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a. What is one possible double stranded DNA sequence you would insert into this gene is
order  to have it now make a protein with the 1o structure:

b. Which bases in the default wildtype sequence (from # to #) would you replace with this new stretch of sequence?
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Higgs   148   Asked 2 years ago
At this time, million people in the U.S. population are suffering from mood-related disorders.
At this time, million people in the U.S. population are suffering from mood-related disorders.
At this time, ____________  million people in the U.S. population are suffering from mood-related disorders.

a. 1.5
b. 45
c. 60
d. 85
Genetics and Developmental Biology   cloveb   186   Asked 6 years ago
Which of the following statements about the prevalence of neurological disease in the U.S. today is
Which of the following statements about the prevalence of neurological disease in the U.S. today is
Which of the following statements about the prevalence of neurological disease in the U.S. today is false?

a. There are more people diagnosed with stroke than with epilepsy.
b. There are more people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease than with head trauma.
c. There are more people diagnosed with cerebral palsy than with epilepsy.
d. There are more peop
Genetics and Developmental Biology   cloveb   190   Asked 6 years ago
Male sterility in maize is determined by which type of mutation (in this case)?
Male sterility in maize is determined by which type of mutation (in this case)?
Hi, I was uncertain about what would be the correct alternative on a question I have to answer, regarding male sterility in maize. Below, I’ll insert the problem and what I have thought so far (also, my apologies if the sentence is not well formulated, I’m translating it from my native language).

In maize, a plant has both male and female flowers. Male steri
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Maize   225   Asked 4 years ago
Have I gone about this problem correctly?
Have I gone about this problem correctly?
Hi there, I was wondering if someone could let me know if I did this right or not. Thanks in advance for any help.

So, the problem states the following:

We have crossed one flower with a corolla that is white and personé (the original question is not in English and I can't find a definition for personé anywhere, doesn't really matter I
Genetics and Developmental Biology   RowanF   228   Asked 8 years ago
How to extract loci sequences at NCBI
How to extract loci sequences at NCBI
Hey peeps

im quite new to NCBI and genebank so heres my question

i need to extract sequences from 7 geneloci of 130 different bacterial strains deposited on genebank.
those sequences were all submitted in the context of one single study.
now instead of the time consuming process of extracting the sequences strain per strain in the taxonomy browser ,
Genetics and Developmental Biology   holzdan   236   Asked 8 years ago
What is functional sequence evolution?
What is functional sequence evolution?
What is functional sequence evolution?
Genetics and Developmental Biology   ehd123   248   Asked 10 years ago
Was Lewis just mapping them on a linkage map based on mutations?
Was Lewis just mapping them on a linkage map based on mutations?
Hi guys,

So I've spent a few days reviewing the genetic tools used in labs, but can't quite find the distinction between a few of the methods.

1. RT-PCR is used to determine if a specific gene is expressed; however, RNA-seq appears to do the same thing. I understand that RT-PCR uses a specific primer and thus tests the expression of one gene. Does RNA
Genetics and Developmental Biology   galpinj   258   Asked 8 years ago
Number of phnotypic classes for a x-linked trait
Number of phnotypic classes for a x-linked trait
So I'm trying to figure the number of phenotypic classes that can occur in an F1xF1 cross of 2 different parents one the female being homozygous w,m,f and the male being WT. This is occurring on the 1st chromosome of the D. melanogaster so it is sex-linked.

So I know there are 3 different alleles we are looking at so to get the classes in a non-sex linked chromosome
Genetics and Developmental Biology   xxfire459xx   259   Asked 10 years ago
Need help with plating bacteria colonies
Need help with plating bacteria colonies
Ok no matter how many times i am explained this it makes no sense and its not in the book i use so i have nowhere to turn, can anyone help me understand whats happening with these plates  Smiling Face with Open Mouth it looks like a bunch of dots to me i don't see how its getting those genotypes from the given information.
Genetics and Developmental Biology   centimetergrove   272   Asked 10 years ago
Evolution by Carl T Bergstorm
Evolution by Carl T Bergstorm
Hey guys,

I got my finals in a few days and was wondering if anybody could give me the link to the answers to the review questions in this book? I finished all the questions but I'm not entirely sure how to check them as there is no answer section and the wwnorton.com/studyspace doesn't have anything either. Thanks Confounded Face

Edit: If no one can find th
Genetics and Developmental Biology   immio   273   Asked 8 years ago
. You are studying a genetic disorder and find 63 affected siblings in a total
. You are studying a genetic disorder and find 63 affected siblings in a total
.  You are studying a genetic disorder and find 63 affected siblings in a total of 741. The population prevalence of the disorder has been estimated to be 0.0037.  Calculate the sibling recurrence risk. 
Genetics and Developmental Biology   CSDCUO   274   Asked 10 years ago
Complementation problem: possible region of deletion place the mutation on the thick line which ...
Complementation problem: possible region of deletion place the mutation on the thick line which ...
I need help with part B of this problem, I've asked Genetics tutors, other professors and even went on chegg to use the expert Q&A --  I've done part A and I know that 3 complements 1, 2 and 6 are unable to complement and 3,4,5 and 1,2 6 have similar mutations

but I have no idea if I am right?
my genetics professor says that if I look at row 4 and
Genetics and Developmental Biology   exlax2   278   Asked 7 years ago
Probability that Kate & Clement's 1st child will be affected with rare disease?
Probability that Kate & Clement's 1st child will be affected with rare disease?
Kate and Clement (II-4 & II-5) met while attending a conference. Their pedigrees are shown below (see attached jpeg file). They both have a sibling who has a rare human metabolic disease. They fall in love at first sight but are anxious about having kids because they know that the chance their first child will be affected is ____. Show your solution.
Genetics and Developmental Biology   phyllidiela   282   Asked 10 years ago
Cell-based manufacturing in animal cell tissue culture
Cell-based manufacturing in animal cell tissue culture
I am interested to gain more knowledge  on this topic. I be really grateful if you guys can provide any information regarding this topic (books, journals...etc). Your feedback is highly appreciated. Slight Smile
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Yutadono   296   Asked 7 years ago
Help please
Help please
Wild type, or wt, refers to the genotype that is the typical genotype found in nature. Now read that again. Once more. Now answer.
  • True

    I PCR out a mutated gene in a patient with nana chorea (the inability to dance in a coordinated fashion) and I compare it to another patient with that same disease phenotype.
Genetics and Developmental Biology   fanaan   301   Asked 10 years ago
The first two prenancies for a couple result in late term stillbirths...
The first two prenancies for a couple result in late term stillbirths...
The first two pregnancies for a couple result in late term stillbirths. The reproductive histories of both families, over 3 generations, were compiled. A pattern of frequent miscarriages, stillbirths and malformed babies that died shortly after birth were seen in the husband's family. The husband has a karyotype done, which shows that he has the normal number of chromosomes. Wh
Genetics and Developmental Biology   chitowwn94   301   Asked 7 years ago
Theories in Science are just ideas that still need to be tested and supported
Theories in Science are just ideas that still need to be tested and supported
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Peyton   312   Asked 10 years ago
How can I determine how many Genetic Loci control a specific trait?
How can I determine how many Genetic Loci control a specific trait?
So I have a question about finding how many loci control a certain trait. I don't know how to determine it.

The info: (Disregard any outside info retaining to the specific animal)

Pure-bred male White Cat mated with a Pure-bred female Brown Cat.
They produced 90 progeny ALL Brown.
Randomly interbreeding F1, they produced 1600 F2 progeny.
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Willmob12   312   Asked 7 years ago
people how do you do this genetics problem
people how do you do this genetics problem
You have 4 primers that can be used for PCR amplification of a 3000 bp plasmid. The locations of the 5’-end of each 20-nucleotide primer is shown in the diagram below. What will be the size of the PCR product when the following pairs of primers are used together in the PCR reaction (if no product will form, write-in 0 bp)

attached pic below
Post Merge:
Genetics and Developmental Biology   toodaloo   318   Asked 10 years ago
help urgent
help urgent
4. The diagram below outlines a molecular test to determine if individuals have the sickle-cell allele. First the region is amplified by PCR and then digested with a restriction enzyme. The two primers are located just to the left of the “1” site and just to the right of the “3” site.
a. If the distance between site 1 and 2 is 250bp and the distance between site 2 and 3 is 500b
Genetics and Developmental Biology   toodaloo   325   Asked 10 years ago
HELP ME are those correct
HELP ME are those correct
DNA markers, or variant non-coding regions of DNA, are DNA polymorphisms that are useful for genetic mapping.
  •     True
    ·          False

    A mosaic is an organism with
    ·         multiple genotypes within one organism
    ·    &nb
Genetics and Developmental Biology   fanaan   330   Asked 10 years ago
A certain human trait is determined by five unlinked pairs of alleles, with each
A certain human trait is determined by five unlinked pairs of alleles, with each
A certain human trait is determined by five unlinked pairs of alleles, with each dominant allele having an additive effect on the phenotype. 

A.  How many phenotypic classes would you predict, and in what frequencies, from a cross between two people who are heterozygous for all five loci? 

B.   How many genotypic classes would you predict?&
Genetics and Developmental Biology   CSDCUO   333   Asked 10 years ago
Fly larva mutations for Gap, pair-rule, and maternal effect genes
Fly larva mutations for Gap, pair-rule, and maternal effect genes
The title say most of it. I'm supposed to draw the mutations in the Drosophila larva, but I also need to label the structures which my textbook is not helping me much with. So far I just know that the mutants are stubby little creatures... I also need to list the specific gene mutated since I guess these are gene families???
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Cheea5   335   Asked 8 years ago
Genotypes, parent dominat traits
Genotypes, parent dominat traits
Hi there!

Use the following hypothetical information to answer the next two questions.
Eye colour in humans appears to be controlled by multiple alleles. The green allele and the brown allele are dominant to blue. Green eye colour is expressed only in the absence of a brown allele.
Red-green colour blindness is a sex-linked trait. Red-green colour blind
Genetics and Developmental Biology   silverardo   348   Asked 7 years ago
Familial hypercholesterolemia was evaluated in a population by computing the reg
Familial hypercholesterolemia was evaluated in a population by computing the reg
Familial hypercholesterolemia was evaluated in a population by computing the regression coefficient for individuals of various relationships.  Calculate the heritability of each of the following relationships. 

Relationship             Regression           Heritability
                             Coefficient (b)
Genetics and Developmental Biology   CSDCUO   352   Asked 10 years ago
Predict the phenotypic ratio that would occur for a polygenic trait involving th
Predict the phenotypic ratio that would occur for a polygenic trait involving th
Predict the phenotypic ratio that would occur for a polygenic trait involving three loci in which both parents were heterozygous at all three loci. 
Genetics and Developmental Biology   jhmlton6   354   Asked 10 years ago
Heteroduplex question
Heteroduplex question
People with the recessive disease, Purple Tongue Syndrome, are unable to make the enzyme Blue Pigment Decolorase (BPD). You isolate mRNA from a person (P) afflicted with the disease and from a normal person (N) and do the following:
i. Mix excess P mRNA with cloned genomic DNA carrying the BPD gene and, separately, mix Normal (N) mRNA with the same DNA.
ii. Raise the tempe
Genetics and Developmental Biology   tokki   356   Asked 8 years ago
How do the eight palindromes in the male specific region of the Y chromosome (MS
How do the eight palindromes in the male specific region of the Y chromosome (MS
How do the eight palindromes in the male specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) prevent the chromosome degeneration that one would predict on the basis of Muller’s ratchet?  What role has inversions played in the development of the MSY? 
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Dextor   362   Asked 10 years ago
Indicate which allelic combinations each individual has
Indicate which allelic combinations each individual has
I know the answer already because the key was given but I don't know why the answer is what it is. I thought the progeny in generation III all had parental allelic combinations but that's not so. Why is that?

The answer is PPPRP but I thought it was PPPPP
Genetics and Developmental Biology   saneclarity   367   Asked 10 years ago
The correlation coefficients for height were determined for 15 pairs of individu
The correlation coefficients for height were determined for 15 pairs of individu
The correlation coefficients for height were determined for 15 pairs of individuals with the following genetic relationships:

Relationship            Correlation Coefficient      Heritability

Mother/daughter:              0.36            
Mother/granddaughter:           0.17      
Sister/sister:                 0.39            
Sister/sister (Dizygotic twins):       0.40   
Genetics and Developmental Biology   CSDCUO   379   Asked 10 years ago
Creation of CFTR Knockout Embryonic Stem Cells by Positive-Negative Selection
Creation of CFTR Knockout Embryonic Stem Cells by Positive-Negative Selection
I am having trouble understanding what is going on here. What I got thus far is that the more preferred fate is Homologous recombination (targeted approach). Next, you basically plate the ES cells that are both neomycin & ganciclovir resistant (homologous recombination). I basically do not know if I am on the right track. Any feedback of any sort will help.
Genetics and Developmental Biology   willuhelp   384   Asked 11 years ago
Examine the graphs and answer the following questions:
Examine the graphs and answer the following questions:
B) what is occurring at E

C) what is occurring at region F

D) what events are occurring in region G

E) what are suitable labels for regions H and I
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Taylorbishopxox   384   Asked 8 years ago
Genetics Bio 12 Please!
Genetics Bio 12 Please!
1. 12 out of 2400 babies that were born at a maternity hospital died shortly after birth from colonic obstruction due to a recessive allele. Determine the frequency of the lethal allele in the population, expressed as a percent.

2. 10 of 2400 babies born at a maternity hospital died shortly after birth from colonic obstruction due to a recessive allele. What percent
Genetics and Developmental Biology   leximads8   386   Asked 7 years ago
Distance between loci
Distance between loci
I was wondering whether the distance between loci ever change?

 For example if eye color was on gene A and pupil size on gene B, the distance between gene A and gene B is 50 cM. Is there a scenario where A and B is not 50?

My teacher said it can, but I don't understand.  Isn't the distance between certain genes always fixed?
Genetics and Developmental Biology   sokho   389   Asked 10 years ago
In human gestational develop, abnormalities of the closure of the lower part of
In human gestational develop, abnormalities of the closure of the lower part of
In human gestational develop, abnormalities of the closure of the lower part of the midface can result in cleft lip, if the lip alone is affected by the closure defect, or in cleft lip and palate (the roof of the mouth), if the closure defect is more extensive. Cleft lip and cleft lip with cleft palate are multifactorial disorders that are threshold traits.  A family with a his
Genetics and Developmental Biology   CSDCUO   397   Asked 10 years ago
Draw a pedigree. Probability of 1st child to have sickle cell anemia?
Draw a pedigree. Probability of 1st child to have sickle cell anemia?
The autosomal gene for sickle cell anemia (ss) is prevalent among East Africans. Affected individual shave elongated and curved erythrocytes under low oxygen tension because of the polymerization of hemoglobin. Supposing heterozygotes for this gene in this population occur in a frequency of 1 in 8. If a phenotypically normal guy marries a second wife who is also phenotypically norma
Genetics and Developmental Biology   phyllidiela   397   Asked 10 years ago
Calculating genotypes
Calculating genotypes
 A black body color (as opposed to the wild-type yellow color) in fruit flies is due to the recessive ebony allele, e. Small wings are due to the recessive vestigal allele, vg.  You wish to deduce the genotype of a yellow-bodied large-winged male fruit fly.  What are all the possible genotypes this male could be at the ebony and vestigal loci?  What is the genotype an
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Jessc   399   Asked 7 years ago
Estimate the probability of affected children in IV generation autosomonal recessive disease with th
Estimate the probability of affected children in IV generation autosomonal recessive disease with th
Hello I need to help with some biology genetics and prognosis, can you answer this question for me with a detail explanation, and also could you explain how different diseases, i.e. AR, AD, GD, and GR, are answered in similar questions. Regarding the question.
Estimate the probability of affected children in IV generation autosomonal recessive disease with the frequency of 1 si
Genetics and Developmental Biology   mayesford   402   Asked 9 years ago
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