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5 years ago
I just started this course and it looks daunting.  I am trying to stay on top of it and avoid my usual procrastination.  I can offer help in exchange in the CI major.  Right now I am on week 1 forum due Thursday 2359.  Thanks and Happy New Year!
Read 587 times
10 Replies

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5 years ago
Could you post quiz questions and their answers?
5 years ago
Right now I am on week 1 forum due Thursday 2359.

What's the assignment name? Questions?
When you like a flower, you just pluck it out.
But when you love a flower, you water it daily.
The one who understands this, understands life.

- That's the difference between I like you and I love you.
5 years ago

For AMU INTL 413

Select two of the Questions to Ponder for this week for your posting. Please select only two and do a thorough job on them.  Do not attempt to respond to all of the questions.  We are looking at the basic concepts that we will continue to encounter through the rest of the course in many different time periods and situations.  In each one you may be surprised to find how these ideas continue to influence the outcome of events.
Questions to Ponder:

    What is Denial, hiding the real?
    What is Deception, showing the false?
    How do the two relate to each other?
    What are the roles of security, co-ordination and monitoring in Denial and Deception?
    Why do Denial and Deception continue to succeed in spite of all that is known about them?
    What are the roles of such factors as incomplete information, preconceived ideas and fears in Denial and Deception?

Use examples, demonstrate that you have read the materials, and apply critical thinking skills to earn maximum points on this forum. Provide your sources (name, title, and website is sufficient).
5 years ago
Stumbled upon this:

Why do Denial and Deception continue to succeed in spite of all that is known about them?

An excerpt from an interesting academic discussion I was a part of regarding the applicability of denial and deception in modern warfare/strategic situations:

“I make the enemy see my strengths as weaknesses and my weaknesses as strengths while I cause his strengths to become weaknesses and discover where he is not strong…I conceal my tracks so that none can discern them; I keep silence so that none can hear me.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War

In my opinion, denial and deception continue to succeed despite all that is known about them due to the simple fact that, by definition, they are a way of altering perceived reality. Since reality is a constant and is dynamic, it is always subject to being manipulated for those involved. There are essentially infinite possibilities to alter reality because each moment and situation is unique.

It is similar to playing poker, in that denial and deception is expected, but virtually impossible to discern from the truth. In any strategic situation one side can expect denial and deception from the other, however, discerning the truth from the false reality is extremely difficult. Effective denial and deception could consist of an extremely minor alteration of reality or a total fabrication. These two tactics serve to keep an opposing force off balance and constantly guessing.

One of the main benefits of utilizing denial and deception is that it prevents or greatly increases the difficulty of proper risk calculation and management of the opposing force. Similar to how in poker, one can utilize their betting pattern to manipulate an opponent’s risk management by dictating pot odds/pot equity. Even if the opponent suspects bluffing, sometimes it is simply not worth it to call. This same principle can be utilized in any strategic situation.

Denial and deception will exist and be expected as long as reality itself exists. Therefore, even though the concepts are well known, they will continue to be effective.

Does it help?
Source  http://theartofintelligence.blogspot.com/2010/12/why-do-denial-and-deception-continue-to.html
5 years ago
 Yes, it certainly does help and I especially like the level of the discourse.  A great starting point for me.  Thank you so much!
5 years ago
Yes, it certainly does help and I especially like the level of the discourse. A great starting point for me. Thank you so much!

Do you only need to answer 1 of these questions?
5 years ago

No, I need to do any two of them - of my choice.  Just "beginning to finish up the first one now" Slight Smile 
5 years ago
No, I need to do any two of them - of my choice. Just "beginning to finish up the first one now" Slight Smile

lol OK so i'll try to find something for one of the others and will update this thread after I do
5 years ago
This should help Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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5 years ago

The second download was excellent and fit right into what I was writing at the time.  I would have probably spent ages looking for that information.  Thanks again!
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