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Eminoa Eminoa
Posts: 491
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6 years ago
For a particular gene, the frequency of the dominant allele H is 0.65. The total population size is 10,000 individuals. In
  addition, the homozygous recessive condition results in living but sterile offspring.
  Fill in the table of values for the generations indicated:Generation
   p q p2 2pq q2
  Does this population exhibit Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Why or why not? If not, what assumptions does the Hardy-
  Weinberg principle make that appear to be inapplicable in this situation? What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Why is the Hardy-Weinberg principle important, considering that genetic equilibrium seldom occurs in nature? Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Concepts to Consider: The Hardy-Weinberg equation allows students to calculate the value
for q (0.35) based on the frequency of H (= p). The values for the particular genotypes are
then processed mathematically (the last three columns of the table for generation 1 are 4,225
individuals; 4,550 individuals; 1,225 individuals). The values of p and q in the second
generation are based on the fact that the individuals with the recessive genotype (q2) are
sterile and are therefore removed from the reproductive population. The number of alleles in
the population equals the number of surviving offspring  2, or 17,610. Of these, 13,060 are
dominant H alleles (the number of homozygous dominant individuals  2 + the number of
heterozygous individuals) and 4,550 are recessive h alleles. This allows for the calculation of
new values for p (0.74) and q (0.26) with associated changes in the number of individuals
with each genotype.

Answer to q. 2

Concepts to Consider: The Hardy-Weinberg principle gives a yardstick against which to
measure whether evolution is occurring; its conditions are useful to determine if natural
selection is acting on a population.
Eminoa Author
6 years ago
So that's it? I get an expert answer then we move on with our lives? Not too bad Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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