a "school" of psychology.
D) is the major psychotherapeutic model today.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   203   3   stylez   9 years ago
Conscious experience, creativity, and personal growth are central ideas in
Conscious experience, creativity, and personal growth are central ideas in
Conscious experience, creativity, and personal growth are central ideas in
A) humanistic psychology.
B) behaviorism.
C) psychophysics.
D) psychobiology
Referencing Help   Cremeux   344   3   stylez   9 years ago
A study of test taking behavior under stressful conditions is most typical of which type of psycholo
A study of test taking behavior under stressful conditions is most typical of which type of psycholo
A study of test taking behavior under stressful conditions is most typical of which type of psychology?
A) behaviorism
B) psychoanalytic
C) functional structuralism
D) structural functionalism
Referencing Help   Cremeux   736   3   stylez   9 years ago
Behaviorism is the study of
Behaviorism is the study of
Behaviorism is the study of
A) actions caused by the conscious mind.
B) instinctive animal behaviors.
C) specific actions.
D) unconscious processes causing behavior.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   267   3   stylez   9 years ago
The chief spokesperson for early behaviorism was
The chief spokesperson for early behaviorism was
The chief spokesperson for early behaviorism was
A) Edward Hull.
B) Francis Galton.
C) Edward Watkins.
D) John Watson.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   287   3   stylez   9 years ago
Gestalt psychology focuses on (Multiple Choice Question)
Gestalt psychology focuses on (Multiple Choice Question)
Gestalt psychology focuses on
A) specific individual behaviors.
B) the whole, which is less than the sum of its parts.
C) the whole, which is greater than the sum of its parts.
D) analyzing the whole in separate parts.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   260   3   stylez   9 years ago
Psychology as an independent discipline had its roots in the laboratory of
Psychology as an independent discipline had its roots in the laboratory of
Psychology as an independent discipline had its roots in the laboratory of
A) Wilhelm Wundt.
B) Ernst Mach.
C) Sigmund Freud.
D) Alfred Binet.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   241   3   stylez   9 years ago
A study focused on the clinical treatment of children would most typically have developed from
A study focused on the clinical treatment of children would most typically have developed from
A study focused on the clinical treatment of children would most typically have developed from
A) structural functionalism.
B) functionalism.
C) structuralism.
D) Gestalt psychology.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   201   3   stylez   9 years ago
The trend in early psychology in America was a movement from
The trend in early psychology in America was a movement from
The trend in early psychology in America was a movement from
A) Gestalt psychology to functionalism.
B) behaviorism to structuralism.
C) functionalism to structuralism.
D) structuralism to functionalism.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   390   3   stylez   9 years ago
Wilhelm Wundt's work was known as
Wilhelm Wundt's work was known as
Wilhelm Wundt's work was known as
A) structural functionalism.
B) structuralism.
C) functionalism.
D) behaviorism.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   412   3   stylez   9 years ago
Psychology as an independent scientific discipline started in the laboratory of
Psychology as an independent scientific discipline started in the laboratory of
Psychology as an independent scientific discipline started in the laboratory of
A) Wilhelm Wundt.
B) Ernst Weber.
C) Ivan Pavlov.
D) Sigmund Freud.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   242   3   stylez   9 years ago
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the evolution of psychology?
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the evolution of psychology?
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the evolution of psychology?
A) biology
B) astronomy
C) physiology
D) astrology
Referencing Help   Cremeux   235   3   stylez   9 years ago
The Darwinian concept of natural selection
The Darwinian concept of natural selection
The Darwinian concept of natural selection
A) was taken directly from the nineteenth century humanitarian movement.
B) emphasized individual differences, and later led to psychological testing.
C) described the choices that people are free to make when they are not bound by ethics.
D) down-played the biological changes that can occur over generations.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   196   3   stylez   9 years ago
The discipline of psychology is devoted to
The discipline of psychology is devoted to
The discipline of psychology is devoted to
A) the scientific study of behavior.
B) the study of the psyche.
C) understanding social systems.
D) performing various kinds of psychotherapy.
Referencing Help   Cremeux   312   3   stylez   9 years ago
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