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A 30 year old man, a mechanic by profession came to the emergency department complaining of generali
A 30 year old man, a mechanic by profession came to the emergency department complaining of generali
A 30 year old man, a mechanic by profession came to the emergency department complaining of generalized body rigidity of two days duration. He has no Hx of fever, shortness of breath or cough.
On physical examination Vital signs are with in normal limit.
He is in opisthothonic position, he has torticolis and the deep tendon reflexes are exaggerated.
He is also foun
Anatomy and Physiology   mary   1158   Asked 13 years ago
True or false: When the intensity of stimulation is so high that the muscle tracing shows fused peak
True or false: When the intensity of stimulation is so high that the muscle tracing shows fused peak
True or False
When the intensity of stimulation is so high that the muscle tracing shows fused peaks, tetanus has been achieved.  ----> False

True or False
The maximal response is the level of contraction produced by the maximal stimulus. ---->  True
Anatomy and Physiology   jock52   3772   Asked 12 years ago
Vision Lab based on Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual with Cat Dissections, 5/E
Vision Lab based on Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual with Cat Dissections, 5/E
Match the terms in the right column with the descriptions in the left column.

light bending
ability to focus for close (under 20 ft) vision
normal vision
inability to focus well on close objects (farsightedness)
Anatomy and Physiology   jock52   2995   Asked 12 years ago
Name and describe the functions of the two contractile, two regulatory, and one structural protein m
Name and describe the functions of the two contractile, two regulatory, and one structural protein m
Just working on this question and I cant seem to figure out what that strcutural protein molecule is seen in skeletal muscle fibers??

Name and describe the functions of the two contractile, two regulatory, and one structural protein molecules seen in skeletal muscle fibers?

I know what the two contractil and two regulatory proteins are but have n
Anatomy and Physiology   alexa_daneluk   868   Asked 12 years ago
What muscle types are designed to produce maximum changes in length and what typ
What muscle types are designed to produce maximum changes in length and what typ
What muscle types are designed to produce maximum changes in length and what types of contractions do they undergo?
Anatomy and Physiology   yolanda   830   Asked 12 years ago
What would be the effect of excess Calcium on the inside of the muscle cell? •Wh
What would be the effect of excess Calcium on the inside of the muscle cell? •Wh
What would be the effect of excess Calcium on the inside of the muscle cell?

•What would be the effect of a lack of ATP in a cell with excess calcium?

•What is the name of this condition?
Anatomy and Physiology   yolanda   1057   Asked 12 years ago
Integumentary System Assignment - Help
Integumentary System Assignment - Help
Select an article from a consumer magazine or newspaper (must have been written in the last 30 days, provide link for all classmates to read article in full) on a topic related to the health of the skin, hair, or nails – a component of the integumentary system. Provide a summary of the article as well as a discussion of the associated anatomy and physiology. Teach the topic to your
Anatomy and Physiology   sholland90   2626   Asked 12 years ago
Decide whether the following conditions would lead to metabolic acidosis or...
Decide whether the following conditions would lead to metabolic acidosis or...
Decide whether the following conditions would lead to metabolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis.

Excess alcohol consumption
Severe diarrhea
Overuse of antacids
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Excessive aspirin use
Strenuous exercise
Diuretics that cause H+ secretion
Anatomy and Physiology   jock52   2381   Asked 12 years ago
Muscle insertion (pes anserinus)
Muscle insertion (pes anserinus)
When my professor was teaching us the OIAs for the muscle I noticed that for the insertion of the sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus were all differently worded for the same insertion. I refused to memorize them that way because I found out that they all form one single tendon at the insertion point. This tendon is known as the "pes anserinus"
Just a helpful fact wh
Anatomy and Physiology   AdamCooper   1401   Asked 12 years ago
Fill in the blank covering the integumentary system!
Fill in the blank covering the integumentary system!
I've tried and read this fill in the blank story endlessly, and i just cant seem to get it. The red font is what i tried (not sure if theyre right) and the blank spots are what i need, HELP PLEASE!

For this trip, you are miniaturized for injection into your host's skin. Your journey begins when you are injected into a soft gel-like substance. Your im
Anatomy and Physiology   RLeanne   31544   Asked 12 years ago
9. Blood flow in the kidneys starts in the ___________________ _ artery to the e
9. Blood flow in the kidneys starts in the ___________________ _ artery to the e
9. Blood flow in the kidneys starts in the ___________________ _ artery to the entire kidney. Blood flow
to each nephron is through the ________________ _____________ ; the ball of capillaries in the
nephron is the ___________________ _, and the ___________________ _ arteriole drains the nephron.
The ___________________ _ __________ drains blood from the kidney.
Anatomy and Physiology   Lissa   2853   Asked 12 years ago
The parts of the ________________ ______________ are: the balloon-like _________
The parts of the ________________ ______________ are: the balloon-like _________
i need help plz  :sThe parts of the ________________ ______________ are:
the balloon-like ______________ __________, which captures filtrate from the glomerulus;
the ____________________ ____________________ __________, which reabsorbs most materials;
the __________ of __________ , which reabsorbs water and salt, making the urine more dilute; and
the _______
Anatomy and Physiology   Lissa   1958   Asked 12 years ago
PhysioEx 9.0 - Exercise 10 - Answers
PhysioEx 9.0 - Exercise 10 - Answers
ACTIVITY 1:  Hyperventilation   Answers
1.   A substance that dissolves in water to release hydrogen (H+) ions is called a(n) _______.   Acid
2.   Which of the following is not a regulatory mechanism for acid/base balance in the body?
a.   the kidneys
b.   the respiratory system      
c.   protein buffers
d.   the digestive system   D. The digestive system
3.   The m
Anatomy and Physiology   bryant.rileysr.1   40291   Asked 12 years ago
physioex 9.0 answers to review sheet for exercise 11
physioex 9.0 answers to review sheet for exercise 11
I am looking for the answers to the review sheet for Physioex 9.0 exercise 11.  Have lab practical tomorrow on them!! Could anyone post them for me???
Anatomy and Physiology   tkclemons   4482   Asked 12 years ago
Calculating Total Oxygen carrying capacity of blood
Calculating Total Oxygen carrying capacity of blood
Hi,I'm having trouble calculating the total oxygen carrying capacity of blood.  We're using sheep blood.

I know that the equation is

Total gram Hb in blood = blood volume (in 100ml) x hemoglobin concentration (g/100ml of blood)

Total O2 = total grams Hb in blood x 1.34ml O2/g Hb

Average sheep weight is 125lb = > ~56.81 k
Anatomy and Physiology   shadowneko003   8701   Asked 12 years ago
What is MBCC?
What is MBCC?
MBCC is a specific type of skin cancer. It stands for Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma. The key part here is the metastatic nature of the cancer; in other words, its ability to spread throughout the body. Non-metastatic BCC cases are generally easily curable if they are diagnosed quickly and accurately. MBCC is often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. As a result, the patient will
Anatomy and Physiology   kahnsg   691   Asked 12 years ago
Who out there has the answers for the Endocine System InterActive Physiology?
Who out there has the answers for the Endocine System InterActive Physiology?
I was wondering if anyone had the answers to the InterActive Physiology Endocrine System: Biochemistry, Secretion and Transport of Hormones review.

1. Place the following hormones into one of the three categories of hormones (peptides, amines or steroids): T4 (thyroxin), estradiol, norepinephrine, insulin, aldosterone, glucagon, cortisol, growth hormone, T3 (triiodothyron
Anatomy and Physiology   Sokalaw   2214   Asked 12 years ago
The effect of stimulus frequency on skeletal muscle contraction
The effect of stimulus frequency on skeletal muscle contraction
 Compare and contrast frequency-dependent wave summation with motor unit recruitment{previously observed by increasing the stimulus voltage}. How are they similiar? How was each achieved in the experiment? Explain how each is achieved in vivo
Anatomy and Physiology   kalabra   2665   Asked 12 years ago
Excercise 27 Functional Anatomy of the Endocrine Glands Review Sheet 27 (Marieb)
Excercise 27 Functional Anatomy of the Endocrine Glands Review Sheet 27 (Marieb)
1.  Both the endocrine and nervous systems are major regulating systems of the body; however, the nervous system has been compared to an airmail delivery system and the endocrine system to the Pony Express.  Briefly explain this comparison:
  • The nervous system uses rapidly propagated electrical "messages"; whereas endocrine system "messages&quo
Anatomy and Physiology   plumcrazee   64214   Asked 12 years ago
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a congenital condition in which collagen sythesis is defective. Of these 4 bone types long bones, short bones, flat bones, and irregular bones which is the most similar to the bones in osteogenesis imperfecta? what symptoms would you expect to find in this disease?  Neutral Face
Anatomy and Physiology   kayla.perez   1054   Asked 12 years ago
What is the relationship between pressure and volume known as?
What is the relationship between pressure and volume known as?
1.  a.  what is the relationship between pressure and volume known as?  Boyle’s Law.
     b.  Indicate the relationship (with arrows) below:
    1.  Increased volume causes ? pressure.
   2.  Decreased volume causes ? pressure.

2.  Mark “I” for the muscles that control inspiration and “E” for muscles controlling forc
Anatomy and Physiology   plumcrazee   19187   Asked 12 years ago
Physio-Ex #37 Resp. System Mechanics: Computer Simulation
Physio-Ex #37 Resp. System Mechanics: Computer Simulation
Pulmonary Function Tests Respiratory System Mechanics: Computer Simulation 37B
The following questions refer to Activity 1: Measuring Respiratory Volumes.
1. What activity are you simulating when you click the ERV button?
•   The maximum exhalation following tidal volume (TV).
What additional muscles are used in this activity?
•   Abdominal muscles an
Anatomy and Physiology   plumcrazee   14464   Asked 12 years ago
Trying to check some questions, any help is appreciated
Trying to check some questions, any help is appreciated
1)Meninges are ______.
   A. Bacterial infections of the CNS    
   B. Connective tissue coverings around the central nervous system    
   C. Synapses between CNS neurons and the post-synaptic membranes of other neurons    
   D. Non-neuronal cells in the CNS that help regulate ionic concentrations of their ECF
(my guess is B)

2)The dorsal root ganglia contain
Anatomy and Physiology   Abby30   1375   Asked 12 years ago
1.   Which of the following processes does not occur during inspiration?
   c. inspiratory muscles relax
2.   During normal quiet breathing, about ______ ml of air moves into and out of the lungs with each breath.
   B. 500
3.   True or False:  At the beginning of expiration, the air pressure of the atmosphere decreases so that air can flow from the lungs outward.    tr
Anatomy and Physiology   mattman   4202   Asked 12 years ago
Renal System Physiology: Computer Simulation
Renal System Physiology: Computer Simulation

Hello I am new to this and I was trying to search for my version of Renal System Physiology: Computer Simulation because i was having some trouble with it but I found this other website that helped a lot! Since this awesome website doesn't seem to have it, I wanted to make it even more awesome so I'll add it to here Slight Smile
Anatomy and Physiology   brender1   3592   Asked 12 years ago
What types of cell signaling mechanism requires a receptor in the target cell?
What types of cell signaling mechanism requires a receptor in the target cell?
What type(s) of cell signaling mechanism require(s) a receptor in the target cell for information to be transferred to another cell? Choose any that apply.
a) autocrine
b) gap
c) paracrine
d) hormonal

is it c) & d)? gap jnx don't need receptors.. and autocrine is self signaling.

Anatomy and Physiology   runner2392   926   Asked 12 years ago
please help with cell signaling receptor question..
please help with cell signaling receptor question..
can someone please check my answers?

A ligand binds to a receptor and a cellular response is observed, as noted below. In each case, decide which type of receptor was most likely activated. Choose the BEST answer.

ion channel opens within 1 millisecond
a) ligand-gated
b) enzyme receptor
c) G-protein coupled receptor
d) enzyme receptor
Anatomy and Physiology   runner2392   972   Asked 12 years ago
PhysioEx 9.0 Quiz 6 Activity 1
PhysioEx 9.0 Quiz 6 Activity 1
Part A:

Which rat(s) was euthyroid without any injections?
a. The thyroidectomized rat
b. The normal rat and the hypophysectomized rat
c. The normal rat
d. The hypophysectomized rat

Part B:

An abnormally high level of which of the following will result in goiter?
a. thyroxine
b. TSH
c. either thyroxin
Anatomy and Physiology   Sky   6300   Asked 12 years ago
PhysioEx 9.0 Quiz 6 Activity 2
PhysioEx 9.0 Quiz 6 Activity 2
Part A:

In this experiment, optical density is measured using a _______.
a. Caliper
b. Thermocycler
c. Spectrophotometer
d. Microscope
Part B:

Using this assay, glucose concentration is _______.
a. Inversely proportional to optical density
b. Inversely proportional to the volume of blood sampled
c. D
Anatomy and Physiology   Sky   6591   Asked 12 years ago
PhysioEx 9.0 Quiz 6 Activity 3
PhysioEx 9.0 Quiz 6 Activity 3
Part A:

Replacement therapies for which two hormones were tested in this experiment?
a. FSH and estrogen
b. FSH and calcitonin
c. saline and estrogen
d. saline and calcitonin
e. estrogen and calcitonin
Part B:

Which of the following showed the greatest improvement in vertebral bone density for the rats?
Anatomy and Physiology   Sky   3021   Asked 12 years ago
Threshold and Graded Response
Threshold and Graded Response
Why doesn't the muscle respond at lower voltages?

We dissected the gastrocnemius from a frog and ran some experiments on it. This experiment was incrementally increasing the stimulus voltage to see the response in tension. I know this is because the threshold is not reached, but I don't know how to explain this physiologically?

Why doesn't the mu
Anatomy and Physiology   ChelsM   750   Asked 12 years ago
Does anybody have the answers for Exercise 7 Respiratory System Mechanics?
Does anybody have the answers for Exercise 7 Respiratory System Mechanics?
I would really appreciate your help. i have the worst cold right now: ( Thank you.
Anatomy and Physiology   levi   2737   Asked 12 years ago
physioex 9, exercise 12
physioex 9, exercise 12
I just realized my physioex 9.0 exercise 12 sheet is due today and I dont think I have time to finish it because I have a million other things I need to do. If anybody has any of the answers and could help I would greatly greatly appreciate it! I have some of them done but I really need to get the rest of it done. Im usually very good at staying on top of my work but this week has
Anatomy and Physiology   jerikamiller   3591   Asked 12 years ago
PhysioEx 9 Endocrine System
PhysioEx 9 Endocrine System
Which hormone type steroid or non steroid would be best suited for a faster,larger scale,but quickly declining response? Explain why.
Anatomy and Physiology   kalabra   2182   Asked 12 years ago
The Ashley Treatment.
The Ashley Treatment.
Based on current study of the endocrine system describe how and to what affect The Ashley Treatment manipulates endocrine physiology. What are the moral implications of such a treatment?
Anatomy and Physiology   kalabra   955   Asked 12 years ago
nervous system application problem
nervous system application problem
After listening to a dictation, you learn about a women who was brought into the emergency room.  She had fallen down a flight of stairs, and complained of dizziness and seeing stars initially. After a few minutes she appeared alright.  Several hours later however, she complained of nausea, malaise, and confusion.  What is probably acusing her condition?  What wi
Anatomy and Physiology   mestackle   1161   Asked 12 years ago
Can anyone help with PhysioEx exercise 5 activity 8?
Can anyone help with PhysioEx exercise 5 activity 8?
If we decreased overall peripheral resistance in the human body (as in an athlete), the heart would need to generate (more/less) pressure to deliver an adequate amount of blood flow, and arterial pressure would be (higher/lower.?
Anatomy and Physiology   Janice   1016   Asked 12 years ago
What hormonal disorder do you suspect?
What hormonal disorder do you suspect?
Patient X has a kidney stone, pain in his shin bones, muscle weakness, symptoms of depression and abdominal pain (broken bones, kidney stones, abdominal groans and psychic moans). His blood calcium levels are elevated (hypercalcemia).

What hormonal disorder do you suspect?
Anatomy and Physiology   tomjerry   757   Asked 12 years ago
Why growth is suppressed and mental retardation occurs in iodine.....
Why growth is suppressed and mental retardation occurs in iodine.....
Why growth is suppressed and mental retardation occurs in iodine-deficient children?
Anatomy and Physiology   tomjerry   827   Asked 12 years ago
What are the various stressors that can increase cortisol?
What are the various stressors that can increase cortisol?
Why does skin tone change (darker) when a person has Addison’s disease due to sudden withdrawal from Prednisone (hint: what happen to the adrenals and what happens to POMC?)?
Anatomy and Physiology   godgd   636   Asked 12 years ago
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