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leahtrevino leahtrevino
6 years ago
Three of the following strategies are consistent with the textbook's recommendations for talking with parents about a student's misbehavior. Which one is not consistent with the textbook's recommendations?
  A) Ask for parents' opinions regarding possible reasons for the misbehavior.
  B) Point out that the parents are partly to blame for the misbehavior.
  C) Acknowledge that raising children in this day and age is a challenging task.
  D) Try to reach an agreement with the parents regarding an appropriate strategy for dealing with the misbehavior.

Ques. 2

Which one of the following is the major reason why assigning extra schoolwork is not an appropriate punishment for classroom misbehavior?
  A) It gives students the message that classwork is an unpleasant task.
  B) It decreases the likelihood that students will do their assignments appropriately.
  C) It asks students to perform tasks without the scaffolding they need for completing those tasks successfully.
  D) It is negative reinforcement rather than punishment.

Ques. 3

A teacher who is constructively assertive would be most likely to endorse which one of the following aphorisms?
  a. Busy hands are happy hands.
  b. Don't turn your back on the enemy.
  c. There are many reasons for misbehavior, but no excuses.
  d. You'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Ques. 4

Professor Moriarty conducts an experiment to test whether or not the Holmes Approach to Studying Psychology (HASP) is superior to the Watson Approach to Studying Psychology (WASP). He convinces Dr. Ormrod to use HASP in her 9:00 class and WASP in her 10:00 class. Students exposed to the HASP method do better on the final exam than students exposed to the WASP method. Prof. Moriarty concludes that HASP is better than WASP. What is definitely wrong with Moriarty's experiment?
  A) The final exam is not a good measure of what students have learned.
  B) Students in the 9:00 class are probably more motivated.
  C) Students in the 9:00 class are probably smarter.
  D) There are several possible explanations for his results.

Ques. 5

As the textbook points out, teachers must consider cultural differences when dealing with inappropriate classroom behavior. More specifically, teachers should remember that:
  A) Some behaviors they think are inappropriate may be perfectly acceptable in another culture.
  B) Many cultures place little value on the importance of education.
  C) Students from some minority cultures will actively resist being taught in any language except their native tongue.
  D) In most cultures, parents deal severely with children when they misbehave at home.

Ques. 6

In three of the following situations, ignoring a student's misbehavior might be the best approach to take. Considering the textbook's discussion of this strategy, in which situation would ignoring not be advisable?
  A) Anita has whispered a juicy (and apparently very amusing) piece of gossip to her friend, who in turn is passing it along to two others.
  B) Bill breaks a beaker and seems very remorseful that he has done so; he vows to be more careful in the future.
  C) Cathy is usually very attentive in class, but today when the teacher asks her a question, it's clear that she hasn't been listening.
  D) An entire class is excited about their spring break that starts tomorrow.

Ques. 7

Which one of the following examples is most consistent with the textbook's definition of a misbehavior?
  A) Ashley is chewing gum in art class.
  B) Brian is doodling in the margins of his notebook as he takes notes on a lecture.
  C) Caroline has forgotten to bring her lunch today and must borrow a dollar from a friend to buy a hot lunch.
  D) Duncan is using a rubber band as a slingshot to hit other kids with small paper balls during music class.
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