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mrmauricio123 mrmauricio123
Posts: 363
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6 years ago
Three of the following are examples of scaffolding. Which of the following is not?
  a. Modeling the correct way to perform a task
  b. Asking thought provoking questions
  c. Providing technological equipment to help with the task
  d. Repeatedly stating that the task at hand is difficult

Ques. 2

Kiley is having trouble learning the steps involved in using a microscope correctly. If we consider Vygotsky's description of how children can help themselves through difficult tasks, we should suggest that Kiley:
  a. Practice each step separately many times over
  b. Go through the procedure in slow motion a few times
  c. Talk herself through the steps
  d. Learn the reasons why each step is important

Ques. 3

Central to Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development is the idea that children increasingly make better sense of their world:
  a. Through the mental processes of assimilation and accommodation
  b. By repeatedly encountering both pleasant and unpleasant events in their daily lives
  c. Through their independent explorations of their physical and social environments
  d. By interacting with more experienced people who mediate their understandings

Ques. 4

Ms. Trinh is about to start a unit on sharks. Some of her students have a strong interest in sharks and know a lot about them. Others know very little about sharks. When Ms. Trinh gives a reading assignment about sharks, she should expect that:
  a. Students with more background knowledge will understand the reading material more readily than their classmates.
  b. Students' reading comprehension will depend almost entirely on their word decoding skills; their prior knowledge won't make much of a difference.
  c. Students with more background knowledge are less likely to double-check their understanding and so will make more comprehension errors.
  d. Students with less background knowledge may be reluctant to read about an unfamiliar topic; thus, motivating them to learn during the unit will be a challenge.

Ques. 5

To pass the time one day, Keisha multiplies 2 by 2 by 2 by 2 ... and so on, on her calculator. She observes that the products increase in size more dramatically with each calculation. A few weeks later, when her math teacher explains what it means for something to increase exponentially, Keisha realizes that she has already discovered this idea on her own, and she remembers it better as a result. Which one of the following concepts best characterizes Keisha's enhanced understanding of an exponential increase?
  a. The generation effect
  b. Internal organization
  c. A meaningful learning set
  d. Implicit knowledge

Ques. 6

Tyler learns that Christopher Columbus's first voyage across the Atlantic was financed by Queen Isabella of Spain. He thinks to himself, She probably thought she would make a profit on her investment. When he stops to consider the queen's motives, Tyler is demonstrating which one of the following processes?
  a. elaboration
  b. meaningful learning
  c. rehearsal
  d. internal organization

Ques. 7

Considering research described in the textbook regarding meaningful learning, which one of the following students is most likely to remember what the word effervescent means?
  a. Alice thinks, The word has four Es.
  b. Betty thinks, The word describes me...I have a bubbly personality.
  c. Carolyn thinks, The ending is the same as the ending of adolescent.
  d. Donna thinks, I'll bet it comes from the Latin word fervere, meaning boil.'

Ques. 8

Travis realizes that the year World War II ended1945is the same year that his grandfather was born. Which one of the following processes is Travis most clearly demonstrating?
  a. elaboration
  b. meaningful learning
  c. rehearsal
  d. internal organization
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6 years ago
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