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boeing boeing
Posts: 107
13 years ago
Hello, I have noticed that there appears to be 2 different Worksheets and Review Sheets for each Exercise. In Fact in my lab manual what everyone refers to as Exercise 1 is actaully Exercise 5b. I have completed the lab worksheet and I am working on the review sheet. I just need help right now with this one:

Facilitated Diffusion
2. The following refer to Activity 2: Simulating Facilitated Diffusion.

Did any of the substances travel against their concentration gradient? Explain why or why not.

Using your results from Chart 2, what was the fastest rate of facilitated diffusion recorded? _______________.

Describe the conditions that were used to achieve this rate. _____________________________ _____________________________ _
Name two ways to increase the rate of glucose transport. _____________________________ ________________________
Did NaCl affect glucose transport? _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________
Did NaCl require a transport protein for diffusion? Why or why not? _____________________________ _______________

Thank you in advance

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13 years ago
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- Master of Science in Biology
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boeing Author
13 years ago
Thank you very much.
The explanations which are part of the answer was what was giving me some trouble. I will get some additional help in understanding passive and active transport. Also would like to better understand hypertonic/hypotonic solutions;
13 years ago
Hey Rit727,

If you need extra assistance with those topics you mentioned, start a new topic!

Good Luck
13 years ago
The following refer to activity 4: simulating filtration
Using your result in chart 4, which MWCO membrane had the greatest filteration rate?
Explain the relationship between pore size and filteration rate
which solute did not appear in the filterate using any of the membranes
What is your prediction of the molecular weight of glucose compared to the other solutes in the solution?
What happen when you increase the driving pressure?
Explain why fluid flows from the cappilaries of the kidneys into the kidney tubules
How do you think a decrease in blood pressure would affect filteration in the kidneys?
13 years ago
Simple Diffusion
1. The following refer to activity 1 : simulating Dialysis (Simple diffusion).
Which solutes were able to pass through the 20MWCO membarane?
Acording to your results, which solute had the highest molecular weight?
Which solute displayed the highest rate of diffusion through the 200 MWCO membrane?
Using the  data from chart 1, explain the relationship between the rate of diffusion and the size of solute.
13 years ago
The following refer to activity 4: simulating filtration
Using your result in chart 4, which MWCO membrane had the greatest filteration rate?
Explain the relationship between pore size and filteration rate
which solute did not appear in the filterate using any of the membranes
What is your prediction of the molecular weight of glucose compared to the other solutes in the solution?
What happen when you increase the driving pressure?
Explain why fluid flows from the cappilaries of the kidneys into the kidney tubules
How do you think a decrease in blood pressure would affect filteration in the kidneys?
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