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boobear86 boobear86
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6 years ago
What information do scientists use to estimate the total mass of the Milky Way Galaxy?
 a. The size of the galaxy from end to end.
  b. The number of stars and planets thought to be in the galaxy.
  c. The mass of Earth.
  d. The diameter of the galaxy.
  e. The fact that all the stars in the galaxy rotate about a common point.

[Ques. 2] Which is the BEST description of what causes tides?
 a. Tides are caused by the Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth.
  b. Tides are caused by earthquakes.
  c. Tides are caused by the rotation of the Earth.
  d. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Earth-Moon system.
  e. Tides are caused by the Earth's gravitational pull on the Moon.

[Ques. 3] Where is the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system?
 a. Near the Moon.
  b. In Australia.
  c. Not very far above the surface of the Earth.
  d. Halfway between the Earth and the Moon.
  e. Under the surface of the Earth.

[Ques. 4] A geosynchronous satellite:
 a. must be close enough to Earth's surface that the gravitational acceleration, g, remains essentially the same.
  b. remains stationary in space.
  c. remains directly above a specific location on Earth's surface.
  d. revolves around the Moon, not Earth.
  e. takes one week to complete a revolution around Earth.

[Ques. 5] If the weight of an object with mass m is given by W = mg on Earth's surface, what will its weight be inside an airplane at an altitude of 35,000 feet?
 a. The same.
  b. It will be slightly less because g is somewhat smaller at that height.
  c. It will be slightly more because of the increased potential energy.

[Ques. 6] Which of these statements is true?
 a. The value of g is 1.
  b. The value of g is exactly constant at any given distance from Earth's center.
  c. Even at a given distance from Earth's surface, the value of g can vary slightly.
  d. The value of g changes a great deal from place to place at a given elevation on Earth's surface.
  e. The value of g is exactly constant all over Earth's surface.

[Ques. 7] Your weight on a given planet could be calculated from:
 a. how far that planet is from the Sun.
  b. how fast that planet revolves around the Sun.
  c. how fast that planet rotates.
  d. the mass of the planet and how far you are above its surface.
  e. the mass of that planet and its diameter.

[Ques. 8] Which of these statements is true about the statement that the value of G is the same throughout the universe?
 a. The statement is a fact.
  b. The statement has been proven to be untrue.
  c. The statement is generally true, but there are some proven exceptions.
  d. The statement is believed to be true because it has never been disproved.
  e. The statement is really a question.

[Ques. 9] What else became calculable when Henry Cavendish calculated the value of G (the gravitational force between two objects on Earth)?
 a. The distance between the Earth and the Moon.
  b. The weight of the Earth.
  c. The mass of the Earth.
  d. The fact that the earth is spherically symmetric.
  e. The diameter of Earth.

[Ques. 10] Why couldn't Newton determine the value of the gravitational constant?
 a. The constant was too large to measure with existing instruments.
  b. The constant was too small to measure with existing instruments.
  c. If the gravitational constant were known, the mass of Earth could be calculated.
  d. Although Newton believed there was a constant, no one has ever discovered one.
  e. Although the right equipment and techniques for this measurement existed, Newton did not have access to them.
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6 years ago
1)  e

2)  d

3)  e

4)  c

5)  b

6)  c

7)  e

8)  d

9)  c

10)  b
boobear86 Author
6 years ago
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