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A year ago
I'm not sure if Hollywood's depiction of stoners is true or not, but I don't like the crowd associated with regular weed smokers. They usually elevate the substance to godhood, worshipping it as if it's God's most prized gift to man. Potheads are seen as lazy, unproductive, and they all have this false sense of rationality of which is extremely annoying to me. Furthermore, most heavy users don't pursue a lifestyle that revolves around hard work and perseverance - the same argument can be used for alcoholics (in fact they're even worse). Given what you know about the benefits of marijuana, would you encourage your own children to use it? If the answer is yes, then you know what side you're on...
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Think we are going too offtopic if we continue with the risks tied to the recreational use of Marijuana, but even then we need to differ skunk as thc concentrate with natural Marijuana, think the bbc docu segment [1] hits the nail around the difference, now would prohibition stop the junky hype hm probably not but education and investment in healthy sport trends it will!, the question is how that to be achieved what think is doable if eg. gambling as vice is only state allowed sector from where all money would slip in sport for Youth, think Nederland is good example for this, but again it depends on the model the mentality the perspectives, how and why to expect that mids ghetto and no future ahead the kids would prefer normal lifestyle its logical will get high so would escape its misery of dull and poor reality dependent either on welfare or crime!, the problem now is that this is not only case mids the commieblocks but mids the suburbia too thus go find good demotivation for street'life'style trends, hm maybe as I've said with rural legalization for personal growing many could move on country and with bit machinery ring help alike incentives to be stimulated on farming selfsufficiency altho again that will not resolve the issue with the emptiness in the atheist hearths that nor have fear from Authority from Above nor see Afterlife as possibility and chance so would focus to escape hedonistic trap for "I want it all I want it now" what as always was indulgence in sex&drugs&alcohol almost in every epoch but now when we are for quite some time brainstormed by secularism it became pademic of decadence that actually is stimulated since the introduction of the fiat system and the need trough consumerism to be chased economic growth!, thus per'se simple prohibition or extra legalization will not resolve the risks of the current trends, but to overseen the benefits of having own homegrown remedy that regularly would be used as CBD condiment for extra immunization that is think more than wrong!, hm we can open new thread if You like to address these issues, here in this thread think its better to debate the proposed studies about CBD as T-Cell Booster ,,,
Answer rejected by topic starter
A year ago Edited: A year ago, bio_man
Staying on topic, here's a pretty good review...

Key takeaway:

Considering all the studies conducted on immune responses and inflammation, the data overwhelmingly demonstrate that CBD is immune suppressive and anti-inflammatory (Fig. 1).
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Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
Hm bio_man it would be ontopic if there was suggested some CBD to T-Cell Study, while suggesting like this anti-cbd review as summary by one of the elite peer'review'journal bands plus excited by genetic'medicine'hype [1][1] so this sounds to me not even like digression but spamming (dont take it personal) Slight Smile especially now when I've recently learnt how rigged is the peer'review'process [2][2] thus logically paid propaganda by the pharmaceutical lobby that in its next steps of lobbying would use such arguments for federal legislation in usA probably [3][3]

Anyway I am glad You've posted such general review so would point again how easily can be manipulated the public around the effects on immunity where is not stated whether the mentioned bad side effects are from studies due to CBD derived synthetically or from natural plants, what think needs to be finally resolved what eventually will provoke also interest in bioresonance [4][4] but above all will force many to have own plants instead waiting on others to deliver them this natural booster of Immunity ...

... also more importantly this could open strange hype for questioning of the synthetic biochemistry ~ if this issue with the effectiveness of artificial and natural substance is addressed persistently ~ what think will result with reevaluating of all generic pharmacology and give emphasis on phytotherapy instead chemical mimicry of healing with the current drugs and vitamins! 
A year ago
Hm bio_man it would be ontopic if there was suggested some CBD to T-Cell Study, while suggesting like this anti-cbd review as summary by one of the elite peer'review'journal bands plus excited by genetic'medicine'hype [1][1] so this sounds to me not even like digression but spamming (dont take it personal) especially now when I've recently learnt how rigged is the peer'review'process [2][2] thus logically paid propaganda by the pharmaceutical lobby that in its next steps of lobbying would use such arguments for federal legislation in usA probably [3][3]

Yikes, I just realized it's from "Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research", that's a major blunder from me, sorry! I'll try to find a better one...
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
The seriousness of the impact to the current big'pharma and profit'medicine that could have CBD if it is elevated as acknowledged Immunity Booster is far greater than the need and means to corrupt eg. at least the editor of that journal (journal that belong as I've pointed to band that per'se gives greatest accent to genetic medicine!), aside that the editor also has conflict of interests [1][1] simply if we want to be taken anyhow seriously the peer'review'process after the witnessing of dr. Andrew G Huff (the 2nd footnotes in my previous post) then defacto the same should be "nationalized" and given to the academia exclusively, altho that would not be complete safety from corruption thus it needs to be introduced and eTOS environment where any review will be open to full eforum debate among experts thus challenged the reviewers too, ideally for every study there should be mandatory eforum if it was funded by state money ...
A year ago Edited: A year ago, bio_man

Effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines on cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors in immune cells

Clinical studies have confirmed that CBD reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, inhibits T cell proliferation, induces T cell apoptosis and reduces migration and adhesion of immune cells.



Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol



Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs

Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory response and subsequently attenuate disease symptoms. This property of cannabinoids is mediated through multiple pathways such as induction of apoptosis in activated immune cells, suppression of cytokines and chemokines at inflammatory sites and upregulation of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells.


* Mind you, none of these sources are financially affiliated to the marijuana industry. 
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Thank for Your time and will to contribute the thread ... yet in #1 we can read in the abstract "This review summarizes the chemical and biological effects of CBD and its natural and synthetic derivatives" [1] also in #2 we can see in references that its sum from synthetic cbd too [2][2][2] and finally in #3 also 15 times pointed that s-cbd is used as measure, thus I'll take again the freedom to point that Natural CBD extract has completely different effects than the artificial ... check the studies from the SiFo thread in the first post of this one ...

... practically till this issue is not addressed adequately by the science it will be misused as I suspect as by big'pharma so as by profit'medicine so would be derailed attention of CBD as natural immunity booster and again given emphasis on vaccination as ultimate solution altho fallacy parexcellence if we have in mind that virology is in vacuum!, simply its too big to fail skim in my opinion the chase for superhumanity that is flushed by vaccination as gateway for bionic&genetic revolution so now would be thrown lid by CBD as immunity booster and removing the progress driven by fear pandemic and jabs coercion!, at least this is my conclusion and if You prefer to accept "their" hype it Your free will altho sad choice how many actually are willing to become experimental group for still not fully understood virus theory science and response at best ...


Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
Here is interesting conclusion derived from the two footnoted studies, somewhere before the legalization and commercialization of Marijuana in usA, studies where the accent is not so much on Lymphocytes as on the Thymus (as postprocessing plant for lymphocytes) obviously confirming that the correlation is logical, yet again I would like to see verification by researchers ideally offering comparing results from natural and artificial CBD ...

Both CBD [1] and THC [2] have been shown to cause cancer cell death (apoptosis) in those with thymus cancer. However, these are lab tests, and more research is needed into cannabis’s efficacy for thymus cancer in the real world.
The thymus is located in the upper front part of the chest, and it is the primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. It is an extremely important organ that helps lymphocytes (T-cells) to mature. Cancer of the thymus is a relatively rare cancer, occurring in about 1.5 people for every million people in the US every year. Survival rates for localized or regional cancer of the thymus is quite high – around an 80% or 90% 5 year plus survival rate. If it spreads further, the survival rate drops down to 40%.

... anyway I still cant find dedicated Team if not Institution that tackles specifically CBD as T-Cell Booster!, tho probably there are some, but still knowing how in The Journal of Immunology (in redaction of The American Association of Immunologists) there are published just 54 studies since 1979 I dont see hope that we will see quick paradigm shift [4] altho recently mids the past pandemic there were academic groups that I'll say accidentally jump out in public, still as they've appeared instantly even more instantly were forgotten by the media [5]~[5]~[5][5] simply the emphasis is on vaxing as immunization and thats it!, also I am not sure how much state and private funds are directed towards CBD Immunity research eg. in comparison with other immunity boosting studies, yep it would be interesting to be seen such research investment chart, on what we can confirm or dismiss the assumption that there is intentional suppression of such research and studies by the current med&pharma elites further secured by peer'review'cauldron and regulatory bodies!

And until this is not case. instead to be elevated the benefit of CBD think it will be peddled the idolization of THC, altho as I've already pointed what is harmful noetic hype that instead to be healing on contrary like skunk (earlier hashish overindulgence alike trance) is provoking people to be easy pray for demons-anathema-to-them!, what actually was as always case yet many still cant grasp the true risks from such skunk trend which is maybe not on level of jimson weed possession but how much evil is enough evil!?, how much is enough for someone to be open for spiritual attacks - which tho for many are seen as inspiration from muse (or chillout stoners well) altho defacto an opened door for spiritual parasites, I mean when tobacco smoking is such momentum how much more when the smoke is psychoactive!?, one need just to that to add some spiritual praxis and to drop even further down the drain!, what actually was norm for and in many occult groups [6][6][6] what somehow nowadays again is stimulated how through commercialization is legalized Marijuana and left on the market to offer ultrahigh thc concentrates claiming how that is healing or normal pain killer, hm maybe as such useful for those who are hooked on opiates or benzos, but for fun such trend to be norm cmon, the risks from such inertia will bring if not else dullness if not apathy for many what eventually will pull them on springboard to heavy drugs coz tolerance due to overindulgence with high potent weed!, So on one hand we need to search useful models of Legalization on other demystification of the healing properties of CBD, but what will not become case up until we dont see constant debate on dedicated political and expert eforums so would be reached clarity if not consensus what should be secured right after on referendums ... to be more ridiculous looks like that CBD would become trend for Pets [7] while for us will be some expensive alternative extract that as with all the foods&remedies it would be more convenient to be reached as artificial substitution, Luckily There Are Studies That Are Accenting The Negative Effects Of synthetic cbd, but Hm I do expect if things get on the right track (by "someone") to be introduced wrong gmo'ed seeds that will corrupt the natural weed, So my advice would be in time gather natural cultivated or wild seeds ...
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Here is some interesting review that is addressing somehow maybe more clear the elusive pitch in the studies that CBD is indeed effective yet with negative potential too > an paradox that needs to be resolved fastest as possible so would not be misused by big'pharma for bashing of CBD as immunoboosting remedy ~ what again think is result due to the synthetic cbd studies!!! ~ also as commercial summary it dont gives exact direction from which studies derived the conclusions ...


... I'll reassert my point that as natural extract (if we are speaking also about natural non-gmo strains of CS) its illogical to have negative effects on the immunity, yet again I will not claim blind certainty and Hope this will be vastly researched and confirmed as are many MDs and Scientists pointing that they see and recognize the positive effects but want more research, hm but how much will be enough before we see wide acceptance (by the current obviously heavily biased by big'pharma academia) of CBD as immunity booster, here is one example prof.dr. Reuven Or (former director Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cancer Immunotherapy, Baxter Hadassah Research Center, Jerusalem) who even half decade ago acknowledges the unique potential of CBD altho as guest on canntech conference it could be also seen as biased suggestion of speech [1] yet gives another perspective that its question whether will be further explored how underfunded is CS research!?, and if and when that will be case except differng of studying natural and artificial CBD probably greater accent will need to be given on the issue of dosage or how all receptors behave as ECS and phytocannabinoids so would be achieved desired immunoboosting effect ~ about what I've found only one interesting line from abstrac of some research compeling to this assumption [2] that hm could give maybe direction towards mastering hematopoiesis with phytocannabidoids [3] what also half decade ago is mentioned by the antifauci antiplandemix fighter [...] the virologist dr. Judy Mikovits (founder of M.A.R.C. INC and director of Cancer Biology at EpiGenX) in ontopic webinar where she is examining some study about THC as modulator of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC) [4]~[4] overall this is completely different issue altho defacto potential high natural healing idea but instead about proliferation of Lymphocytes about boosting of the Stem Cells ~ for what probably we would need different thread ... anyway think this examination of dr. JudyM should be regular occurrence as vlogs and blogs of insiders in ECS and Immunology ~ ideally joined in some ontopic thematic eforum so would be raised the attention of the academia and like that to be mobilized as much as possible Researchers on the matter ...
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
... pardon she is not virologist but molecular biologist ... now not that I am some antivirology buff, altho do have almost assurance that indeed there is some old eugenic spin (that coz particular superhumanity lusts) laid path to be seen viruses as invader organism [1] so cant say how adequate for this thread is the next footnoted addressing of dr. JudyM about the plague of corruption (around plandemix and m'rna vaxing) simply she worked and see virology as true science theory, yet aside her earlier career with nihs fauci&co, Still think she has ultra appealing point about CBD as Alternative Immunization  [2][2]~[2][2][2][2] what was further expanded as presentation on cannaexpo in 2020 [3] as short useful info like direction for exploring (the interferon connection is also refreshing info) …

In the next tagged video in ~10th min there is also very unique claim about ECS as basic door for Stem Cells [4] … also in the second interview for the same radioshow (hosted by dr. Michael Karlfeldt on HealthMadeRadio) dr. JudyM is pointing to another interesting claim about retroviruses [5] so in essence we have issue with deficiency of own endocannabinoids in our bodies thus phytocannabinoids come as most needed substitute so would be restored Immunity ... So Make CBD Smoothie or Dressing an Regular Condiment in Your Daily Diet especially if have health issues or need to keep Your Organism Young …  

Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Wow how they measured the viral particles if indeed viruses cant be observed [1] is there maybe some dna virion catcher!?, hm still cant accept that we were all fooled to follow germ theory for whole century, is it really possible such error to accepted promoted defended and imposed as mainstream norm!?

Anyway the point from the next vlogged study is that CBD "effectively eradicated viral RNA expression in the host cells I mean wow they weren't getting the viral expression the virus just couldn't reproduce inside those cells" [2] hm could it be that if studies burst enmasse that "they" could not rig or skew the peer'review'process!?, or good cop bad cop will be now played till tilt away the masses with gmo CS seeds, hm wonder whether already the wild strains are not mutating due to the commercialization of Marijuana and as result the "silent" plunge of gmo'ed strains!?

Odiseizam Author
11 months ago Edited: 11 months ago, Odiseizam
I became aware that CBD plays beneficial role in artherosclerosis as prevention [1] tho now as I can see it can directly and indirectly affect blood vessel recovery, directly as explained by the tagged video below (here is transcript too [2]) while indirectly as booster of T-Cells coz as could be seen from the first tagged url bellow (play huge if not main) role in healing of wounds, thus boosting T-Cells by CBD can be more than useful in treating wounds ... probably it should be seen how will act as oil beneath hydrofiber dressing or as addition in other wound treatments [3][3] and if this is indeed effective fast cardiovascular healing of wounds then CBD Oil should become regular surgery treatment before closing ...

https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/wound.2021.0059 ~ The Role of T Lymphocytes in Cutaneous Scarring
~ Walker D. Short, Xinyi Wang, and Sundeep G. Keswani

Odiseizam Author
11 months ago
Think that for now this thread is enough filled with supporting studies or logic about the ultrabeneficial effects of CBD ... still there are conflicting study results, where intentionally or not, just like in the next review, its not just negated its immunity effects but even bashed as counter-effective, yet dont need to wonder why!, thus I'll shout out again that we must put extra effort in demystification when and how CBD can went rogue, in my opinion if and when its produced synthetically!


Hm, wonder how should I keep my eyes wide shut in context of the eU regulation for CBD remedies to be "restricted from being marketed as medical products improving health" [1][1]
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