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toshiroumezawa toshiroumezawa
13 years ago
Given what you know about time constant and length constant, suppose that you were building a neuron to produce an escape network and you wanted the neuron to respond quickly and convey that response to the next neuron in the circuit as fast as possible. What features would you give the neuron?

   A.   A short time constant.
    B.   A long time constant.
    C.   A long length (space) constant.
    D.   A short length (space) constant.
    E.   Both A and C.
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12 Replies

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13 years ago
Here is my take on it,

Myelination increases the speed of conduction by decreasing the time constant and increasing the length constant - Correct? It achieves this by increasing membrane resistance and decreasing capacitance.

So E

Bio_man 8)
13 years ago
If ^ he says its E, then its E for me too Face with Rolling Eyes
~Live well, laugh often, and love with all of your heart!~
13 years ago
Here is my take on it,

Myelination increases the speed of conduction by decreasing the time constant and increasing the length constant - Correct? It achieves this by increasing membrane resistance and decreasing capacitance.

So E

Bio_man 8)

Thanks! I picked that too but wasn't sure. But I have more questions on this subject if you don't mind.

1)In my textbook, the way they depicted time constant makes it seem that if you have a larger time constant, it also takes longer for the curve to decay(not sure if it's the right word). Does that imply that the length constant is longer? Is there any relationship between the two constants?

2)I didn't do well in physics so right now when they talk about capacitance in the course I get very confused. Could you explain what exactly it does in the context of neurons in layman's terms?

Thank you very much!!
13 years ago
To help you understand this better, I will try to discuss how myelination and diameter affect the cable properties of a neuron and affect conduction speeds. Now, to understand how myelination and axon diameter affect conduction speeds, it is important to understand the basics of how current flows along an axon. Positively charged particles enter the cell via channels during an action potential. They then flow through the intracellular fluid up and down the axon. Outside the axon, positive charges are also flowing, but in the opposite direction. To complete the circuit, it is necessary for some charges to cross the membrane, flowing out of the cell. To achieve the greatest speed of conduction, it is important to have low resistance to flow inside and outside the cell, and high resistance across the membrane. This means most of the charge will flow down the axon, rather than out of it. Additionally, we have to think about capacitance. When charges flow across a membrane, they first build up on opposite sides of the membrane, then are able to flow across. If it takes a long time to store up the charge, it will take a longer time for the current to continue flowing down the axon. A large diameter axon will provide a very low internal resistance to flow. A myelinated axon will have a very high resistance to flow across the membrane, and also a very small capacitance. This allows for very high speeds of conduction.

The insulation provided by the myelin sheath has the same effect as increasing the axon's diameter: It causes the depolarizing current associated with an action potential to spread farther along the interior of the axon, bringing more distant regions of the membrane to the threshold sooner. The great advantage of myelination is its space efficiency. A myelinated axon 20 um in diameter has a conduction speed faster than that of a squid giant axon that has a diameter 40 times greater. In a myelinated axon, voltage-gated sodium channels are restricted to gaps in the myelin sheath called nodes of Ranvier. The extracellular fluid is in contact with theaxon membrane only at the nodes. As a result, action potentials are not generated in the regions between the nodes. Rather, the inward current produced during the rising phase of the action potential at a node travels all the way to the next node, where it depolarizes the membrane and regenerates the action potential. This mechanism is called saltatory conduction because the action potential appears to jump along the axon from node to node.
13 years ago
So with respect to the membrane, are high capacitance and high resistance achieving the same thing? Like, high capacitance delays the flow of charge across the membrane, and a high resistance makes charge physically harder to flow out?

I can see why myelination can increase resistance of membrane, but how does it lower capacitance?

Many thanks Slight Smile
13 years ago
... high capacitance delays the flow of charge across the membrane, and a high resistance makes charge physically harder to flow out?

Yes, so you want the capacitance to be low because high capacitance delays the flow of current down the axon, since it's the first place your current goes. On the same note, myelin increases electrical resistance across the cell membrane by a factor of 5,000 and decreases capacitance by a factor of 50. Thus, myelination helps prevent the electrical current from leaving the axon.

I can see why myelination can increase resistance of membrane, but how does it lower capacitance?

Not sure biochemically why, but I think they are tied in with a formula, where one is indirectly proportional to the other.
13 years ago
By the way, how did you find out about the site? Smiling Face with Open Mouth
13 years ago
Wait... capacitance exists along the axon inside the cell? I thought it was on the membranes. Sorry I don't know much about physics. You'll have to bear with me on this Face with Stuck-out Tongue

I think I know what you are talking about. There's an equation relating time constant tau to resistance and capacitance:
tau = RC

I found out about this site by googling one of my homework questions that someone asked here.
Thanks a lot for doing this~! Slight Smile
13 years ago
Wait... capacitance exists along the axon inside the cell? I thought it was on the membranes.

No, you're right. I hope I didn't say otherwise Face with Stuck-out Tongue The cell membrane is said to act as a capacitor, and has a property known as capacitance. A capacitor consists of two conducting regions separated by an insulator (cytoplasm). A capacitor works by accumulating a charge on one of the conducting surfaces. As this charge builds, it creates an electric field that pushes like charges on the other side of the insulator away. This causes an induced current known as a capacitative current. It is important to realize that there is no current between the conducting surfaces of the capacitor. Capacitance then, may be defined two ways, 1) as an ability to store and separate charge, or 2) as the quantity of charge required to create a given potential difference between two conductors. Thus, given a set number of charges on each side of the membrane, a higher capacitance results in a lower potential difference. In a cellular sense, increased capacitance requires a greater ion concentration difference across the membrane.

To be honest toshiroumezawa, my skills in physics are probably no better than yours lol. However, you may find this website (https://biology-forums.com/definitions/index.php/Neurons_As_Biological_Circuits) very helpful with explaining this phenomenon. That's is where I got the information above. According to the article:

In the neuron, the membrane is the insulator between the two conducting surfaces (represented by the aqueous intra and extracellular fluids). A neurons capacitance is proportional to it's membrane surface area, so large neurons, have larger capacitances. Capacitance also decreases with the distance between the two conducting surfaces. Capacitance plays the most important role in the axon, and is involved in action potential generation and propagation. Myelin plays a very important role in this also. Myelination not only increases the membrane resistance of the axon (there is very little ion exchange across the membrane in myelinated regions of the axon), but increases the distance between the conducting surfaces, so decreases membrane capacitance. These factors lead to more rapid conduction of action potentials down the axon and is responsible for the phenomenon known as saltatory conduction.

To review, increased capacitance corresponds to a decreased impulse velocity (speed), and decreased capacitance means a faster impulse velocity. Action potential velocity is slower in unmyelinated axons due to membrane capacitance, short distances between action potential sites (the shorter the distance between action potentials, the more action potentials that are required to travel a given distance of axon), and the presence of passive ion leak channels (these cause a slight decrease in depolarization magnitude due to the loss of some ions). Myelinated axons have much faster action potentials because of three main properties. First, in the internodal regions of myelinated axons the myelin eliminates the loss of ions, and subsequent decrease in depolarization magnitude, by drastically increasing membrane resistance (there is basically no diffusion through passive leak channels under myelin). Second, myelin greatly increases the distances between the extra and intra cellular solutions (the conducting surfaces if the axon where a capacitor), thus decreasing membrane capacitance. Finally, due to myelination, there is a greater distance between the sites of action potentials in myelinated vs. unmyelinated cells. This corresponds to a smaller number of action potentials needed to travel a given axonal distance, and thus a shorter amount of time is required. These properties allow myelinated axons to conduct impulses up to 150 times faster than unmyelinated axons. Many axons however remain unmyelinated. This may seem to be detrimental, but these axons are generally transmitting signals significantly shorter distances, where the increase in speed is not necessary.
13 years ago
Great website Smiling Face with Open Mouth
~Live well, laugh often, and love with all of your heart!~
SPO_LOV Author
13 years ago
based on my knowledge I would have to go with E on this one.
13 years ago
Ah. that makes more sense to me now. Thank you so much! I'll be counting on you for future questions Slight Smile
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