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Haskin Haskin
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6 years ago
The lifting of federal cross-ownership restrictions has caused a consolidation of media options.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 2

While many facets of advertising have undergone a great deal of change since the early days of advertising, the goal of the industry has remained constant.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 3

Explain the evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications since the 1990s and why IMC is crucial to brand success.

Question 4

Outline the four main components of a marketing mix. List two factors that must be considered for each component. Describe advertising's role in the marketing mix.

Question 5

Audiences can be considered geographic entities by marketers. The book offered five different types of promotion that result from this. List three of these different types of promotion defined by geography. Describe when the use of each of the three types you list is appropriate.

Question 6

List and describe the two main components that comprise the model of communications presented in the book. Explain why they are considered partially independent.

Question 7

By definition, a communication must meet three criteria to be considered an advertisement. Describe a public service announcement that you have seen recently, then outline how it meets, or fails to meet, each of these criteria.

Question 8

Hallmark runs a commercial saying that people who receive greeting cards appreciate the cards more when they see the Hallmark name on the back. This is an example of
 a. primary demand stimulation.
  b. direct response advertising.
  c. attempting to add symbolic value to a product.
  d. integrated marketing communications.

Question 9

A critic of advertising tells you that the costs of advertising are built into the costs for products, which are then passed on to the consumer. You have decided to argue the point with him. Which argument should you not present?
 a. This must be balanced against the time it would take a person if he or she had to search for information about products without advertising.
  b. Economies of scale spread fixed costs over a large number of production units
  c. The increased demand for products that results from advertising can lower the cost of the production of the products.
  d. This is a misconception. Often, the costs of advertising are not built into the costs for products.

Question 10

In 2000, Volkswagen spent about 551 million per year in advertising. Volkswagen sales were around 15.7 billion. Volkswagen's advertising spending as a percentage of sales was approximately 3.4 percent. General Motors spent about 3.9 billion in advertising over the same period of time. GM's sales were around 136 billion. GM's advertising spending as a percentage of sales was approximately 2.8 percent. According to the book, this information supports the argument that
 a. it is difficult to identify a predictable relationship between advertising and sales.
  b. the cost of advertising results in higher prices for consumers.
  c. advertising does not stimulate competition.
  d. advertising does not ultimately benefit the economy as a whole.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3

Since the 1990s, the concept of mixing various promotional tools has generally been referred to as integrated marketing communications. The IMC process uses promotional tools in a unified way so that a synergistic communication effect is created. Current thinking is that the emphasis on communication is not as important as the emphasis on the brand. The result is that there has been an evolution towards using a wide range of promotional tools in concert to create widespread brand exposure.

Answer to #4

The four main components of a marketing mix are product, price, promotion, and distribution. Exhibit 1.3 contains an extensive list of factors that must be considered for each component. Advertising must work to support the organization's more general marketing strategies. Some of the most basic strategies that it can support are market segmentation, product differentiation, and positioning.

Answer to #5

(1) Global promotion is possible only when brands and the messages about those brands have a similar appeal across diverse cultures. (2) International promotion occurs when firms prepare and place different promotion in different national markets. It is appropriate when a product does not have cross-cultural appeal and global recognition. (3) National promotion is used when a single message needs to reach all of the geographic areas of one nation. (4) Regional promotion is carried out by producers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers that concentrate their efforts in a relatively large, but not national, geographic region. (5) Local promotion is directed at an audience in a single trading area, either a city or state.

Answer to #6

The two main components are the production and reception of messages. In production the content of any communication is produced. It is the product of the interaction of many institutions. In reception, individual members of the audience interpret communications according to a set of factors, governed largely by their salient social networks. This is where the meaning is determined. The processes of production and reception are partially independent because the producers of a message cannot control or even closely monitor the actual reception and interpretation of the content.

Answer to #7

The three criteria that must be met for a communication to be considered an advertisement are that it must be paid for, it must be mass mediated, and it must be an attempt to persuade. A public service advertisement is mass mediated and an attempt to persuade. However, by definition, a public service announcement is not paid for and cannot be considered advertising.

Answer to #8


Answer to #9


Answer to #10

Haskin Author
6 years ago
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