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cangyufeiyi cangyufeiyi
Posts: 56
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5 years ago
1. The CDC is the lead agency that _____.

a. Accredits and licenses acute hospital facilities in the United States.

b. Is responsible for providing vital statistics to various agencies, such as the NCHS.

c. Develops and updates ICD-10 for the world.

d. Is responsible for protecting the health of the people of the United States.

2. The type of statistics that makes inferences or a best guess about a larger group of data by drawing conclusions from a smaller group of data is called

a. Descriptive statistics

b. Inferential statistics

c. Generalized statistics

d. Mathematical statistics

3. Which of the following is considered to be a primary source of data?

a. The inpatient census

b. Vital statistics collected by the NCHS

c. The health record

d. a, b, and c

e. b and c only

4. The division of the Department of Health and Human Services that is responsible for developing healthcare policy in the United States is the _____.

a. CDC

b. CMS


d. WHO

5. A secondary data source includes _____.

a. Vital statistics

b. The medical record

c. The physician’s index

d. A videotape of a counseling session

6. Which user of statistics has the primary job of supporting terminally ill patients and their families?

a. Home health agencies

b. Nursing facilities

c. Hospice

d. MCOs

7. The National Center for Health Statistics keeps statistics on _____.

a. The licensing information on all healthcare providers in the 50 states.

b. Cancer and other deadly diseases in the 50 states and the six US-owned territories

c. Vital statistics, such as births, deaths, and fetal deaths in North America

d. Vital statistics, such as births, deaths, and fetal deaths in the 50 states and the six US-owned territories

8. Which of the following is NOT a primary source of statistics?

a. Health record

b. Vital statistics

c. Hospital census

d. Disease and operation index

9. In order to be useful, the figures used in statistics must be _____.

a. Fair and exact.

b. Valid and reliable.

c. Honest and justified.

d. Simple and clear.

10. To be reliable, statistical data must _____.

a. Have some consistency.

b. Be applicable to what is being measured.

c. Be collected from one source only.

d. Have multiple meanings.

11. A healthcare organization that delivers medical care and manages all aspects of the care or the payment for care by limiting providers of care, discounting payment to providers of care, or limiting access to care is called a _____.

a. Long term care facility

b. Managed care organization.

c. Hospital

d. Hospice agency

12. Facilities may choose to pursue accreditation for their Cancer Registries with the _____.

a. American College of Physicians

b. American Cancer Society

c. American College of Surgeons

d. National Institutes of Health

13. The type of patient who receives care in a hospital-based clinic or department is called a/an _____.

a. Inpatient

b. Outpatient

c. Hospice patient

d. MCO patient

14. The number of inpatients present in a healthcare facility at any given time is called a _____.

a. Survey

b. Census

c. Sample

d. Enumeration

15. An international organization founded by the United Nations, that is the directing and coordinating authority on international heath is called the _____.

a. CDC



d. WHO

1. The CDC is the lead agency that _____.

a. Accredits and licenses acute hospital facilities in the United States.

b. Is responsible for providing vital statistics to various agencies, such as the NCHS.

c. Develops and updates ICD-10 for the world.

d. Is responsible for protecting the health of the people of the United States.

2. The type of statistics that makes inferences or a best guess about a larger group of data by drawing conclusions from a smaller group of data is called

a. Descriptive statistics

b. Inferential statistics

c. Generalized statistics

d. Mathematical statistics

3. Which of the following is considered to be a primary source of data?

a. The inpatient census

b. Vital statistics collected by the NCHS

c. The health record

d. a, b, and c

e. b and c only

4. The division of the Department of Health and Human Services that is responsible for developing healthcare policy in the United States is the _____.

a. CDC

b. CMS


d. WHO

5. A secondary data source includes _____.

a. Vital statistics

b. The medical record

c. The physician’s index

d. A videotape of a counseling session

6. Which user of statistics has the primary job of supporting terminally ill patients and their families?

a. Home health agencies

b. Nursing facilities

c. Hospice

d. MCOs

7. The National Center for Health Statistics keeps statistics on _____.

a. The licensing information on all healthcare providers in the 50 states.

b. Cancer and other deadly diseases in the 50 states and the six US-owned territories

c. Vital statistics, such as births, deaths, and fetal deaths in North America

d. Vital statistics, such as births, deaths, and fetal deaths in the 50 states and the six US-owned territories

8. Which of the following is NOT a primary source of statistics?

a. Health record

b. Vital statistics

c. Hospital census

d. Disease and operation index

9. In order to be useful, the figures used in statistics must be _____.

a. Fair and exact.

b. Valid and reliable.

c. Honest and justified.

d. Simple and clear.

10. To be reliable, statistical data must _____.

a. Have some consistency.

b. Be applicable to what is being measured.

c. Be collected from one source only.

d. Have multiple meanings.

11. A healthcare organization that delivers medical care and manages all aspects of the care or the payment for care by limiting providers of care, discounting payment to providers of care, or limiting access to care is called a _____.

a. Long term care facility

b. Managed care organization.

c. Hospital

d. Hospice agency

12. Facilities may choose to pursue accreditation for their Cancer Registries with the _____.

a. American College of Physicians

b. American Cancer Society

c. American College of Surgeons

d. National Institutes of Health

13. The type of patient who receives care in a hospital-based clinic or department is called a/an _____.

a. Inpatient

b. Outpatient

c. Hospice patient

d. MCO patient

14. The number of inpatients present in a healthcare facility at any given time is called a _____.

a. Survey

b. Census

c. Sample

d. Enumeration

15. An international organization founded by the United Nations, that is the directing and coordinating authority on international heath is called the _____.

a. CDC



d. WHO
Read 279 times
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5 years ago
15. An international organization founded by the United Nations, that is the directing and coordinating authority on international heath is called the _____. a. CDC b. AHRQ c. NCHS d. WHO

5 years ago
14. The number of inpatients present in a healthcare facility at any given time is called a _____. a. Survey b. Census c. Sample d. Enumeration

5 years ago
13. The type of patient who receives care in a hospital-based clinic or department is called a/an _____. a. Inpatient b. Outpatient c. Hospice patient d. MCO patient

5 years ago
12. Facilities may choose to pursue accreditation for their Cancer Registries with the _____. a. American College of Physicians b. American Cancer Society c. American College of Surgeons d. National Institutes of Health

5 years ago
11. A healthcare organization that delivers medical care and manages all aspects of the care or the payment for care by limiting providers of care, discounting payment to providers of care, or limiting access to care is called a _____. a. Long term care facility b. Managed care organization. c. Hospital d. Hospice agency

5 years ago
10. To be reliable, statistical data must _____. a. Have some consistency. b. Be applicable to what is being measured. c. Be collected from one source only. d. Have multiple meanings.

5 years ago
9. In order to be useful, the figures used in statistics must be _____. a. Fair and exact. b. Valid and reliable. c. Honest and justified. d. Simple and clear.

5 years ago
8. Which of the following is NOT a primary source of statistics? a. Health record b. Vital statistics c. Hospital census d. Disease and operation index

5 years ago
7. The National Center for Health Statistics keeps statistics on _____. a. The licensing information on all healthcare providers in the 50 states. b. Cancer and other deadly diseases in the 50 states and the six US-owned territories c. Vital statistics, such as births, deaths, and fetal deaths in North America d. Vital statistics, such as births, deaths, and fetal deaths in the 50 states and the six US-owned territories

5 years ago
6. Which user of statistics has the primary job of supporting terminally ill patients and their families? a. Home health agencies b. Nursing facilities c. Hospice d. MCOs

5 years ago
1. The CDC is the lead agency that _____. a. Accredits and licenses acute hospital facilities in the United States. b. Is responsible for providing vital statistics to various agencies, such as the NCHS. c. Develops and updates ICD-10 for the world. d. Is responsible for protecting the health of the people of the United States.

5 years ago
2. The type of statistics that makes inferences or a best guess about a larger group of data by drawing conclusions from a smaller group of data is called a. Descriptive statistics b. Inferential statistics c. Generalized statistics d. Mathematical statistics

5 years ago
3. Which of the following is considered to be a primary source of data? a. The inpatient census b. Vital statistics collected by the NCHS c. The health record d. a, b, and c e. b and c only

These are examples of primary sources: Inpatient census, vital statistics collected by NCHS, and the health record
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