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ok117 ok117
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6 years ago
When discussing indicators of emotionally disturbed children or children with disruptive behavior disorders with a group of student nurses, the psychiatric nurse states that one of the best indicators of emotionally disturbed children is that
  they have difficulty: 1. Seeking out peers.
  2. Digesting a balanced diet.
  3. Interpreting internal stimuli or external cues.
  4. Following rules and norms of behavior.
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6 years ago
Rationale: The central feature of a conduct disorder is repetitive and persistent behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. Look for behaviors that show aggression toward people and animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, or serious violations of parental or school rules. The ability to digest a balanced diet is not an indicator of an emotionally disturbed child. Children with a conduct disorder tend to find peers with similar issues. Interpreting internal stimuli or external cues is not related to conduct disorders.
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