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6 years ago
Which of the following recommendations have been made for transport ventilators by the American Hospital Association to meet the criteria for class I devices? I. have minimal gas consumption II. have variable Fio2 settings III. have at least two respiratory rate settings IV. have variable PEEP settings
  A. I, II only
  B. I, III only
  C. II, IV only
  D. I, II, IV only

Q. 2  A patient is being ventilated by a transport ventilator en route to a hospital. During ventilation, the high-pressure alarm, which is set at 40 cm H2O, sounds periodically. What should the therapist do at this time?
  A. Increase the pressure limit.
  B. Change the Fio2.
  C. Increase the inspiratory flow.
  D. Continue ventilating the patient with the current settings.

Q. 3  The therapist is using an O2-powered breathing device that is being manually triggered. Each time the therapist depresses the actuator, he continues to depress the actuator. What effect will maintaining pressure on the actuator have on the inspiratory time?
  A. It will have no influence on the inspiratory time.
  B. It will prolong the inspiratory time because inspiration will be maintained as long as the actuator is depressed.
  C. Inspiration will automatically be terminated after 3 seconds despite depressing the actuator continuously.
  D. Maintaining pressure on the actuator will cause multiple inspirations to be triggered.

Q. 4  Which of the following components are unnecessary to have on a transport ventilator for use during prehospital care? I. variable Fio2 II. a variety of modes III. manual inhalation control IV. independent control knobs for Vt and f
  A. I, II only
  B. II, III only
  C. I, III, IV only
  D. I, II, III, IV

Q. 5  Which of the following equipment is essential for intrahospital transport of a mechanically ventilated patient from an ICU? I. stethoscope II. intubation equipment III. self-inflating bag IV. portable monitor
  A. I, IV only
  B. I, II, III only
  C. II, III, IV only
  D. I, II, III, IV

Q. 6  According to Hess and associates, how should the practice of allowing resuscitation victims to breathe spontaneously through the NRV of resuscitators be viewed?
  A. acceptable because it gives the person performing ventilation periodic rest
  B. acceptable because spontaneous breathing helps load the respiratory muscles
  C. unacceptable because this practice imposes increased work of breathing
  D. unacceptable because the victim cannot sustain a fixed Fio2
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  ANS: B
A. Incorrect response: See explanation B.
B. Correct response: Transport ventilators are typically simple devices having one or two controls, providing only one mode, no PEEP, and strictly an Fio2 of 1.0. The AHA has suggested that automatic transport ventilators meet the criteria for class I devices. These criteria are listed in the text on page 350.
C. Incorrect response: See explanation B.
D. Incorrect response: See explanation B

(Answer to Q. 2)  ANS: D
A. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
B. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
C. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
D. Correct response: Transport ventilators contain a high-pressure relief valve, which vents gas to the atmosphere at a preselected peak inspiratory pressure. The pressure limit typically is 60 to 80 cm H2O for adults and 30 to 40 cm H2O for children. Activation of the high-pressure limit is usually signaled by a visual or audible alarm to alert the operator. Since the patient in this problem is periodically reaching the high pressure limit set at only 40 cm H2O, ventilation should continue as selected.

(Answer to Q. 3)  ANS: C
A. Incorrect response: See explanation C.
B. Incorrect response: See explanation C.
C. Correct response: O2-powered breathing devices (OPD) are frequently called demand valves. A typical OPD consists of a demand valve that can be manually triggered or patient triggered. Newer OPDs limit the available airway pressure via a pressure-limiting valve, and limit the length of the inspiratory time. In terms of the inspiratory time, inspiration is terminated after 3 seconds elapse, even if the operator continues to depress the actuator. Therefore maintaining pressure on the actuator for a prolonged period will have no influence on the inspiratory time.
D. Incorrect response: See explanation C

(Answer to Q. 4)  ANS: A
A. Correct response: Transport ventilators used in prehospital care do not need (1) a variable Fio2, and (2) CPAP or a variety of ventilatory modes. Some studies have demonstrated that 95 of patients receiving prehospital ventilation during transport were apneic. Having demand flow valves adds size and weight to the ventilator, and can also increase gas consumption. Independent control knobs for Vt and respiratory rate should be available. Another important feature is the manual inhalation control, which is useful during auscultation of breath sounds to confirm proper ETT placement.
B. Incorrect response: See explanation A.
C. Incorrect response: See explanation A.

(Answer to Q. 5)  ANS: D
A. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
B. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
C. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
D. Correct response: The following equipment is essential for intrahospital transport of a mechanically ventilated patient: (1) portable monitor (ECG, arterial blood pressure, pulmonary artery catheter, intracranial pressure, etc.), (2) portable ventilator or self-inflating bag, (3) airway maintenance (intubation equipment), (4) drug box, (5) infusion pumps, and (6) stethoscope.

(Answer to Q. 6)  ANS: C
A. Incorrect response: See explanation C.
B. Incorrect response: See explanation C.
C. Correct response: Spontaneous breathing through the NRV of resuscitators has been an area of controversy. Hess and colleagues found that both inspiratory and expiratory work of breathing were elevated. Imposed work of breathing increased with the application of PEEP, and with increased patient flow demand. Measurements of work in this study were high and represented a 10- to 100-fold increase compared with the imposed work of breathing associated with common ICU ventilators. Therefore Hess and associates recommend that the practice of allowing spontaneous breathing via disposable resuscitator bags be abandoned.
D. Incorrect response: See explanation C
BROSE0407 Author
6 years ago
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