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bonganh1996 bonganh1996
Posts: 336
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6 years ago
A nurse manager works diligently to communicate effectively with the staff. In order to avoid barriers to communication, the nurse manager should do which of the following? Select all that apply.
  a. Be sensitive to cultural differences d. Elicit verbal and nonverbal feedback
  b. Enhance listening skills e. Avoid metacommunication
  c. Communicate aggressively f. Be sensitive to gender differences

Question 2

Managers of successful teams have been shown to have specific characteristics. Name three of these characteristics.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

You are employed in a hospital where nurses are unionized. Which of the following situations would you report to the NLRB? Select all that apply.
  a. A staff nurse gave a medication to the wrong patient.
  b. A nurse is given a verbal warning because of consistent tardiness.
  c. You were not paid overtime for the extra hours you worked last week.
  d. A nurse was denied a promotion due to failure to provide quality care.
  e. Nurses are being sexually harassed by many of the physicians.
  f. Units are often understaffed and experiencing increased patient falls.

Question 4

A nursing student wants to be able to communicate with clients who speak other languages. While enrolled in nursing school, the student learns four of the top spoken languages.
  These languages would most likely be which of the following? Select all that apply. a. Spanish d. Arabic
  b. Russian e. Mandarin Chinese
  c. Hindi f. Japanese

Question 5

Which delegation should a UAP consider to have the highest priority?
  a. Obtaining a routine blood glucose level from a patient with diabetes
  b. Giving a bath to a patient scheduled for a colonoscopy
  c. Feeding a patient who needs assistance doing so.
  d. Helping an elderly patient to the bathroom

Question 6

One of the major challenges with a shared governance model is _________.
  a. time constraints for decision making
  b. hierarchical models of decision making
  c. government influence in decision making
  d. committees making all the decisions

Question 7

The nurses at the hospital where you are employed are in the process of unionization. Your role during this process would include which of the following? Select all that apply.
  a. Act clearly within the law at all times.
  b. Know the rights of your manager.
  c. If a manager acts unlawfully, report it to the NLRB.
  d. Know your legal rights.
  e. Demand an increase in salary.
  f. If another nurse practices in an unsafe manner, report it to the NLRB.

Question 8

Which of the following would be considered a barrier to a nurse's effective communication? Select all that apply.
  a. Interrupting d. Experiencing stress
  b. Attentive listening e. Developing trust
  c. Being defensive f. Offering false reassurance
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

A, B, D, F
Strategies that the nurse manager can implement to avoid barriers to communication include being
sensitive to cultural and gender differences, enhancing listening skills, eliciting both verbal and
nonverbal feedback. The nurse manager should also communicate assertively and utilize
metacommunication. Each of these techniques help to develop rapport with the staff and become a
foundation for the development of trust.

Answer to #2

Correct answers should include three of the following points.
o coaching employees (guiding team members in their work; providing skills, knowledge and support to do their work)
o motivating
o communicating (conveying enthusiasm about the work and goals of the team; providing feedback about progress to goals)
o engaging team members in decision making
o developing team members

Answer to #3

C, E, F
The issues that you should report to the NLRB include not being paid for overtime; sexual harassment;
and the units' being understaffed, resulting in increased patient falls. Salary issues and environmental
safety issues are under the purview of the union.

Answer to #4

A, C, D, E
Today, Mandarin Chinese tops the list of most spoken language with approximately 1 billion speakers.
The next most often spoken languages are Spanish, numbering 329 million; English, 328 million;
Arabic, 221 million; and Hindi, 182 million.

Answer to #5


A Does not take priority over the elderly patient needing to use the bathroom.
B Does not take priority over the elderly patient needing to use the bathroom.
C Does not take priority over the elderly patient needing to use the bathroom.
D Elderly patients frequently need to get to the bathroom quickly, and if no assis-tance is provided, they may fall in an attempt to make it there by themselves.

Answer to #6


a. Correct: In shared governance, committees that include administrators and direct care nurses focus on decisions related to the standard of nursing practice, and this committee structure operates concurrently with the hierarchical hospital and nursing administration structures. However, the rapid time frame required for many decisions can mean that these decisions are made by administration rather than through committees, because shared governance involves a longer decision-making process.
b. Incorrect: Shared governance is not a hierarchical model of decision making.
c. Incorrect: Shared governance does not involve government influence in decision making.
d. Incorrect: In shared governance, decisions are made by committees, so this is not a major challenge. The challenge is that this type of decision-making process takes time, and may not work well when there are time constraints on decision making.

Answer to #7

A, B, C, D
Your role would include acting clearly within the law at all times, knowing your legal rights, knowing
the rights of your manager, and reporting unlawful acts by the manager to the NLRB. The process
does not include demanding a salary increase or reporting unsafe nursing practice to the NLRB.
Unsafe practices of another nurse should be reported to your immediate supervisor.

Answer to #8

A, C, D, F
Barriers to effective communication include interrupting, being defensive, and offering false
reassurance. When an individual is experiencing stress, this may become a barrier to effective
communication. Attentive listening, developing trust, clarifying, using silence, and providing
information are strategies which will facilitate communication.
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