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6 years ago
The Xcellent Agency specializes in developing advertising campaigns for smaller retail clients. Xcellent was hired by Shadowleaf Shoes, a small regional chain of six shoe stores, to develop a slogan and specific ads to be used in a three-month newspaper campaign. Shadowleaf's marketing director, Manuel Margolis, was adamant while meeting with Xcellent's account executive, Kia Chin, that the campaign must be catchy and modern to appeal to a target audience that has an active lifestyle and is between the ages of 18 and 35 . More importantly, Margolis wanted the slogan to be memorable and unique.
  Kia Chin, representing Xcellent, developed a campaign and presented it to Margolis, based on the slogan, Do What You Do in a Shadowleaf Shoe. Visuals included men's legsdifferent sizes, skin colors, etc.walking, jogging, dancing, and otherwise moving in every type of Shadowleaf shoes. She felt that this campaign would target young male consumers, but would also get the attention of others regarding its comfortable shoes and would raise awareness of the Shadowleaf brand. After running the ads, the Xcellent Agency won an advertising effectiveness award. It seemed that the surprising and appealing visuals gave the slogan unexpectedly positive social meaning for people of all ages, not just men aged 18 to 35 .
  The Xcellent account manager, Kia Chin, explains to Margolis how they developed the slogan. Before you can be believed, you have to be liked, she says. And what could be better than a new pair of shoes? Remember when you were little and you got a new pair of shoes? And when you learned to lace them up? No matter what their age, everybody likes putting on a new pair of shoes, right? This creative description for the Shadowleaf slogan could have been drawn from which core characteristic of creative people?
 a. Childlike thinking
  b. Obsessive commitment
  c. Self-confidence
  d. Conventional attitude

Question 2

For some years now, enterprising individuals have gotten their own ideas, forums, and entertainment programs out in front of the public with no help from big tech firms, media conglomerates, or ad agencies. They simply posted their creations on the Internet. It began with blogs, moved to podcasts, expanded to social networks, moved on to YouTube videos, and transferred to Twitter. Audience members can download these technological tidbitstext, visual, and audio formatsto their laptops as well as to cell phones, Blackberries, iPods, iPads, and every other mobile gadget that hits the market. Eventually, public relations companies started getting into the act. A medium-sized, family-owned organic farm in California packages its fresh produce and distributes it to grocers around the country. It is now rumored to be part of an E. Coli outbreak that is destroying spinach in nearby farms. This is absolutely false, so the family acts fast by clarifying the situation through Twitter releases, blog responses, and announcements on its home page. This kind of activity focuses on problems to be solved rather than opportunities to be considered, and requires that a company take defensive measures. Which of the following measures would it take?
 a. Reactive public relations strategy
  b. Lobbying campaign
  c. Corporate image marketing
  d. Proactive public relations strategy

Question 3

The Xcellent Agency specializes in developing advertising campaigns for smaller retail clients. Xcellent was hired by Shadowleaf Shoes, a small regional chain of six shoe stores, to develop a slogan and specific ads to be used in a three-month newspaper campaign. Shadowleaf's marketing director, Manuel Margolis, was adamant while meeting with Xcellent's account executive, Kia Chin, that the campaign must be catchy and modern to appeal to a target audience that has an active lifestyle and is between the ages of 18 and 35 . More importantly, Margolis wanted the slogan to be memorable and unique.
  Kia Chin, representing Xcellent, developed a campaign and presented it to Margolis, based on the slogan, Do What You Do in a Shadowleaf Shoe. Visuals included men's legsdifferent sizes, skin colors, etc.walking, jogging, dancing, and otherwise moving in every type of Shadowleaf shoes. She felt that this campaign would target young male consumers, but would also get the attention of others regarding its comfortable shoes and would raise awareness of the Shadowleaf brand. After running the ads, the Xcellent Agency won an advertising effectiveness award. It seemed that the surprising and appealing visuals gave the slogan unexpectedly positive social meaning for people of all ages, not just men aged 18 to 35 .
  When Manuel Margolis insists on a measuring stick for the creativity of the campaign, what will the
  Xcellent Agency tell him, if Kia Chin is smart?
 a. The award alone proves that this ad is loaded with creativity..
  b. If people like the ad, they'll buy the product..
  c. We met the technical standards for this advertising effort..
  d. Great brands do more than just get attention, they make emotional connections..

Question 4

For some years now, enterprising individuals have gotten their own ideas, forums, and entertainment programs out in front of the public with no help from big tech firms, media conglomerates, or ad agencies. They simply posted their creations on the Internet. It began with blogs, moved to podcasts, expanded to social networks, moved on to YouTube videos, and transferred to Twitter. Audience members can download these technological tidbitstext, visual, and audio formatsto their laptops as well as to cell phones, Blackberries, iPods, iPads, and every other mobile gadget that hits the market. Eventually, public relations companies started getting into the act. An athletic supply manufacturer is about to launch a new sports sock made of an innovative fabric that cushions the foot, reduces impact, absorbs moisture, and supports high-intensity sports. It creates short video spots and posts them on its home page, Facebook page, YouTube, and other sites for viewing and downloading. Since this video is generated by the company, intends to gain positive publicity, and hopes for free exposure of a new product, it works in much the same way that the more traditional does.
 a. company newsletter
  b. sponsored event
  c. press release
  d. feature story

Question 5

Psychologist Robert Sternberg, an expert on creativity and intelligence, advises that if you want to be more creative, you should:
 a. do something you love.
  b. learn from the pros.
  c. expect to be disliked.
  d. head up a team.

Question 6

A young man decides to become a mass producer of T-shirts. His small factory located in Oregon begins promoting itself by hiring excellent seamstresses, offering a pleasant working environment, decent salaries, and giving the public an opportunity to buy clothes that are truly made in America.. The company eventually adds other clothing items, opens three brick-and-mortar retail stores in several large cities, and expands to online shopping. Over the years, the firm grows and prospers due to its reputation as an American manufacturer, a fair employer, and an opponent of the traditional view of sweatshops.. However, along the way, it deals with a few public relations issues too. After 35 years, he looks back to his beginnings. He had little money for a public relations agency early on so he had to create carefully worded messages, and strategically placed ads that the public would perceive in a very positive light. In essence, he was using a type of:
 a. influencer marketing.
  b. free publicity.
  c. corporate advertising.
  d. reactive strategy.

Question 7

In his studies of creativity and intelligence, Yale psychologist Robert Sternberg has found that when you suggest a really creative idea, you need to:
 a. copyright it.
  b. be prepared for opposition to it.
  c. decide that it is a safe solution.
  d. base it on an accepted standard.

Question 8

A young man decides to become a mass producer of T-shirts. His small factory located in Oregon begins promoting itself by hiring excellent seamstresses, offering a pleasant working environment, decent salaries, and giving the public an opportunity to buy clothes that are truly made in America.. The company eventually adds other clothing items, opens three brick-and-mortar retail stores in several large cities, and expands to online shopping. Over the years, the firm grows and prospers due to its reputation as an American manufacturer, a fair employer, and an opponent of the traditional view of sweatshops.. However, along the way, it deals with a few public relations issues too. Over the years, he has learned that positive word-of-mouth advertising helps. He now enlists the testimony of seamstresses who have been with him for years, customers who won't buy any casual clothing but his, and even high-end designers who praise his business integrity and product quality. Which of the following is he currently involved in?
 a. Publicity marketing
  b. Influencer marketing
  c. Sponsorship marketing
  d. Internal marketing
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6 years ago
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