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6 years ago
Starting in late 2010, shoppers at a number of Bloom supermarkets will be able to watch commercials on small notebook-sized monitors as they stroll through the aisles. The devices, or 3GTV's as creator Automated Media Services calls them, will advertise products nearby ranging from macaroni noodles to peanut butter. The mini-televisions are part of a pilot program in nine of the grocer's locations in Maryland and Virginia to test the effectiveness of commercials at the point-of-purchase. Advertisers, which are growing increasingly frustrated by TiVo and DirectTV's fast-forwarding capabilities, will be able to pitch consumers at what Automated believes is the most crucial point in the sale process. The new technology could help grocery stores such as Bloom save money on circulars, but the transition will likely not come without conflict. Before the first 3GTV was even activated, one coalition group argued that the system would undercut parental authority by causing children to lobby for the product being advertised. Advertisements on the 3GTV's will likely be rotating on a very frequent basis. In fact, no one ad will be shown for any longer than one or two months at a time. These ads are known as
 a. short-term promotional displays.
  b. rotating displays.
  c. permanent long-term displays.
  d. attention-grabbing displays.

Question 2

The primary product offered by the department stores is convenience.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 3

Information inputs that reach perceptual awareness are received in an organized form.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 4

Discount stores are distinctive in that they usually are very service oriented.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 5

General Mills brand breakfast cereals face strong competition in the dry cereal category from brands like Kellogg's and Quaker Oats. Still, General Mills brands like Wheaties and Cheerios maintain a strong share of the market. As a manufacturer, General Mills knows it must stimulate consumer demand for its brands, but it must gain retailer support for these brands as well. Its market research shows that some consumers are very loyal to certain brands of cereal, but most consumers show some level of variety-seeking behavior in this product category. As a result, General Mills is constantly examining different sales promotion tools to stimulate consumers to consider its brands when shopping for breakfast cereal. General Mills' salespeople handle or monitor a number of promotions for its cereals. Which of the following involves point-of-purchase advertising?
 a. a scratch-off card to win a mountain bike inserted in each box
  b. a free granola bar attached to each cereal box
  c. a small box of cereal delivered with the daily newspaper
  d. a large display of cereal boxes at the end of the grocery aisle

Question 6

When a buyer receives information that is inconsistent with his or her beliefs, the buyer may distort the information to bring it more in line with those beliefs.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 7

If an information input is useful in satisfying a person's current needs, it is more likely to reach perceptual awareness.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 8

General Mills brand breakfast cereals face strong competition in the dry cereal category from brands like Kellogg's and Quaker Oats. Still, General Mills brands like Wheaties and Cheerios maintain a strong share of the market. As a manufacturer, General Mills knows it must stimulate consumer demand for its brands, but it must gain retailer support for these brands as well. Its market research shows that some consumers are very loyal to certain brands of cereal, but most consumers show some level of variety-seeking behavior in this product category. As a result, General Mills is constantly examining different sales promotion tools to stimulate consumers to consider its brands when shopping for breakfast cereal. On the back of its Cheerios boxes, General Mills has printed a form to fill out for a cookbook offer. The booklet, entitled Healthy Snacks and Appetizers with Cheerios, is available to consumers for a nominal charge of 3.00 plus a 1.00 shipping and handling charge. This is an example of
 a. a self-liquidating premium.
  b. an on-package sample.
  c. an advertising specialty.
  d. a trial offer.
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