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Ch14-16 Vol3

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Psychology: Themes and Variations, 5th Edition
Ch. 14 - Stress, Coping & Health Amelie is a first-year university student who is living away from home for the first time. She is living in a shared room on campus with her roommate, Anita. Though Amelie is very excited to be attending university, and so far she has managed to do well on her exams (usually earning a B+ or A-), she still gets very anxious at certain times. Anita, on the other hand, is a little more laid back, does not care as much about her grades, and though she does fine on her exams (usually earning a B or B-), she knows she could do better if she put her mind to it. Even though they did not know each other before becoming roommates, Amelie and Anita have become friends since the beginning of the school year. 1. Amelie has an upcoming exam. According to Albert Ellis, if she tells herself ___________, then she will be ______ stressed. A. “I might fail this exam, and that is okay”; more B. “This exam might be tough, but exams are not stressful”; more C. “I refuse to fail this exam. I will do well”; less D. “This exam might be tough, but I studied hard”; less ANSWER: D 2. Going into final exams, Anita finds out that if she does not maintain a B+ average, she will lose her entrance scholarship. How might this news most likely affect Anita’s health? A. She will not be affected because she has a Type B personality. B. Her health will decline if she feels as though she is in control of her grades. C. Her health will not be greatly affected because this is a minor stressor. D. Her health will only be affected if she believes she will lose her scholarship. ANSWER: D 3. Going into final exams, Anita finds out that if she does not maintain a B+ average, she will lose her entrance scholarship. Choosing between the _________ and the ________ represents an approach-avoidance conflict that might arise after she finds out this information. A. boredom of studying; embarrassment of telling her parents she lost her scholarship B. victory of achieving good grades; fun she will miss out on while studying C. victory of achieving good grades; feeling of success she will get from studying D. boredom of studying; fear of failing the course ANSWER: B 4. Amelie studies hard for her exams, but still worries she will fail. When is this stress beneficial? A. Stress is never beneficial. B. When the level of stress is low enough to not impact her performance. C. When the level of stress is high enough to maximize her performance. D. When the level of stress is as high as possible. ANSWER: C 5. Amelie has the goal to achieve an A- average through her first year of university; however, she has received grades on tests and papers that have been lower than an A- so far. If she set this goal herself, the stress she feels when she gets low grades is considered __________; whereas, if her parents set this goal for her, it is considered ________. A. frustration; conflict B. pressure, conflict C. frustration; pressure D. pressure; frustration ANSWER: C 6. Amelie is experiencing considerable stress. __________ is considered a __________ form of coping. A. Procrastination; adaptive B. Forming a study group; constructive C. Seeking social support; avoidant D. Cognitive restructuring; maladaptive ANSWER: B Kevin is a first-generation Chinese-Canadian. Both of his parents came to Canada for university, and when they married after graduation, they decided to continue living in Canada. Kevin was born shortly after their marriage, and has dual citizenship. His parents have since become Canadian citizens, as well. When Kevin was 10 years old, his grandmother died and his grandfather came from China to live with his family in Canada. 1. Because both of Kevin’s parents work full-time, and Kevin has a flexible schedule while he is in university, Kevin’s mother often asks Kevin to take his grandfather to doctor’s appointments. If these requests cause Kevin stress, what is the worst thing for him to do? A. Pretend it does not bother him. B. Tell himself he is being helpful. C. Tell himself not to be upset. D. Take a deep breath and relax his muscles. ANSWER: A 2. When Kevin’s mother first came to Canada for university, she knew very little English, but believed her first year would be an exciting adventure, and she did not find it very stressful. Albert Ellis would call her belief a ________, but it could also be called ____________ . A. rationalization; cognitive appraisal B. activating event; cognitive restructuring C. activating event; constructive coping D. consequence; cognitive restructuring ANSWER: A 3. Kevin’s grandmother was chronically ill for some time before she died, and Kevin’s grandfather had been taking care of her. Because of this, when Kevin’s grandfather comes to Canada, he is expected to ________ because _________. A. be sick less often; all of his routine hassles disappeared with his wife’s death B. be sick more often; he has reached the exhaustion stage of the stress response C. be sick less often; his body is in the alarm stage of the stress response D. be sick less often; he is ignoring the sadness he feels due to his wife’s death ANSWER: B 4. Kevin hears about a group of Chinese seniors that meets to play Mahjong on his university campus every Tuesday at 2pm. He believes this will be good for his grandfather because ___________. A. it will provide him with emotional support only B. it will provide him with social support C. it will reduce his perceived integration D. it will increase his perceived marginalization ANSWER: B Darius is a first-year university student who has made his school’s basketball team. The team is hoping to defend its national championship title for the fifth year in a row. Unfortunately, in the last game of the regular season, the team captain sprains his ankle. This means that Darius will be in the starting line-up for both the provincial and national championship tournaments. Because of the change in the starting line-up and the high-stakes games that will be coming up soon, the head coach thinks it is a good time for a stress and coping intervention. 1. If Darius tells himself “You were chosen for this position for a reason, you are a good player who will get the job done.” What is this an example of? A. Darius is reaffirming his self-efficacy. B. Darius is using relaxation to reduce arousal. C. Darius is shifting his cognitive appraisal. D. Darius is challenging the consequences of his belief system. ANSWER: A 2. Throughout these stressful events, Darius shows that he is able to stay positive and optimistic. According to much of the research on optimism, this means he will likely ___________. A. become more religious later in life B. have a Type B personality C. have a diverse social network D. live longer with a high quality of life ANSWER: D 3. Whenever Darius goes to make a free throw shot, his arousal levels increase quite a bit. To reduce his arousal, he bounces the ball twice and spins it backwards once. This superstitious movement reduces his arousal level because ___________. A. the repetitive action is calming B. he believes it will reduce his arousal level C. he is getting rid of the excess energy in his muscles D. the ball provides him with biofeedback markers ANSWER: B 4. The injured captain of the basketball team still feels a large amount of stress about the outcome of the championship games, even though he is not playing. Why is this? A. He has less control over the outcome than he did before. B. He is avoiding coping with his emotions. C. He shifted from the “resistance” stage to the “alarm” stage after his injury. D. His appraisal of the situation has changed and he’s filled with hopelessness. ANSWER: A 5. Going into the last two minutes of the championship game, Darius’ coach makes a motion to the crowd to get them to cheer more loudly for his players. What is he trying to do? A. Give his players an extra little bit of adrenaline. B. Shift his players from the “alarm” stage of the stress response to the “resistance” stage. C. Remind his players that the fans love them. D. Put additional pressure on his players. ANSWER: A Noah has just finished his undergraduate degree and is applying to become a pilot for the Royal Canadian Air Force. During the last year of his degree, he would often stay in when all his friends went out to party so he could spend extra time studying for either his university exams or the National Defense aptitude tests he will have to write soon after his last exam. Though he is often tired, he feels accomplished and prepared for the chance to make his dream come true. 1. Noah has worked very hard through his four-year degree, and worked especially hard during his last year. He also needed to stress his body with exercise so that he would meet the fitness requirements necessary for a pilot. Due to this, Noah is likely at the _______ stage of the stress response and __________________________. A. alarm; experiencing sympathetic nervous system activation B. resistance; experiencing sympathetic nervous system activation C. resistance; no longer experiencing sympathetic nervous system activation D. exhaustion; prone to becoming sick more often ANSWER: D 2. If Noah’s best friend Sam gives Noah a placebo the morning of his aptitude test, Sam is hoping to help Noah ______________. A. cope with his stress B. reaffirm his positive self-illusion C. use constructive coping D. use avoidance coping ANSWER: A 3. Noah finds out that he has been selected to become a pilot and will need to start basic training in two weeks. This causes ________ stress. However, once he arrives at basic training, this will probably switch to __________ stress due to the strictness of the drill sergeants. A. pressure; change B. conflict; pressure C. change; pressure D. change; frustration ANSWER: C Ch.15 - Psychological Disorders Marino is a first-year university student who has a single room in residence on campus. He is very organized and follows his self-made schedule very rigidly. Though he usually keeps his door closed, his hall mates who have seen his room claim it is the cleanest room they have ever seen, and often say they wish they could be as neat and organized. Marino, however, sticks to his schedule and keeps his room this clean for a reason. It does not make sense to him for something to be out of place or to do something that is not in his schedule. Marino has offended many people in the past, so he and his parents decided it would be best if he lived alone at university. So far, this has proven to be both expensive and lonely. Marino often feels sad and wishes he could be more relaxed, like his peers. 1. Is Marino’s behaviour considered to be legally abnormal? A. Yes, it is deviant and personally distressful. B. No, he is able to distinguish right from wrong. C. Yes, he is not able to distinguish right from wrong. D. No, it is not maladaptive. ANSWER: B 2. Is Marino’s behaviour considered to be medically abnormal? A. Yes, it is personally distressful. B. No, it is not deviant nor maladaptive. C. No, it is not maladaptive. D. Yes, it is deviant, maladaptive, and personally distressful. ANSWER: A 3. Imagine that Marino is in fact, diagnosed as having a psychological disorder and 3% of the adult population also suffers from this disorder. This 3% is known as the ___________. A. etiology B. concordance C. prevalence D. comorbidity ANSWER: C 4. Marino is curious about whether his behaviours are considered to be normal or not. He knows he should probably see a psychologist. According to your lectures, what would be a benefit of visiting the psychologist? A. A diagnosis might become a self-fulfilling prophecy. B. A diagnosis might increase his self-esteem. C. A diagnosis might make it easier for him to find a support group. D. A diagnosis might reduce his self-esteem. ANSWER: C 5. Given that we are not clinical psychologists or psychiatrists and should not diagnose Marino (or anyone!) based on a short case study, imagine that Marino’s doctor does diagnose Marino with a psychological abnormality. According to your lectures, Marino’s symptoms best match which psychological abnormality? A. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder B. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder C. Obsessive-Compulsive Anxiety Disorder D. Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorder ANSWER: A 6. When Marino receives a diagnosis, his doctor provides him with a prescription. By doing this, his doctor is trying to address the ___________. A. medical etiology B. biopsychosocial etiology C. increased risk of comorbidity D. increased risk of diathesis ANSWER: A Lukas is a first-year university student who often feels very worried and anxious. Whenever he talks to his Mom about his anxiety, she mentions that even as a young child, he would get anxious about “even the smallest and most ridiculous things.” Lately, however, Lukas’ anxiety has been growing stronger. Lukas and his therapist have come to believe that the origin of Lukas’ anxiety is probably related to an incident in kindergarten when his classmates laughed at him for forgetting that he was presenting his rock collection at Show & Tell. 1. If Lukas is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, which of the following is most likely? A. Lukas’ identical twin will also be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. B. Lukas will also be diagnosed with another anxiety disorder or depression. C. One of Lukas’ two best friends will also be diagnosed with anxiety disorder. D. Lukas will also develop a phobia or obsessive-compulsive disorder. ANSWER: B 2. According to the learning theory etiology of anxiety disorders, ____________ that now leads to Lukas’ conditioned response of anxiety. A. the laughter of others is the unconditioned stimulus B. having to present his own work is the conditioned stimulus C. presenting to his class is the unconditioned stimulus D. his rock collection is the conditioned stimulus ANSWER: B 3. The cognitive factors surrounding anxiety disorders predict that Lukas will be most anxious when he believes ______________. A. there is no way he can succeed and the consequences of failure are great B. there is no incentive for him to succeed C. he can only succeed if he has an innate talent and hard work does not pay off D. his father will be very disappointed in him if he does not succeed ANSWER: A 4. Imagine Lukas is diagnosed with a phobia of loud laughter. Imagine that the prevalence of this phobia is 109 per 1,000 population and that the gender ratio (female:male) is 188:90. This means approximately _______________ of the population are phobic of loud laughter. A. 11% & fewer males than females B. 1% & more males than females C. 0.1% & fewer females than males D. 1% & more females than males ANSWER: A Recently, Anton was diagnosed with schizophrenia and prescribed medication to control his symptoms. At times, when he is feeling well, he decides that he does not need his medication and will stop taking it. In these cases, his symptoms return. His mother Emily and his twin brother Jude have been coached by his medical team to watch out for certain symptoms. If they see any indication of these symptoms, they are to bring Anton to the ER immediately. 1. If, when not taking his medication, Anton becomes worried he will be assassinated, this is considered a symptom of _____________. A. paranoia B. grandeur C. becoming catatonic D. becoming disorganized ANSWER: A 2. Emily and Jude want to know how they can help prevent Anton’s relapses. What might Anton’s doctor suggest? A. Let Anton know how scared they get when he does not take his medication. B. Help Anton to avoid stressful or frightening situations. C. Help Anton to make friends his own age who have similar interests. D. Let Anton describe to them what will best help him in the moment. ANSWER: B 3. If Anton has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and is sitting, appearing to be awake, but is not responding to questions, then he is likely experiencing ________. A. symptoms of hallucinations B. symptoms of amnesia C. fugue state symptoms D. catatonic symptoms ANSWER: D 4. Anton and Jude are identical twins. Why does Anton suffer from schizophrenia while Jude does not? A. Emotional differences B. Social differences C. Biological differences D. Individual differences ANSWER: D 5. Anton and Jude are identical twins. If both of them undergo an MRI of their brain, it is expected that ____________. A. Anton will likely have a larger amount of brain tissue than Jude. B. Anton will likely have a smaller amount of brain tissue than Jude. C. They will have the same amount of brain tissue, but Jude’s prefrontal cortex will be smaller and his ventricles will be larger. D. They will have the same amount of brain tissue, but Anton’s prefrontal cortex will be smaller and his ventricles will be larger. ANSWER: B Romy suffered a severe trauma in her early childhood, and even though she is now in high school, she has never shared the secret of this trauma with her parents. She has suffered psychological symptoms as a result of the trauma, and recently required hospitalization because her symptoms have become increasingly more severe now that she is in her last year of high school and experiencing more stress. The psychiatric team believes it is time for her to share her secret with her parents so they can help her overcome her trauma. 1. If the psychological symptoms Romy is experiencing include gaps in her memory for quite large periods of time, Romy is most likely suffering from which psychological disorder? A. Dissociative amnesia B. Dissociative identity disorder C. Dissociative fugue. D. Pathological conscious dissociation ANSWER: A 2. If Romy is suffering from dissociative identity disorder, it is least likely that Romy experienced which type of trauma in early childhood? A. Intense verbal bullying from her classmates B. Intense physical bullying from her classmates C. Sexual abuse committed by a stranger D. Sexual abuse committed by an acquaintance ANSWER: A 3. If Romy is experiencing symptoms of PTSD caused by having been sexually assaulted by a stranger when she was younger, she is more likely to experience ________ than ________. A. mistrust; fear of physical harm B. betrayal; guilt C. guilt; betrayal D. fear of physical harm; guilt ANSWER: D Ch. 16 - Treatment of Psychological Disorders Reuben has recently been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and his doctor has recommended that Reuben read up on different types of treatments so he can form his own opinions before their next appointment. The doctor recommends that Reuben research different forms of both therapy and medication. Reuben appreciates the fact that his doctor has allowed him to look into types of treatment on his own (so he is not biased by his doctor’s opinion); however, Reuben finds that the amount of information available about treatment is overwhelming. Reuben decides to talk to a few of his friends about treatment instead. 1. Which of the following therapists is least likely to agree to treat Reuben? A. School psychologist B. Clinical psychologist C. Psychiatrist D. Social worker ANSWER: A 2. Reuben’s friend Anoush tells him that his therapist has him describe his dreams. After he describes his dreams, his therapist asks him what he thinks this dream means. What type of therapy is Anoush’s therapist using? A. Dream therapy B. Client-centred therapy C. Psychoanalysis D. Free association ANSWER: B 3. Which form of treatment is least likely to help Reuben overcome his psychological illness? A. Psychotherapy B. Aversion therapy C. Biomedical therapy D. Cognitive-behaviour therapy ANSWER: B 4. Reuben’s friend Anoush says that his therapist asks him to think about how he would feel and respond if his coworker did not invite him to a surprise party for a mutual friend. This is an example of Beck’s ___________. A. reattribution technique B. examining alternatives technique C. decatastrophizing technique D. fantasizing consequences technique ANSWER: D Kathryn has had trouble controlling her anger ever since she was young. However, to outsiders she appears as to be an extremely calm, cool, and collected person. To deal with her issues, she visits a psychologist Dr. Phil once a week. In their sessions, Dr. Phil allows Kathryn to talk freely and without interruptions about anything that may come to mind, no matter how silly, trivial, or embarrassing it may be. Kathryn’s therapist also asks her to describe her dreams in great detail. 1. Kathryn’s psychologist is following a ______ approach. A. humanistic B. psychoanalytic C. cognitive D. behavioural ANSWER: B 2. Given that Kathryn experiences transference during her sessions, how is she likely to act around her psychologist? A. She is going to shut down and be emotionally unresponsive towards him. B. She is going to open up to him about her feelings with little resistance. C. She is going to spontaneously recover lost or forgotten memories. D. She is going to shout at her therapist like she shouts at her father. ANSWER: D 3. A few times each week, Kathryn has the same recurring dream where she violently kills a small rabbit. She always wakes up feeling distressed and anxious because of it. The dream interpretation Kathryn’s psychologist gives her is that ______________. A. she harbours aggressive feelings towards her little sister B. she has repressed sexual feelings about her father C. she has repressed envious feelings about her mother D. the dream is a manifestation of a repressed memory of abuse ANSWER: A 4. A few weeks into therapy, Kathryn’s psychologist notices that Kathryn exhibits signs of resistance. This means that Kathryn is likely to ____________. A. talk about her dreams in extreme detail, but not her daily life B. talk about her daily life, but not about her childhood experiences C. curse at her psychologist and angrily proclaim she is done with therapy D. treat her psychologist as though he is her father ANSWER: C Latoya is very shy and feels extremely anxious when she is around new people. She feels a lot of personal distress due to her anxiety. Latoya finds it very difficult to be around other people she has not met before, so she does not make new friends easily. Her condition has also started affecting her professional career. Every time Latoya meets someone for the first time, she experiences tension, apprehension, and nervousness. She is trying to get help to deal with her issues and decides that a combination of therapy and medication is the best treatment for her. Latoya’s psychologist is using shaping to help Latoya overcome her social anxiety. 1. To get a prescription for her anti-anxiety medication, who would be best for Latoya to visit? A. A psychiatrist B. The clinical psychologist she visits once a week for a therapy session C. A different clinical psychologist she has never had therapy with D. Her family doctor ANSWER: A 2. Which of the following best represents the technique Latoya’s psychologist is using to help her overcome her social anxiety? A. She encourages Latoya to watch and mimic socially adept friends. B. She helps Latoya practice social techniques using structured role-play exercises. C. She encourages Latoya to gradually handle increasingly more difficult social tasks. D. She invites Latoya to a new social setting so she can show her it’s not as scary as Latoya thinks. ANSWER: C 3. Latoya’s psychologist is likely to view her client’s social anxiety as ___________. A. a symptom of a deeper underlying problem rooted in unconscious conflicts B. a result of learning and conditioning from past negative social experiences C. being caused by an “error” in thinking and selective focus on the negatives D. a neurochemical imbalance ANSWER: B Laura has an extreme fear of being interviewed for a job. Despite the fact that she is well-qualified and has no problem talking to new people, the idea of being in an interview setting turns her into a nervous wreck. Because of this, Laura also experiences major depression. She has tried several different types of therapy with varying levels of success. Her current psychologist is using systematic desensitization to help her with this anxiety. Her sister is also trying to help Laura and is currently reading a self-help book on cognitive behavioural therapy. After a few months listening to the advice of both her psychologist and her sister, Laura was able to successfully interview for her dream job and she also no longer meets the criteria for a depression diagnosis. 1. Which of the following is likely to be the lowest item in Laura’s anxiety hierarchy? A. Answering a tough question in front of three interviewers. B. Giving a complex presentation in front of a single interviewer. C. Waiting in the hallway before her interview. D. Saying hello to the person who is interviewing her. ANSWER: C 2. According to her psychologist, what is the source of Laura’s interview anxiety? A. Laura had a mother who constantly critiqued and berated her. B. There is an incongruence between Laura’s ideal self and Laura’s current self. C. Laura has developed a negative automatic style of thinking. D. Classical conditioning paired a harmless event with a fear-arousing event. ANSWER: D 3. Laura’s sister has been learning from the self-help books she has been reading, and encourages Laura to try to increase her self-efficacy. If Laura agrees, then which of the following phrases should she repeat to herself? A. “I am able to get through this.” B. “This is not as bad as it looks.” C. “What’s the worst it can happen?” D. “I choose not to overreact” ANSWER: A 4. A few months after she starts her new job Laura enrols herself in mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapy. This is because Laura _______________. A. wants to gain a greater understanding of herself and her anxiety B. needs help accepting her genuine self in order to grow as a person C. needs help recovering from her maladaptive unconscious conflict D. wants to avoid relapsing and to eliminate her maladaptive cognitions ANSWER: D 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the skills Laura might acquire in mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapy? A. To focus more on the current moment instead of focusing on past worries B. To show more compassion to herself C. To accept things as they are and not as she wants them to be D. To completely understand the reasons behind her anxiety ANSWER: D

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