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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 52.86 kB | Comments: 0
...water stress 6. Ethylene H2C=CH2 Plants produce... ...produce the gas ethylene in response to... ...injury and infection. Ethylene is produced from... ...tissues. Induction of ethylene synthesis by signals... ...for changing the ethylene precursor to ethylene.... ...ethylene precursor to ethylene. For a detail... ...the synthesis of ethylene, see: Ethylene causes... ...of ethylene, see: Ethylene causes seedlings to... ...seedling to produce ethylene. Slowing of stem... ...Auxin may induce ethylene to cause some... ...A burst of ethylene accompanies the programmed... ...the balance of ethylene and auxin. The... ...auxin, eventually the ethylene concentration prevails and... ...a burst of ethylene. Ethylene triggers ripening,... ...burst of ethylene. Ethylene triggers ripening, and... ...triggers even more ethylene production – a... ...The signal from ethylene is spreads from... ...fruit to fruit; ethylene is a gas.... ...the production of ethylene, which causes the...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 54.78 kB | Comments: 0
...gibberellins, abscisic acid, ethylene, and brassinosteroids. Many... ...inducing production of ethylene, a hormone that... ...that the gas ethylene was the active... ...mains. Plants produce ethylene in response to... ...injury, and infection. Ethylene production also occurs... ...programmed cell death. Ethylene is also produced... ...externally applied auxins. Ethylene instigates a seedling... ...circumvent an obstacle. Ethylene production is induced... ...another pulse of ethylene is generated and... ...solid object, then ethylene production decreases, and... ...growth. It is ethylene, not the physical... ...triple response if ethylene is applied. Arabidopsis... ...to this response. Ethylene-insensitive (ein) mutants fail... ...after exposure to ethylene. Some lack a... ...lack a functional ethylene receptor. Other mutants... ...mutants (eto) produce ethylene at 20 times... ...to inhibitors of ethylene synthesis. Ethylene signal... ...of ethylene synthesis. Ethylene signal transduction is... ...there is no ethylene present. The various... ...present. The various ethylene signal-transduction mutants can... ...mutation activates the ethylene response, this suggests... ...negative regulator of ethylene signal transduction. One... ...of the hormone ethylene to a receptor... ...A burst of ethylene productions is associated... ...the balance of ethylene and auxin controls... ...more sensitive to ethylene. As the influence... ...the influence of ethylene prevails, the cells... ...a burst of ethylene production. Enzymatic breakdown... ...occurs during ripening: ethylene triggers ripening and... ...triggers even more ethylene production - a... ...on physiology. Because ethylene is a gas,... ...plastic bag, accumulating ethylene gas, or by... ...or by enhancing ethylene levels in commercial... ...dioxide, which prevents ethylene from accumulating and... ...synthesis of new ethylene. Genetic engineering of... ...Genetic engineering of ethylene signal transduction pathways... ...genes required for ethylene synthesis in tomato... ...on demand when ethylene gas is added.... ...suitable for germination. Ethylene functions in leaf... ...soils may produce ethylene in the roots...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 330 kB | Comments: 0
...abscisic acid, and ethylene. Many molecules that... ...the production of ethylene, a hormone that... ...that the gas ethylene was the active... ...mains. Plants produce ethylene in response to... ...injury, and infection. Ethylene production also occurs... ...externally applied auxins. Ethylene instigates a seedling... ...grows through soil. Ethylene production is induced... ...of the initial ethylene pulse lessen, the... ...another pulse of ethylene is generated, and... ...solid object, then ethylene production decreases, and... ...growth. It is ethylene, not the physical... ...triple response if ethylene is applied. Arabidopsis... ...to this response. Ethylene-insensitive (ein) mutants fail... ...after exposure to ethylene. Some lack a... ...lack a functional ethylene receptor. Other mutants... ...physical obstacles. Such ethylene-overproducing (eto) mutants may... ...mutants may produce ethylene at 20 times... ...with inhibitors of ethylene synthesis. Other mutants,... ...to inhibitors of ethylene synthesis. Ethylene signal... ...of ethylene synthesis. Ethylene signal transduction is... ...even when no ethylene is present. The... ...mutation activates the ethylene response, this suggests... ...negative regulator of ethylene signal transduction. One... ...of the hormone ethylene to a receptor... ...A burst of ethylene production is associated... ...the balance of ethylene and auxin controls... ...more sensitive to ethylene. As the influence... ...the influence of ethylene prevails, the cells... ...of cell walls. Ethylene plays a role... ...a burst of ethylene production. Enzymatic breakdown... ...occurs during ripening: Ethylene triggers ripening, and... ...ripening triggers more ethylene production—a rare example... ...on physiology. Because ethylene is a gas,... ...where they accumulate ethylene gas, or by... ...or by increasing ethylene levels in commercial... ...dioxide, which prevents ethylene from accumulating and... ...synthesis of new ethylene. Genetic engineering of... ...Genetic engineering of ethylene signal transduction pathways... ...genes required for ethylene synthesis in tomato... ...the addition of ethylene gas. Plant responses... ...increase in internal ethylene levels and a... ...inactivates ABA, an ethylene receptor, or an... ...soils may produce ethylene in the roots,...
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