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tola2001 tola2001
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11 years ago
Im transfering to a state college and I have an AA in psychology, I know having an AA doesnt get you much, but what kind of job could I have with an AA in psychology while im going to school to get my BA?
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11 years ago
You can apply for jobs with agencies that place teacher's helpers in classes with children who are truly difficult to handle - like with fairly severe ADD or something like that, and need one on one attention.  In most school districts, you do not need any special training to do this, just patience.  I don't know how many jobs are available anywhere right now, but if you are willing to volunteer for the experience on your resume, you can get a lot of work at schools doing that type of thing.   You could also get work at a center that works with developmentally delayed adults and children, and again, they may not be hiring, but may take you on as a volunteer.
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