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biolove biolove
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Posts: 1723
13 years ago
Biology, 7e (Campbell)
Chapter 1: Exploring Life

Chapter Questions

1)  Which of the following properties or processes do we associate with living things?  
A) evolutionary adaptations
B) energy processing
C) responding to the environment
D) growth and reproduction
E) all of the above
Topic: Overview
Skill: Knowledge

2)  Which of the following sequences represents the hierarchy of biological organization from the least to the most complex level?
A) organelle, tissue, biosphere, ecosystem, population, organism
B) cell, community, population, organ system, molecule, organelle
C) organism, community, biosphere, molecule, tissue, organ
D) ecosystem, cell, population, tissue, organism, organ system
E) molecule, cell, organ system, population, ecosystem, biosphere
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

3)  Which of the following sequences represents the hierarchy of biological organization from the most to the least complex level?
A) organelle, cell, organ system, population, community, ecosystem
B) ecosystem, community, organism, tissue, cell, organelle
C) biosphere, population, organism, cell, tissue, molecule
D) biosphere, community, tissue, organ system, molecule, organelle
E) organism, population, organ system, tissue, molecule, cell
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

4)  What is a localized group of organisms that belong to the same species?
A) biosystem
B) community
C) population
D) ecosystem
E) organ system
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

5)  A maple leaf is at which level in the hierarchy of biological organization?
A) tissue
B) cell
C) organelle
D) organ
E) organ system
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

6)  Which of these is an example of an organelle?
A) chloroplast
B) muscle
C) epidermis
D) intestine
E) maple leaf
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

7)  In terms of the hierarchical organization of life, a bacterium is at the ________ level of organization, whereas a human is at the ________ level of organization.
A) single-celled organism; multicellular organism
B) single organelle; organism
C) organelle; organ system
D) single tissue; multicellular organism
E) tissue; organism
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

8)  Which of these is a correct representation of the hierarchy of biological organization from least to most complex?
A) hydrogen, water, heart muscle cell, heart muscle cell nucleus, heart muscle tissue, heart, human
B) hydrogen, water, muscle cell nucleus, heart muscle cell, heart, heart muscle tissue, human
C) hydrogen, water, heart muscle cell nucleus, heart muscle cell, heart muscle tissue, heart, human
D) water, hydrogen, heart muscle cell nucleus, heart muscle cell, heart muscle tissue, heart, human
E) heart muscle cell nucleus, hydrogen, water, heart muscle cell, heart, heart muscle tissue, human
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

9)  Which of these is a correct representation of the hierarchy of biological organization from least to most complex?
A) organelle of a stomach cell, digestive system, large intestine, small intestine, intestinal tissue, organism
B) organelle of an intestinal cell, digestive system, small intestine, large intestine, intestinal tissue, organism
C) molecule, intestinal cell organelle, intestinal cell, intestinal tissue, digestive system, organism
D) molecule, small intestine, large intestine, intestinal tissue, digestive system, organism
E) molecule, digestive system, digestive cell organelle, small intestine, large intestine, intestinal cell, organism
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

10)  Plants convert the energy of sunlight into
A) the energy of motion.
B) carbon dioxide and water.
C) the potential energy of chemical bonds.
D) minerals.
E) kinetic energy.
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

11)  As a result of photosynthesis, plants release ________ into the atmosphere.
A) methane
B) carbon dioxide
C) water
D) minerals
E) oxygen
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

12)  Which of the following is the main source of energy for producers such as plants and other photosynthetic organisms?
A) sunlight or solar energy
B) carbon dioxide or kinetic energy
C) heat or thermal energy
D) chemicals or chemical energy
E) both B and D  
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

13)  The dynamics of any ecosystem include the following major processes:
A) the flow of energy from sunlight to producers
B) the flow of energy from sunlight to producers and then to consumers
C) the recycling of chemical nutrients
D) the flow of energy to producers and the recycling of nutrients
E) the flow of energy from sunlight to producers and then to consumers, and the recycling of chemical nutrients.
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

14)  For most ecosystems ________ is (are) the ultimate source of energy, and energy leaves the ecosystem in the form of ________.
A) sunlight; heat
B) heat; light
C) plants; animals
D) plants; heat
E) producers; consumers
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

15)  The lowest level of biological organization that can perform all the activities required for life is the
A) organelle-for example, a chloroplast.
B) cell-for example, a skin cell.
C) tissue-for example, nervous tissue.
D) organ system-for example, the reproductive system.
E) organism-for example, an amoeba, dog, human, or maple tree.
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

16)  Which of the following is true regarding deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?
A) Each deoxyribonucleic acid molecule is composed of two long chains of nucleotides arranged in a double helix.
B) Genes are composed of deoxyribonucleic acid.
C) DNA is composed of chemical building blocks called nucleotides.
D) Only A and C are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

17)  What are the basic "building blocks" of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?
A) 100,000 different kinds of proteins
B) 26 different kinds of chromosomes
C) 20 different kinds of amino acids
D) 4 different kinds of nucleotides
E) 3 different kinds of genomes
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

18)  Which of the following types of cells utilize deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as their genetic material?
A) animal  
B) plant  
C) archaea
D) A and B only
E) A, B, and C
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Comprehension

19)  Which of the following statements concerning prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is not correct?
A) Prokaryotic cells lack a membrane-bound nucleus.
B) Prokaryotic cells contain small membrane-enclosed organelles.
C) Eukaryotic cells contain a membrane-bound nucleus.
D) DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is present in both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.
E) DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
Topic: Concept 1.1
Skill: Knowledge

20)  Which of the following is reflective of the phrase "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts"?
A) high-throughput technology
B) emergent properties
C) natural selection
D) reductionism
E) feedback regulations
Topic: Concept 1.2
Skill: Knowledge

21)  In order to understand the chemical basis of inheritance, one must understand the molecular structure of DNA.  This is an example of the application of ________ to the study of biology.
A) evolution
B) emergent properties
C) reductionism
D) the cell theory
E) feedback regulation
Topic: Concept 1.2
Skill: Comprehension

22)  The chemical reactions within cells are regulated by organic catalysts called
A) feedback activators.
B) feedback inhibitors.
C) enzymes.
D) metabolites.
E) nutrients.
Topic: Concept 1.2
Skill: Knowledge

23)  Once labor begins in childbirth, contractions increase in intensity and frequency until delivery. The increasing labor contractions of childbirth are an example of
A) a bioinformatic system.
B) positive feedback.
C) negative feedback.
D) feedback inhibition.
E) both C and D
Topic: Concept 1.2
Skill: Comprehension

24)  When blood glucose level rises, the pancreas secretes insulin, and as a result blood glucose level declines.  When blood glucose level is low, the pancreas secretes glucagon, and as a result blood glucose level rises.  Such regulation of blood glucose level is the result of
A) catalytic feedback.
B) positive feedback.
C) negative feedback.
D) bioinformatic regulation.
E) both A and B
Topic: Concept 1.2
Skill: Comprehension

25)  There are approximately ________ identified and named species.
A) 1,800
B) 180,000
C) 1,800,000
D) 18,000,000
E) 180,000,000
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Knowledge

26)  Which branch of biology is concerned with the naming and classifying of organisms?
A) informatics
B) schematic biology
C) taxonomy
D) genomics
E) evolution
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Knowledge

27)  Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells generally have which of the following features in common?
A) a membrane-bounded nucleus
B) a cell wall made of cellulose
C) ribosomes
D) flagella or cilia that contain microtubules
E) linear chromosomes made of DNA and protein
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Knowledge

28)  Which of the following are characteristics shared by members of both domain Bacteria and domain Archaea?
A) cytosol
B) nucleus
D) A and C only
E) A, B, and C
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Knowledge

29)  What are the two classifications of prokaryotes?
A) domain Bacteria and domain Eukarya
B) domain Archaea and kingdom Monera
C) domain Eukarya and kingdom Monera
D) domain Bacteria and kingdom Monera
E) domain Bacteria and domain Archaea
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Knowledge

30)  All eukaryotes belong to which group(s)?
A) domain Bacteria
B) domain Archaea
C) domain Eukarya
D) kingdom Protista
E) both C and D
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Knowledge

31)  Species that are in the same ________ are more closely related than species that are only in the same ________.
A) phylum; class
B) family; order
C) class; order
D) family; genus
E) kingdom; phylum
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Comprehension

32)  Two species belonging to the same genus must also belong to the same
A) kingdom.
B) phylum.
C) class.
D) order.
E) all of the above
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Comprehension

33)  Which of these is reflective of the hierarchical organization of life from most to least inclusive?
A) kingdom, order, family, phylum, class, genus, species
B) phylum, class, order, kingdom, family, genus, species
C) kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
D) genus, species, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family
E) class, order, kingdom, phylum, family, genus, species
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Knowledge

34)  A water sample from a hot thermal vent contained a single-celled organism that lacked a nucleus.  What is its most likely classification?
A) domain Eukarya
B) domain Archaea
C) kingdom Animalia
D) kingdom Protista
E) kingdom Fungi
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Comprehension

35)  A maple tree is classified into domain ________ and kingdom ________.
A) Eukarya; Animalia
B) Eukarya; Fungi
C) Eukarya; Plantae
D) Eukarya; Protista
E) Bacteria; Archaea
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Comprehension

36)  A new species has been discovered. Individuals of this species are multicellular eukaryotes that obtain nutrients from decomposing organic matter. How should this species be classified?
A) domain Bacteria, kingdom Prokaryota
B) domain Archaea, kingdom Bacteria
C) domain Eukarya, kingdom Plantae
D) domain Eukarya, kingdom Protista
E) domain Eukarya, kingdom Fungi
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Comprehension

37)  A new species has been discovered.  Individuals of this species are multicellular eukaryotes that obtain their energy-providing nutrients by ingesting other organisms.  How should this species be classified?
A) kingdom Archaea
B) kingdom Bacteria
C) kingdom Plantae
D) kingdom Protista
E) kingdom Animalia
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Comprehension

38)  You have just discovered a new species that has starch, rather than DNA, as its genetic material. You are elated because you may have just discovered a new
A) member of kingdom Protista.
B) member of domain Bacteria.
C) member of domain Archaea.
D) member of domain Eukarya.
E) domain of life.
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Comprehension

39)  Which of these provides evidence of the common ancestry of all life?
A) the ubiquitous use of catalysts by living systems
B) the universality of the genetic code
C) the structure of the nucleus
D) the structure of cilia
E) the structure of chloroplasts
Topic: Concept 1.3
Skill: Comprehension

40)  Which of the following is (are) true of natural selection?  
A) requires genetic variation
B) results in descent with modification
C) involves differential reproductive success
D) B and C only
E) A, B, and C
Topic: Concept 1.4
Skill: Knowledge
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Read 11423 times
2 Replies

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12 years ago
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12 years ago

The answer key is attached.  I am assuming you're not able to open it?

These are the answers to the questions:

1. E
2. E
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. E
12. A
13. E
14. A
15. B
16. E
17. D
18. E
19. B
20. B
21. C
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. C
26. C
27. C
28. D
29. E
30. C
31. B
32. E
33. C
34. B
35. C
36. E
37. E
38. E
39. B
40. E
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