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Homer Homer
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12 years ago
Need a little help on PhysioEx 9.0, Exercises 8, Chemical and physical processes of digestion

The following questions refer to Activity 2: Exploring Amylase Substrate Specificity.

1. Describe why the results in tube 1 and tube 2 are the same.
2. Describe the result in tube 3. How well did the results compare with your prediction?
3. Describe the usual substrate for peptidase.
4. Explain how bacteria can aid in digestion.

The following questions refer to Activity 3: Assessing Pepsin Digestion of Protein.

1. Describe the effect that boiling had on pepsin and how you could tell that it had that effect.
2. Was your prediction correct aboutthe optimal pH for pepsin activity? Discuss the physiological correlation behind your results.
3. What do you think would happen if you reduced the incubation time to 30 minutes for tube 5?

The following questions refer to Activity 4: Assessing Lipase Digestion of Fat.
1. Describe the activity of lipase with and without the addition of bile salts. Refer to Chart 4 for pH values.
2. Is the activity of bile a chemical or a physical process? Explain.
3. What pH resulted in the maximum pancreatic lipase activity? How does this optimal pH correlate to the enzyme’s location in the body?
4. Explain whether or not we can determine fat hydrolysis in tube 5. Why or why not?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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12 years ago
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This verified answer contains over 470 words.
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Homer Author
12 years ago
Are you sure these are for answers for PhysioEx 9.0 Neutral Face  The questions are different then 8.0.

Activity 2: Exploring Amylase Substrate Specificity.
1. Describe why the results in tube 1 and tube 2 are the same. Is not a yes or no question.

you have 4 answers for activity 3 and there is only 3 questions PhysioEx 9.0  Confounded Face

I appreciate the quick response but I'm a little skeptical of the answers, and I will continue to do the exercises. Checking back to confirm what answers I come up with the ones you have provided.  Smiling Face with Glasses

Answer rejected by topic starter
12 years ago
Duddy is correct, my version of PhysioEx 9 is the same.
Homer Author
12 years ago
What are you talking about...look at what I posted, ok let's break this down.

PhysioEx 9.0, Exercises 8, Chemical and physical processes of digestion

The following questions refer to Activity 2: Exploring Amylase Substrate Specificity.

1. Describe why the results in tube 1 and tube 2 are the same. This is not a yes or no question!

1. No, amylase doesn't use cellulose as a substrate. Starch is the substrate for amylase. Neutral Face

2. Describe the result in tube 3. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Tube 3 is Amylase ans Cellulose....Not Bacteria

2. The bacteria were able to digest the cellulose because they produce the enzyme, cellulase.Neutral Face

3. Describe the usual substrate for peptidase. What is the USUAL   substrate for peptides?

3. The peptidase had no effect on the starch because the substrate for peptidase is peptides and proteins.

4. Explain how bacteria can aid in digestion. the smallest subunit aiding in digestion???

4. The smallest subunit that starch can be broken down into is glucose.

The following questions refer to Activity 3: Assessing Pepsin Digestion of Protein.

1. Describe the effect that boiling had on pepsin and how you could tell that it had that effect. What glands, Gastric juice?Neutral Face?

1. The optimum pH matches the pH secreted by gastric glands. Gastric juice is also about pH 2.

2. Was your prediction correct about the optimal pH for pepsin activity? Discuss the physiological correlation behind your results. This looks good!!!

2. Since the pH of the mouth is closer to neutrality, you would expect pepsin to be slightly active but not as
active as it is in the stomach at pH 2. looks goods

3. What do you think would happen if you reduced the incubation time to 30 minutes for tube 5? There not asking about subunit products.

3. The subunit products of digestion are peptides and amino acids.Neutral Face??

There is no question 4, in PhysioEx 9.0, Exercise 8 this sends up a red flag.

4. The smallest subunit that starch can be broken down into is glucose.Neutral Face?? again no question 4...

Do you see what I mean?

The Review sheet for Exercise 8 is on page 127 and 128,   

ISBN-13: 978-0-321-81557-6   OR    ISBN-10 0-321-81557-2

just check the book out and see if your using the right one.....please.
Answer rejected by topic starter
12 years ago
There is no question 4, in PhysioEx 9.0, Exercise 8 this sends up a red flag.

Homer: I noticed that too, but Duddy posted the answers that correspond to the activities you needed help on. Whether or not they are in the correct order, that's up for debate.
Answer rejected by topic starter
Staff Member
12 years ago
The following questions refer to Activity 3: Assessing Pepsin Digestion of Protein.

1. Describe the effect that boiling had on pepsin and how you could tell that it had that effect.
2. Was your prediction correct aboutthe optimal pH for pepsin activity? Discuss the physiological correlation behind your results.
3. What do you think would happen if you reduced the incubation time to 30 minutes for tube 5?

The following questions refer to Activity 4: Assessing Lipase Digestion of Fat.
1. Describe the activity of lipase with and without the addition of bile salts. Refer to Chart 4 for pH values.
2. Is the activity of bile a chemical or a physical process? Explain.
3. What pH resulted in the maximum pancreatic lipase activity? How does this optimal pH correlate to the enzyme's location in the body?
4. Explain whether or not we can determine fat hydrolysis in tube 5. Why or why not?

Sorry about the confusion, but here's the part...

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egenette,  Britty799,  sahasa23,  elacevedo,  biczus
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Homer Author
12 years ago
I think I know, were I went wrong. I need the Review Sheet questions. Maybe this will help?
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Answer rejected by topic starter
Staff Member
12 years ago
List the substrate and the subunit product of amylase.

The substrate of amylase is animal starch and the product is maltose and glucose.

What effect did boiling and freezing have on enzyme activity? Why? How well did the results compare with your prediction?

The boiling denatured the enzyme and inactivated it as predicted. The freezing has no effect on the enzyme.

You mean these? Thinking Face
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Homer Author
12 years ago
duddy, I think our books are different. My activity questions are not the same as yours.
11 years ago
Were all the exercise 8 review questions posted?
11 years ago
this was all very much confusing  Neutral Face
11 years ago
thanks for the help guys! It helped me understand a little more  Wink Face
11 years ago
The answers were out of order but I figured it out. Thanks!
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