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crg0202 crg0202
Posts: 511
Rep: 5 0
6 years ago
Sylvia works for Dell Computers in the purchasing department and has been receiving more orders related to tablet and portable computers compared to desktop computers. She's noticed a significant reduction in the number of monitors the company is manufacturing as well as traditional desktop systems. It seems that fewer individuals are purchasing desktop computers for their home offices and many businesses have switched to portable computers since the workforce prefers the capability to work on the go rather than be required to complete work at the office. Therefore, it's likely the demand for desktop computers and monitors is
 A) Derived
  B) Fluctuating
  C) Joint
  D) Inelastic

Question 2

Buzz marketing involves creating an event or experience that leads to conversations about the brand.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 3

Advertising is an inflexible promotional method.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 4

John owns an ice cream and frozen treat restaurant and is considering adding new menu items. He recently met with the representative of a yogurt company who is trying to convince John to add the frozen yogurt to his menu. John has never offered a yogurt product in the restaurant and has concentrated on ice cream items. The yogurt product would not need a different freezer or dispensing unit, so the investment would be similar to changing flavors of ice cream. However, since he's never offered yogurt, he's unsure what the market response will be and how much profit he can achieve with the frozen yogurt. What type of purchasing decision does this represent for John?
 A) Modified rebuy
  B) Straight rebuy
  C) New-task purchase
  D) Contracted purchase

Question 5

Influencer programs directed at professionals virtually run themselves, because these individuals are accustomed to freely dispensing bits of information and giving their opinions without a thought.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 6

Advertising is a paid form of nonpersonal communication.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 7

Fred is the purchasing manager at Marc's Auto Body and places orders for routine products such as office supplies and items needed for service and repair of vehicles. He typically purchases tools from the Snap-on dealer and orders a variety of nuts, bolts, and hardware from Grainger. He really likes purchasing from Grainger since he can utilize their website where he has an intranet portal to easily place orders and receive a company discount. Grainger makes it easy and convenient as well by providing a list of previously purchased items that Fred can select and simply click reorder. What type of purchase process does Fred use when buying these items from Grainger?
 A) Straight rebuy
  B) Modified rebuy
  C) New-task purchase
  D) Contracted purchase

Question 8

We can think of influencer marketing as a set of conversations involving an influencer, a consumer, and a brand.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
God bless you! Helped my grade so much.
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