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Derar Derar
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6 years ago
Which one of the following statements reveals a child who is talking about his or her extended family?
  a. I have thirteen brothers and sisters, and I love them all
  b. Can I make a Valentine card to send to my grandmother?
  c. I'm going to spend Thanksgiving with my mom and Hanukkah at my dad's house.
  d. After my parents divorced, my dad moved far away, and I hardly ever see him anymore.

Ques. 2

Four -year-old Caroline's parents are getting divorced. Chances are that Caroline:
  a. Is in total denial that anything bad is happening to her family
  b. Feels relieved that family conflicts will be coming to an end
  c. Is quite understanding about why her parents are splitting up
  d. Thinks that her own bad behavior caused the divorce

Ques. 3

Ten-year-old Nailah was born in California, where she still lives. Both of her maternal grandparents are of African heritage. Her paternal grandmother is Native American and her paternal grandfather emigrated from France. With regard to ethnicity, Nailah would be considered:
  a. American.
  b. assimilated.
  c. multicultural.
  d. multiethnic.

Ques. 4

Acculturation occurs when immigrants:
  a. Gradually take on the customs and values of their new culture
  b. Express puzzlement about how people in their new culture behave
  c. Refuse to abandon their own cultural traditions when living in a new culture
  d. Experience feelings of rootlessness as a result of being immersed in a different culture

Ques. 5

People who call themselves Hispanic come from a variety of countries, each of which has distinct customs and ways of viewing the world. This fact reflects the idea that:
  a. An ethnic group may include a variety of cultures.
  b. The term ethnic group ultimately has no real meaning.
  c. Anthropologists differ in how they define the word culture.
  d. A person's race is a good indicator of what his or her culture probably is.

Ques. 6

The school principal tells you that Mary, a new student who just joined your classroom this morning, is currently living at a homeless shelter. Three of the following strategies are consistent with the textbook's recommendations for working with homeless students. Which one is not consistent with its recommendations?
  a. Pair Mary with a classmate who can show her around the school building and introduce her to other students.
  b. Find some school supplies that Mary can use to do her homework at the shelter.
  c. Ask Mary's parents to meet with you in your classroom after school.
  d. Enlist the aid of volunteers to provide tutoring for Mary at the shelter.

Ques. 7

Three of the following strategies are effective with students from low-income families. Which one is unlikely to be effective?
  a. Communicate clear expectations for students' behavior.
  b. Find out what students do well and build on their strengths.
  c. Show students how academic tasks are relevant to their personal lives.
  d. Lower the standards by which you evaluate students' academic performance.

Ques. 8

Elaine, a social worker, is visiting a potential foster home for 3-year-old Billy. She sees in her case file that the family income is what could generously be called modest. Mr. and Mrs. Stiefer both hold graduate degrees. Mr. Stiefer recently left his lucrative research position due to a chronic health problem and is looking for a part-time position he can more easily handle. Mrs. Stiefer is a poorly paid assistant professor at a local college. As Elaine tours the home, she notes the presence of books, magazines, and periodicals of a serious nature. Most are related to the Stiefers' fields of study. She also sees that the cupboards are stocked with nutritious food and that the home is clean and safe. Based on this information, what should Elaine conclude about the Stiefers' socioeconomic status?
  a. It is quite low because they don't make much money.
  b. It is fairly low because Mrs. Stiefer works outside the home.
  c. It is relatively high because both Mr. and Mrs. Stiefer are well educated and either have or did have prestigious jobs.
  d. It is currently quite low but might become quite high if Mr. Stiefer finds a new job that pays well and taps into his area of expertise.

Ques. 9

Three of the following statements accurately describe youngsters who live in rural areas. Which one is false?
  a. They may have a strong sense of cooperation and social cohesion within their community.
  b. Teenagers in rural communities are more likely to abuse alcohol than teens in other settings.
  c. On average, youngsters in rural settings have fewer productive outlets for recreation than their suburban peers.
  d. Rural youngsters are more likely to participate in extracurricular sports than their peers in cities.

Ques. 10

Sixteen-year-old Jane describes a typical week for her: Weekdays I get up early to take the bus to school. After school I usually go to drama club or else tutor kids at the after-school program in my old elementary school. On weekends I like to go to plays and musicals if I can afford it. Otherwise I just hang out with my friends. We stay indoors, because it's not safe to hang out on the street. What type of community does Jane most likely live in?
  a. Rural
  b. Urban
  c. Suburban
  d. Privileged

Ques. 11

When considering children's and adolescents' cultural and ethnic backgrounds, it is important to keep in mind that:
  a. Some youngsters may simultaneously be active participants in two or more cultural groups.
  b. Youngsters' ethnic identities are almost always stronger than their need to belong to mainstream North American culture.
  c. Youngsters' need to belong to mainstream North American culture is almost always stronger than their ethnic identities.
  d. In the elementary grades, children typically have little conscious awareness that their backgrounds might be different from those of their classmates.
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