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mlevans624 mlevans624
Posts: 510
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6 years ago
Managers find it relatively easy to maintain consistently high service quality.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 2

A hospital is attempting to change its image. In the past, the hospital has been perceived as having a high degree of expertise across all medical services, but also as having a cold and unfeeling atmosphere. This has resulted in the hospital losing business in situations where patients feel that a procedure is simple enough that any hospital can perform it equally well. The decision is made to hire a local advertising agency. The agency's creative director meets with the hospital marketing director to develop a creative brief. It focuses on print ads for local newspapers and regional magazines, and states that the advertising for the hospital must create feelings of caring and warmth, without explicitly stating that the hospital caresa tactic that has been used again and again by other medical institutions. Once she has a rough draft, the art director has to admit it's a really great-looking ad. All the elements hang together and work with each other, and the overall feel is harmonious and peaceful. She clearly understands the principle of .
 a. balance
  b. unity
  c. order
  d. proportion

Question 3

Brush Strokes is an art supply store located in a town with a population of about 100,000 people. The town is also home to a major State University. Brush Strokes gets a majority of its business from the student population. It uses the services of a local full-service advertising agency to promote themselves. A large part of its marketing budget has been used in running small advertisements in the local and school newspapers at the beginning of each term. The advertising agency is now recommending that Brush Strokes devote a majority of its budget to running television spots during broadcasts of the University's football and basketball games. While the owners of Brush Strokes agree that they could be doing a better job of reaching a larger portion of the student population, they have not come to any conclusions about the best way to accomplish this. The owners of Brush Strokes have called a meeting with their agency to determine ways in which it can benefit most from advertising. The agency has agreed to help in identifying the benefits of the brand, its target audience, the best competitive positioning, and developing a complete plan. In such a scenario, which of the following services is the agency offering?
 a. Media buying services
  b. Billing services
  c. Account services
  d. Marketing services

Question 4

Franchise Advisory Councils:
 a. constitute a crucial step along the patch toward growth and development of a franchise system
  b. are legally required for franchise systems in some states
  c. are always independently developed by franchisees themselves
  d. are used in franchise systems primarily to pressure franchisees to behave ethically

Question 5

It is in a service organization's best interest to understand and accommodate customers' zones of tolerance.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 6

A hospital is attempting to change its image. In the past, the hospital has been perceived as having a high degree of expertise across all medical services, but also as having a cold and unfeeling atmosphere. This has resulted in the hospital losing business in situations where patients feel that a procedure is simple enough that any hospital can perform it equally well. The decision is made to hire a local advertising agency. The agency's creative director meets with the hospital marketing director to develop a creative brief. It focuses on print ads for local newspapers and regional magazines, and states that the advertising for the hospital must create feelings of caring and warmth, without explicitly stating that the hospital caresa tactic that has been used again and again by other medical institutions. One thing that the art director has learned is that ads should lead the reader's gaze in a logical path
  that includes the brand name. Which of the following elements of design does this involve?
 a. Order
  b. Proportion
  c. Balance
  d. Unity

Question 7

Brush Strokes is an art supply store located in a town with a population of about 100,000 people. The town is also home to a major State University. Brush Strokes gets a majority of its business from the student population. It uses the services of a local full-service advertising agency to promote themselves. A large part of its marketing budget has been used in running small advertisements in the local and school newspapers at the beginning of each term. The advertising agency is now recommending that Brush Strokes devote a majority of its budget to running television spots during broadcasts of the University's football and basketball games. While the owners of Brush Strokes agree that they could be doing a better job of reaching a larger portion of the student population, they have not come to any conclusions about the best way to accomplish this. Which one of the following would Brush Strokes's full-service agency be least qualified to handle?
 a. Researching about the buying trends of the company's customers
  b. Creating a 30-second television commercial
  c. Forecasting dividend earnings of stockholders
  d. Generating awareness about the brand

Question 8

 a. focuses on the decision maker achieving maximum personal benefits
  b. attempts to remove emotion and self-interests from decision-making
  c. is concerned with providing the greatest good for the greatest number of people
  d. both b and c above

Question 9

Customers evaluate services differently from physical goods because services tend to be inherently low in search and credence qualities but high in experience qualities.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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