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Cremeux Cremeux
Posts: 4510
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9 years ago
Which of the following is an example of deductive thinking?
A) figuring out who was the killer in a Perry Mason story by carefully considering all of the clues
B) predicting what a friend would do in a particular situation based on your thorough knowledge of how this friend reacts
C) developing a theory of planetary motion by observing the movement of planets in the night sky
D) None of the above
Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry

Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry

Edition: 8th
Read 258 times
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9 years ago
B) predicting what a friend would do in a particular situation based on your thorough knowledge of how this friend reacts
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill
Cremeux Author
9 years ago
Will mark your answer as best, thanks again.
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